Slow morning disturbed: Part 2/3

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"Grab something," Bane growled. "It's not gonna be the smoothest landing I've made."

She cursed and gave the last boost to the front's particle shields to prevent at least some of the damage before trying to position herself in the second chair to embrace the impact.

It was long, very long time since she had been in Bracca, and she didn't have fond memories of it. The planet was a graveyard of ships that were being dismantled of anything valuable and useful. Most of it was under the rule of the Scrapper Guild who were a problem themselves, claiming the ownership over almost anything that could not identify themselves being under Empire's rule, and like that would have not been enough there were individual scrappers and lowlife that could make your stay more than unpleasant.

The Justifier hit the ground harshly, but Bane had been able to steer it to the area where all around emerging skeletons of ships gave away to a clear path between them. It was still a rough crash, and she hit her head hard on the panel when flying out of the chair. She tried to clear her head, hearing just the sounds of alarms, seeing smoke filling the cockpit, and blinking lights flashing through the diminishing view.


She saw the Duros gathering himself in the chair, shaking his head. She sighed in relief, and heard that the Justifier's automatic extinguishers were fortunately still working, and the systems started to ventilate the smoke out.

She went to the mechanical room, and Bane started the diagnostics. Results were stultifying.

"We are not gonna get out of here in some time. ...And I am not even sure if we can repair all this without spare parts. ...But it's doable. If we last here without being found out that long, I mean." she glanced at Bane again.

"Well let's make sure then, that no one gets any bad ideas. I take care of that and take a look around, you start the repairs."

She just nodded, gave a heavy sigh, and started working.

Bracca smelled metallic. It tasted metallic. Though the air was breathable it was so heavily covered by the decaying ships that it was hard to think what the atmosphere without the smell of different chemicals and fuels now leaking into the soil, and evaporating to air would have smelled. Still, it was breathable, and she was happy about that. She was so concentrated on work that this time Bane startled her when he came back. Karking schoon, she scolded herself. What if it wouldn't have been Bane?

"There's no one to be seen around and we are well out of the area of the Guild's operating zone, so we should be good. I'll take care of ...precautions..." Bane went to secure the perimeter around the ship.

She smiled. Poor bastard who would try to get to the ship.

A few days went by, and they worked tirelessly to get the justifier up and running again. They had put up a surveillance zone, so there was not too much of a risk that anyone could sneak up on them without being noticed. All was going well, and most of the repairs were done when she finally gave up, throwing the magnaspanner on the floor.

"Druk." Her voice was defeated after she had been doing adjustments, running scans, and checking diagnostics half of the day over and over again. "I cannot get her up. The second engine's modulator array is so badly fried I cannot repair it. I cannot get the systems to communicate. We need a new part." She sat on the floor unnerved.

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" Bane just shrugged his shoulders. "Nobody expects you to do something that is impossible, Lady."

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