25) Hybrids

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FYI: I don't know if this is a thing in America, but British schools have 'sets' in every year group, usually numbered 1 to 5. The smartest kids are put in set 1, and the less intelligent in set 5.

After what had happened at the weekend, Sam flat out refused to leave my side at any point, except when I had to go to school. Even then, he made me promise to call him every lunch and break-time and the one time I didn't, he spammed Mika with phone calls, petrified that something had happened. It hadn't, of course. I'd just gotten held back after a maths class because apparently, I'd called a student a bitch. I assumed it was one of Lisette's groupies who'd gone to the teacher, who all still resented me for the fight between us the other week. Ronnie, who'd been moved into my classes because the teachers thought he was too smart to be in the set he was in, somehow saved me from the lecture. He had an uncanny ability to make people believe whatever he said, so when he told the teacher that it was the other way around, she somehow believed him, even though technically nobody had said anything to anyone.

We walked out of the class together and saw Mika, who didn't look impressed. She held up her phone and my eyes widened when I saw she had 23 missed calls and 17 texts from Sam. Even as I looked, her phone rang again and I grabbed it off her, sliding the button to answer.
"Oh my god, Phoenix..." Came my boyfriend's voice from the phone. "Where the fuck have you been? You have no idea how close I was to coming to your school to see if you were okay." I could hear him practically sobbing from the relief and my heart twisted with guilt.
"I'm so sorry, I got held back after class; some bitch tried to get me in trouble. I'm absolutely fine, I promise."
"Good..." Sam let out a final breath of relief. "I suppose I should save the panic for after school, huh?" He let out a hollow chuckle. "At least you're alright." I felt the weight of the situation even through the phone. Sam was truly terrified.
"No, it's okay. Just... Try not to spam Mika." He gave another hollow laugh.
"Right, right. You're sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Sam, I'm okay. I gotta go before I get in trouble for real, though. I love you."
"Love you too, Nix." The call ended and I gave Mika her phone back.

"What the hell was that about?" She asked. My stomach clenched, but Ronnie came to my rescue once again.
"Sam got a call asking if he knew where Nix was, and it made him worry, especially when Nix didn't answer their phone. That's why he called you." I stared at him. My phone buzzed and I grew even more confused when I saw the text from Sam.
Cleared it up, the call was from a college asking for you. I love you. How in the fuck did he know that was the cover-up Ronnie used? I showed the text to Mika and she still didn't look happy but she did look slightly less concerned. Without another word, she shook her head and walked off towards Naomi and Suzu, leaving Ronnie and me by ourselves.
"I hate that I made him so worried..." I said quietly.
"Well, you did try to pitch yourself off a balcony right in front of him. Are you surprised?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No, but still..." Ronnie shook his head at me and I sighed.

Ronnie was the only person who knew about the 'incident' aside from me and Sam. I didn't want to tell Mika because I knew she'd freak out and probably tell her parents, or even Suzu and Naomi. Still, Sam refused to let me leave the mansion unless someone who went to school with me knew, so in the end we thought Ronnie was the best option. Sam trusted Ronnie simply because I did, which made my heart light. Ronnie and I hardly left each other's sides anyway, given that we shared all of our classes. Keeping it a secret was even easier now as well, because our friendship group was slowly splitting apart. Nobody minded, particularly. It was just that Ronnie and I got on better than the girls did with us and they got on with each other better than Ronnie and I did with them. It was slowly becoming just me and Ronnie and neither of us cared. I saw Mika all the time anyway, given that I lived with her, and Naomi still drove us to and from school.

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