Common Prey

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Two years passed. It was surprisingly seldom that Bane ever saw her after that mission, and when they did see each other, it was always a curt nod in greeting, from her part, and then she always disappeared very soon after that. Even so, Bane heard of her more and more. She was rising in the bounty hunters ranks during these years, but they never crossed paths when hunting their quarries. Never had a common prey. She always seemed to be somewhere else and what he heard was that she took riskier missions all the time. The marks she carried verifying this were visible on the occasions when he did see her; Some more scars, a couple of fingers replaced with mechanical ones. Nothing major, but it was clear that the missions took their toll. Bane wondered what was driving her those days. After two years she was considered to have climbed onto the unofficial top five list of bounty hunters, but still they never met on the hunt.

It was odd, and a pity, he thought, and immediately scowled at to the idea. Why couldn't he shake that woman from his mind? Even after two years recurring thoughts worked their way into his mind of what she was doing, where she was, or what intelligence she would have gathered, her habit to work her upper body bent over a table, or sitting in the cockpit's second chair in a laid-back way, feet up in a leaning position... Then Bane shook his head irritated again. Why the fuck could he not just drop it?

One day word came down from the Guild of a brand new contract, with the reward generous enough to catch his interest. It was about delivering a Chiss male back into the Empire's hands. He did not ask why, it was not his business, but he smirked. He already knew where the target had been laying low before he got a price of his head and his name on the bounty list, so he had an advantage. It took only a few days to get there, but when he approached the hideout he saw a familiar figure outside, closing a lid of a hovering, man-sized trunk where a glimpse of blue could be seen. ...Well, it seems she was faster, though Bane did not know how she had been able to gather intel and get here so quickly. For a moment he thought of his next step. He was curious, he admitted, of her strategy. It was a bit unconventional as she was wearing gear more typical to port workers. Bane decided to follow her and saw her entering a room near the cargo bays of a common space port. Where the hell was her ship?

Well, maybe it is time to exchange a few words at last... Bane went to the door and found it unlocked. It led to a large room where he saw the trunk in the corner. A fleeting thought of their first crossing, him stepping through the Dalcassian's open door came into his mind. Too easy again. As an answer his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice behind him.

"Should have known." Her tone was resentful.

Bane turned his head and found himself looking at the barrel of a blaster. Before he could think how to react the gun was lowered and she walked past him with a vexed look on her face and went to sit on a chair, leaving Duros by the door.

"Been a while," Bane started, staring at her.

She glared right back at him and it was clear she wasn't happy about this reunion.

"Yeah, I do my research well. You don't like weaknesses, I do not like competition. ...But it seems this time I wasn't fast enough."

Bane was not sure how to respond. There was a sting in the words, but her posture was just surrendered.

She sighed and threw the remote for the hovering trunk to Bane.

"There. Have it."

Bane looked at her dumbfounded, eyes narrowing when catching the device.

"I am not an idiot. I know I cannot defeat you from this distance to hold my bounty, so there you go," she said flatly, gesturing towards the crate.

Bane was not sure how to react. She seemed reluctant to continue the discussion, watching the outside through a small window, but after two years and finally having the possibility, he was not going to just walk out straight away without a little chat.

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