Going Undercover: Part VI

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They got to Nar Shaddaa without any problems. No ships pursuing them, nobody facing them when they arrived at the landing zone in Hutta town. Nothing. Bane had sent the message to the Hutts on their way here, informing them who they were bringing in this time. After some time the Justifier was hailed, and the holoprojection showed a familiar RA-7 protocol droid greeting them.

"His Excellency Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi sends you his greetings," the droid started in his usual way.

"Yes, yes... Let's cut to the business. When can we deliver your cargo, and collect our bounty?" Bane's voice was impatient. After all these years it was always the same show with Grakkus' personal droid who was mostly handling the communications for the Hutt.

"His excellency regrets that he has more concerning matters at the moment, and will be free to receive your much awaited visit in three days in his palace."

"Three days? Are you kidding? I want that Chagrian out of our hair as soon as possible. You know everybody will be after him before they know he is in Grakkus' hands, and the deal is closed." Bane's voice was growling. He didn't like this turn of events one bit.

"His excellency reminds you that He has been waiting for this delivery for over six years. He trusts you can wait for three days, unless you wish to take this matter to the Hutt council?"

"You don't have to play that game with me, circuit-brain. You know we can do nothing else than wait."

"Splendid. I will let his excellency know that you will be delivering Mr. Brella in three days time. His eminence also wishes that you will not leave Nar Shaddaa in case there will be a change of plans. Have a nice day." The droid's polite voice disappeared with its expressionless image.

Bane groaned, and looked at Her. "So, we are stuck with him for a few days more, and can't even leave the planet. Great."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'll start preparing for a location to dwell for these days. We can't stay on the Justifier, It's like a beacon for every merc and bounty hunter Brellas have sent out for us, or for those who give a druk about code not stealing someone else's quarry. And, I think Grakkus wants Brella so badly he wouldn't even care who will bring him in."

"Do that, Lady. I'll see to the other matters."

She and Bane discussed shortly with Aurra. Both were pleased that the Palliduvian agreed to stay with them for these extra days, and then accompany them to meet Hondo. Though, Aurra expressed that she wasn't going to show her face here any more than was mandatory. "Too many eyes here who I don't want to know I'm not dead," as she put it.

She walked to Ziiba, who was standing uneasily at the back of the Justifier, unsure what was happening next. Bane chose to ignore her completely. She's your responsibility, you hear me! rang in Her ears. She looked at Ziiba scrutinizingly.

"That's not gonna do. As much as that dress fits the high class parties, and does you credit, here it gives ...a wrong impression and draws too much attention, and some folks at Hutta town are koochoo enough to try something they shouldn't. Come with me." She turned her back on the Rodian, entering the Justifier's sleeping quarters. Ziiba looked at the room. There was nothing personal there visible. Nothing telling about the person owning it.

She slid out a crate that was stored underneath the bunk, and started changing her clothes, throwing the nice silk jacket and trousers unceremoniously in the heap on the floor. Ziiba looked at how she so casually undressed herself until she had nothing but the underwear left, not caring one bit the Rodian watching her. Ziiba noticed her skin. What the hell has happened to her..? She stared the web of scars, almost mesmerized, thinking what had caused them. Only then the Rodian noticed being stared back.

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