Stealing it back: Part II / VI

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She had to promise a few favours to Her contacts, but the reward for this mission was more than worth it. She got Her hands on the information where the cargo had been sent, the route it was being transferred, and other useful data to be well-prepared. They had found a good spot where the Empire's container transport ship dropped out of the hyperspace, and they would have a window to infiltrate it mid-flight. All the bases they had considered for the heist were too heavily guarded, and risks were too big. Hell, risks were huge this way too. She contacted Nevar after they had agreed on the plan with Bane.

"I think we are crazy even thinking of this," She protested to Bane through the comms. In the end it had been Bane, who had pushed it that they would proceed with this mission. She had been ready to call it off.

"I've done much crazier things," Bane replied. That didn't calm Her thoughts in the slightest. Yeah, maybe you have, but as I once said, we fight in different leagues...

They met Nevar in agreed coordinates. The man was already waiting for them on the landing bay when She and Bane arrived with both the Justifier and the Dalcassian. They sat around the table again. Now there was a certain anticipation in the air. She turned the holoprojector on, and a shimmering, bluish image of a ship appeared above the table.

"The target we have to get into is the Empire's class IV container ship. I don't have to tell you that we will be dealing with a double turbolaser, as well as laser turrets. Not to mention the stormtroopers, and sentry droids they have standardly securing the cargo..." She went through the Empire's procedures and protocols with surprising ease, showing where the guns were located, and droids were stationed in general.

"I understand why Hutts wanted to hire you and your team for this..." She regretted Her words right after uttering them, seeing the grimace on Nevar's face, and continued with haste.

"So... Different tactics are in order. We need to distract the crew, and steal the shipment we want, but try to avoid full-scale confrontation. You two need to get into the ship mid-flight while I and R3 will interfere and jam their systems and comms from the Dalcassian, and act as your distraction. Todo is needed to get my code into the systems from inside to close the deal, so to say. Otherwise I will be dead in minutes. I won't be able to avoid their fire for too long, and I cannot leave, as that would compromise you."

Bane glanced at his droid, and Todo glimpsed Bane, voice agitated when answering.

"That will be done, do not worry about it." The droid's polite tone had more than worrying nuance, as he glanced at Bane again. "...I prefer to stay in one piece, thank you very much...", the last sentence was muttered, and barely audible. R3's calming whirring tried to assure Todo everything would go well.

"You said that we will get inside the ship?" Nevar raised his eyebrows and nodded his head towards Bane. "Are you serious? Not me and you, but me and him?"

"What's the problem, big guy? Afraid?" Bane's raspy, filtered voice was taunting.

"I don't want an accidental laser bolt on my back, if that's what you mean." Nevar turned towards Bane, rising from the chair.

"I wouldn't shoot you on the back, hotshot. Not my style." Bane's voice was irked, but it was clear that the Duros was enjoying how he had gotten under Nevar's skin. Bane leaned back in the chair, and raised his boots on the table. His long fingers were tapping the hilt of the blaster as he smirked at the mercenary in front of him.

"Shut up both of you." This whole mission felt like a worse idea all the time, and She shook Her head in frustration.

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