A Lesson to be learned

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When Bane carried her in, and laid her down to the table where Todo had obediently brought everything that was stored on the Justifier, he was sure it was a lost case. She had lost consciousness right after regaining it for that short moment. Good for both of us, he thought. Bane's medkits were not poorly stocked, and it was not a new thing for the Duros to patch himself up, but this was on a totally different level. Only chance might be if I can stabilize her just long enough for us reach the nearest medical facility that might be able to handle this, and that's a couple of hours' jump away... Bane gathered the bacta from the kits, and unceremoniously inserted all the ampoules he had on her chest, throat, and head with the injector. Slim chance, he thought.

He left Todo to patch the more heavily bleeding wounds, and monitor her. Bane entered the navigation coordinates for the small medical facility that asked less questions, and did not care about one sought out bounty hunter bashing in. When they arrived, the medical droids were already waiting outside. She was barely breathing by then, but that was at least better than being dead already. It wasn't the first time Bane was here, and a familiar Khil came out to greet him.

"It has been a while." The Khil watched as the droids assembled devices and cannulas when taking her inside. "You have never brought anyone else." The Khil's voice was somewhat surprised.

"It's not your business. I pay you, and you play not being interested in what has happened," Bane growled, not going to explain himself one bit.

"Always such a charmer," the Khil replied calmly, not caring about Bane's tone the slightest.

It took almost six hours before the Khil came out from the operating room to the corridor. Bane was waiting there, not even caring to pretend to be indifferent.

"You were lucky the bacta tank was free. She wouldn't have lasted even an hour longer."

"So, she's gonna make it?"

The Khil looked at Bane curiously.

"Uncertain. There is a problem."

Bane listened to what the Khil explained to him.

"Do it. I don't care. If there's no other way, just do it."

The Khil nodded. "It will take some time. I'll let you know when it's done, and if she survives the procedure."

Bane didn't say anything. He went back to the Justifier and started preparations for the take-off.

It was late that evening when the Justifier's comm link was hailed. Bane thought for a moment if he wanted to know, but eventually opened the channel.

"She has been stabilized, and will be held in a coma for a couple of weeks. It will take time to heal and adjust," the Khil's voice calmly explained.

Bane hadn't even realised he had been holding his breath while listening, but now his stiffened frame slumped deep in the chair, as he exhaled after the Khil's words.

"Good. I will be back later." He tried to keep his voice dry and sharp.

With that Bane left the med center's landing platform, and set course for Neimoidia. He had some business to attend to, and someone had a lesson to learn. His first attempt to reach the Bazos ended in vain, however. The head of the Bazos family had obviously learned what had happened, and being true to his race's cowardice personality trait, had fled to some unknown location. Bane grunted. It was only slowing the inevitable, hiding from a bounty hunter. Still, he did not want to use any more time on this than was necessary. So maybe a bit of a help is in order, he thought when sending hailing codes. Bane had a couple of days before his help was to arrive at the rendezvous point, and during that time Bane was able to find out the flight plan, and destination where the Bazos' family head had fled.

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