54) Trouble

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Life was good. Which wasn't a phrase I ever thought I would truly believe, but there I was. I was twenty-three years old, happily married to the man of my dreams and a lifetime of love in front of me. I had more friends than I'd ever had throughout my entire childhood combined, and I was eagerly awaiting news from a publisher about my first ever fully written book that I was hoping to release. Complete wild fantasy spawned in my brain, filled with demons and angels, faeries and warlocks, werewolves and vampires. It was actually a book I'd been working on since I was fourteen but it had only truly come to fruition in the last few weeks. Now I was just waiting and praying.

Sam, of course, was fully supportive and it was difficult to get him to put my book down before he finished the whole thing in the span of a week. I was overjoyed that he liked it as much as he did and I hoped it was a good omen for my future readers. If I ever had any. In fact, I was expecting news about my book in the next few hours, as it was a Friday afternoon, the day the publisher said he'd get back to me. Sam was at work and I was flopped on the sofa in the living room, replaying the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess yet again. A game that I somehow hadn't forced Sam to play yet, even after five years. My best friend and technically brother-in-law Ronnie was sat next to me in much the same position, eyes glued to the screen as he watched me fire arrows at a giant spider, the main boss for one of the dungeons. My furry black cat, Leon, was lounged on the sofa with us, stretched out across Ronnie's stomach and rumbling away like a car engine.

"Fuck off!" I snapped irritably as the spider shot a laser from the eye which was for some reason in its back. Ronnie snickered at my frustration and I had to resist hitting him with the gamepad in my hands. I settled for sending him a glare that told him he'd get a worse beating than this spider if he didn't shut up. He took the hint and fell silent, but out of my peripheral vision, I could see him smirking to himself. I finally shot the final arrow at the eye of the spider which was crawling around on the floor and cried out in victory.
"I killed it! Fuck yeah!" I ignored Ronnie's raised eyebrow and smiled to myself happily. As he silently regarded me, I suddenly felt Sam's presence behind me and while I didn't know why he was home so early, I knew he was going to try and jumpscare me.
"Don't you fucking dare, Sam." I said without even glancing behind me. He groaned slightly and ruffled my hair.
"How did you know?"
"Soul-binding, remember? I can sense your presence." Ronnie joined me in laughing at Sam's crestfallen face and glanced at his phone before swearing under his breath.
"Shit. Well, I gotta go. Matthew has to go back to work so I need to go look after my literal demon-spawn of a child."

"Fuck, that's right. I keep forgetting you have a kid." I muttered. He chuckled and waved, giving Sam a random high-five before he walked out of the door. As a gay couple, Ronnie and Matthew couldn't have their own kids, so they'd settled for adopting a young incubus demon named Ignaeis (his human name was Aiden) who'd lost both of his original parents in the war we'd been a part of. They'd been approached one day by Fae, who made a spectacle of appearing through their gate spell and landing directly on top of Sam, who'd been just about to head to work. It was from the faerie that I found out about all the orphaned children, and it just so happened that Ronnie and Matthew were in the living room behind me. So, they decided to adopt one of the incubus kids. He was only seven in human years but as far as I could tell, he loved having Ronnie and Matthew as his dads. They'd had him for almost a year by that point; the war was only a year and a bit ago. The rest of the incubi had settled back into the lives they'd had before the war. Mika was currently in England working for her charity and this time, she'd taken Erik with her. James and Iridessa were the same as they'd always been but James had been working on the toy company so much that even my estranged father, Mr Anderson, had to grudgingly admit he did an amazing job of it. Damien and Twila hadn't changed much, but Twila had subtly whispered to me one day that they were thinking about having a child.

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