Jamie × Warfstache 🍋 A week's break (Republished)

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In a cloud of pink smoke, the crazy, lovable, adorable, and obnoxious love of my life appears in front of me, right on cue. I smile at the man, who has spotted me sitting up on my bed, awaiting his arrival. He smirks his ferociously sexy smirk with a hint of lust and crazy in his eyes, making me silently giggle to myself. He walks over slowly but seductively, making me eye him up and down. I bite my lip slightly and reach my hand out for him to grab.
Once he does, I pull him with whatever strength I can sum up so that he's on top of me, us laying down on the bed. I smile and waste no time pressing my lips with his. I can feel him smile in the kiss as well as I raise my hand up to his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss, if even possible. He growls quietly in the kiss, making my body tingle. We part to catch our breath.
"You certainly aren't wasting time today, my love." He comments, almost looking surprised. He goes to lean in again, but I twist my head so he can't meet my lips, making him frown in confusion. He eyes me as I work my way out from under him and slide my dark grey vest off.
I work myself until I'm only in boxers. I walk to him the sexiest way I can manage, to tease him a bit, placing my hand on his chest when I meet him. He eyes my hand, looking up at my eyes and lips from time to time.
I work his shirt and pants off slowly, making him growl with impatience, his eyes filling with lust more and more by the second. He grabs my hands and puts them down, as he finishes ripping off his closes, picking me up by my legs, making me wrap them around his waist.
Usually he teases me, or we spend more time running our hands along each other's bodies, but being a week and a half since we've done it, it feels like forever, making us both a little impatient.
He harshly kisses me, licking my bottom lips for entrance, to which I oblige happily. If I could moan into these kisses, I'd be a hotter mess than I am. I can feel my face heat up, my blood flowing violently, awaiting him to be inside me.
He pulls away, moving those soft lips of his down to my neck, sucking and nibbling every once in a while, leaving his love marks on me. He finds my sweet spot quicker than usual. I would groan in pleasure if I could, but unfortunately picking up the pace of breathing will have to do. He continues as we make our way back to the bed, where he sits down, leaning against the wall, my legs straddling on either side of his. He breathes heavily to catch his breath, only to start kissing my shoulders, down to my stomach, and slowly meeting my eyes. His filled with so much more lust, my breath hitches and I feel my member getting slightly harder, again, if possible.
I grind against him, making him groan lowly in pleasure. Little words have been spoken, but his noises are enough for me.
"Fuck.." he mumbles under his breath, making me grind a little harder, running my hand down his arm, my other hand resting on his thigh, and my lips grazing his neck. I can feel him shiver a little under me, making me smirk.
I'm usually a soft and loving guy, but in the bedroom, I can be a little quirky. I stop grinding to pull his underwear down, making him gasp from the air, only to be replaced by sounds of pleasure from my warm saliva. I lick teasingly from the base up to the tip, taking in his whole length. His fingers tangle up in my hair, pushing my head down as he mutters lines of "fuck" and "so fucking good".

Wilford's POV

I push my love's head down further, making him gag a little.
"Oh fuck..." I breath out, pleasure coming at me in waves. I suck in as he grazes his teeth on my member softly. I groan deeply and pull him off.
"Underwear off." I demand. He nods sweetly and does as told. He maintains eye contact whilst doing so, making me more aroused. "Come sit on me." I say in a softer tone, but still demanding. He sits right above me, slowly lowering himself. God he feels so good.
"Yes. .God you feel good, love." His mouth drops open a little and his head is thrown back. He would've moaned if he could. I grip his hips, moving him up and down on me. He moves his hand to one of mine, gripping my hand tightly.
The pace is slow at first, letting him get used to me, being how we didn't use lube and I didn't stretch him, and it's been a good week or so since we've done this.
His hand grips my shoulder, and his other wraps around gripping my neck. He starts moving faster, himself, making me move in rhythm.
"Fuck yeah, keep going. . ." I moan out. The faster we go, the heavier he breathes. He buries his head in the crook of my neck, making me hold him close, giving me more control to go faster. I continue to groan in pleasure, mixing with his heavy breathing, feeling the heat rise in my stomach with each thrust I make.
His hands wrap around my back completely, making what little nails he has, dig into my back. He sits up and throws his head back again, eyes rolling back into his head, gaping his mouth open, accompanied by more heavy breathing.
"I'm so fucking close baby. Bounce on me, please, GOD." I say, feeling my climax rise closer. He leans down to bite my neck, an act I've told him to use to tell me when he's close.
"Do it with me..." I growl, getting sloppier with the next few thrusts, grabbing his member in my hand and pumping along with the thrusts. A few more thrusts, and him kissing and biting my neck, gradually getting harder sends me over, making me fill him up, and him cumming in my hand.
"OH fuck! You feel so good!" I moan out, riding out my high.
I pick him up off me, and sit him next to me, getting up to grab him water quick before going back to the bed and cleaning both of us up, handing him the water, and crawling in bed next to him. He looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and smiles, placing a soft peck on my lips before snuggling up against my chest.
I'm not a snuggly person, but he makes me oddly soft. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight.
"Rest, dear." I whisper in his ear. His breathing finally back to normal, I see that he's fallen asleep, and I smile before floating into a slumber of my own.

1200 words

So that is my first smut in a dang while, and a new "×" at that...so I hope it was decent, and I hope you enjoyed it a little bit. I tried, and hopefully I'll be getting better if I continue to do these :) have a good day/night y'all!!

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