Your own worst enemy - Part IV

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Here we go after a break! Please bear with me. This chapter is much of a set up for things to come, and a bit longer than usually, but hear me out: I got a permission to use materials and characters from our awesome SW rpg -campaign (Age of Rebellion), and couldn't miss the opportunity! There was _so_ much good stuff there (descriptions, layouts, OCs...) So, I present you a peek into our campaign setting in this chapter, entwining that with my story.

I have enjoyed bringing back my psychopatic Nautolan. He can stir things SO much, and is completely an unknown factor. *Muahahahaha!!!* >:)

I have so much stuff and stories prepared. From here we will get into action (both physically & mentally) with this storyline. After this one I'm bringing back Ziiba, my favourite Rodian (Yay!), and next Hondo -story is on its way. Also, their choices from the past will come back to bite them again. Big time! Just to mention some things. 

I hope you'll have good time with this chapter, there are a lot of things brewing here! It took a long time before this update, but the stories are on their way.


Dren sat further away and watched Her and Bane disappear inside a rusty, weather-battered compound. He looked around the area. It was an old, abandoned coaxium refinery, one of what Savareen was known for. Several times Dren himself had smuggled stuff for a prominent syndicate that was located here on this planet residing in a spur of the Kessel run, but he didn't know this particular place. It was one of the many like it, standing and withering away on the brink of a vast ocean. Dren felt his skin shrivelling up. The sand felt coarse, blowing wind spreading the fine grains everywhere. Druk. I've never liked this place. He thought of diving into the ocean to ease the feeling, but knew it would just make things worse, as the blowing sand would stick to your wet skin. Also, he was too curious, too baffled by what he had just sensed in Bane. The Duros had been menacing, yes, threatening, yes, but in the background there was this lingering, faint smell of musk when Bane mentioned Her. A vaguest hint of pheromones he had not seen coming. Not in a million years, and that made things much more complicated.

The thought had coursed through Dren's mind the very moment he had seen the Dalcassian. A fine ship. Very fine, even being as old as it was. Perfect for a smuggler. Someone had put a great deal of work into it, and done it well. Understanding it was Hers had immediately added to the flavour. Taking that ship from Her, watching Her die knowing that he would claim that vessel ... Dren grunted, remembering the pressure in his groin the very thought had provoked in him. And, then that blue kung had growled warnings in his ear. General threats Dren handled well, even from someone like Bane, and telling that She treasured Her ship was only a perk. Dren could have considered taking his chances with Her to claim it, but that smell... Seriously? That Duros might kriffing care? Would he come after me if I'd kill that schutta? There lied the problem. Thinking that Bane might come after him for ...personal reasons made Dren twitch uncomfortably. You can't buy persons who are on a personal vendetta. Druk.

Bane and She stepped out of the building with another droid. A very curious one. A palanquin-droid with long legs carrying an Anzellan. Never seen an Anzellan here. He knew how valued engineers and mechanics they were. Dren followed them now even more curious as they approached the Dalcassian. The Anzellan was explaining the repairs they had made when entering the ship, both bounty hunters nodding approvingly at the diminutive mechanic.

Impressive. That was his immediate thought when Dren entered the ship. Even untrustingly bleeping R3 who glued after Dren couldn't distract him. The Anzellan who She called Dako took them first to the main engineering, then passing the circuitry bay, and to the cockpit, explaining in dialectal basic sprinkled with Anzellan words what he had been doing. Dren listened only with half an ear. Most impressive. Even when he witnessed just a peek at the modifications. The enhanced hyperdrive. The weapons. Integrations.

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