Going Undercover: Part V

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Ok. I had this part envisioned in my head. Delivering the prey, preparing for the next mission, all that jazz. Then. I've had a longer phase to write mostly action (still do), but now I really wanted to write smut of them. So this is mostly that. I got some good new ideas and twists, so this also serves the story, but it's still mostly smut. And I remind you, that I do not treat Bane as a human, but I love the aspect of his reptilian ...traits. So, you may consider this spicy. Or disturbing, or whatever. I considered it fun to write and enjoyed it. 

Now you have been warned. It's smut.


All was going too well now, as they were travelling through the hyperspace towards Nar Shaddaa. Nothing indicated that they were pursued anymore, and there wasn't any way they could be tracked down on their way. She had checked the Chagrian several times, and there weren't any additional trackers hidden. Yeah, Brella's capture itself had caused more than its fair share of havoc, and she was worried if Brellas would start a campaign to hunt them down just out of spite. At least going to Coruscant with the Justifier was off-limits for now without some heavy precautions... Bane would surely be recognized, but the Duros had just waved his hand dismissively when they had discussed about the probable aftermath before the mission. "Add it on the list, Lady. Of course they will recognize me from the feeds." She sighed. It was true that Bane was accustomed to someone wanting his head. She, on the other hand, was more keen to stay out of the radar, not wanting her history to catch up on her, and she still shuddered sometimes when remembering the Bazos. Well, it can't be helped. Now reap what you sow. Doing this was your idea. Still, she couldn't help but smile, when her eyes locked with Bane's, who was also having a smug, pleased grin on his face when eyeing her. Even after all her doubts she was thrilled. They had pulled out a stunt no bounty hunter had been able to do in over six years. Did that make them really good, or really stupid? To be fair, she didn't know. So dwelled in her thoughts, she hadn't even noticed Bane rising off his chair before he passed her, his arm nudging her shoulder.

"Let's go and have a chat with our bounty, Lady."

She furrowed her brows. What did they need to chat about with him? She shrugged her shoulders, and followed Bane, who turned to others before descending the ladders.

"Todo, see to it with Aurra, that our ride goes smoothly and we are not being followed. And, you, circuit-brain, see that our guest doesn't get any funny ideas and stays where she is." Bane pointed his last words to R3, and nodded towards Ziiba, who had been quietly sitting at the back of the ship.

R3's answer didn't require anyone to understand binary. The offended, outraged tone of the beeps and whirrs was very obvious. Bane didn't even care to listen, already disappearing downstairs. She just shook her head. Bane didn't forgive nor forget, and after R3 had tried to electrocute him all those years back, the Duros and her droid had been bumping heads time and again.

They saw Brella laying on the bench, his back turned on them. Maybe sleeping, maybe not, but defeated nonetheless.

"What did you want to discuss with him about?" She asked Bane, her eyebrow raised.

The Duros turned towards her, a surprised look on his face. "You can't be that thick, can you?" Saying that, grinning, Bane was already pushing her against the wall. "You really thought I came down here to discuss with him?"

There was a dumbfounded look on her face. This wasn't like Bane, to risk someone noticing, letting anyone see them.

"You Ahoo!? He can see us," she pointed at Brella, "and others can hear us, or just come down here!"

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