Anti x Chase 🍓🧸 The Club and The Forgotten Birthday_Part_2

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Oh my God. Oh....MY GOD.
"U-uh...I didn't. That's not....uhm.." I stutter, unable to make a coherent sentence. I watch his blue eyes as they study me. I gulp.
Fook I did not just say all that out loud!
He smirks, despite my frantic and idiotic state. He walks in, and I realize then that I'm still holding the pillow. I hug it tightly to my chest like an emotional teenage girl. Jesus Christ I've gone off the rails (hehe, "Jesus Christ it's all gone off the rails in season three!" haha).
I feel my face heat up in embarrassment as he walks closer to me, and I feel my heart rate pick up. It's really dawning on me now...he heard everything. Fuuuuuck!
"So, my lips look soft?" He says with a shit eating grin. Besides the embarrassment, I glare at him, but stay wordless. "You really want to kiss me?" He asks, sounding mostly rhetoric, however his voice hints at a little bit of genuine curiosity. I swallow hard and nod very slightly. I loose my glare, but keep eye contact. God, even now his eyes are endless and beautiful.
Fook I'm screwed. His smirk is unwavering though. He reaches the bed and sits next to me, still somehow maintaining eye contact, leaning in so our faces are inches apart.
I feel like my chest is about to explode, my lungs are going to burst, and my face is about to start on fire. I also feel like I just stopped breathing. . .
"Then kiss me. . ."
His voice was joking in one moment, but that last statement sounded so real. Like he was actually wanting me to. . . .Did he?
No Anti, don't kid yourself. He's playing with you. They always do. He's just testing you. So why are you leaning in about another inch? Anti get yourself together!
I feel like I'm ordering around a demon that's possessing me. Son of a bitch why does he have to be so handsome and beautiful. Why does he have to be so confident and determined. Why.
I don't know what the hell comes over me, but suddenly I throw myself that extra 3 inches to his face, pressing my lips to his, closing my eyes and seemingly hoping he doesn't push me away and destroy my feelings. . . . .
Of course he is. Why wouldn't he? I'm never so vulnerable, so now would be the perfect time to get at me. Get back for everything I've done to them....right? But he's not pulling back. He's not hurting me. He's kissing back. His hand is holding my cheek. way.
Our mouths move in sync, and he caresses my cheek. My hand moves to his leg, rubbing up and down his thigh subconsciously. He breathes in through his nose, pushing forward against me, showing deep desire for more. I open my mouth slightly in the kiss, him doing the same. I decide to be dominant and enter his mouth.
He gasps when my tongue twirls lovingly and passionately with his. My hand plays with the hem of his shirt while his hands move to my neck. I groan into the kiss when his hand plays with the hair on the back of my head.
I twirl our tongues one more time before pulling back, needing a breather. When we do pull away, we lock eyes. There's no mock, no hate, no laughter, and anger, nothing. Just love and desire.
I smile and kiss his lips softly and romantically before swiftly moving to his neck. I peck his neck with kisses, every once in a while licking before moving on, earning hitched and heavy breaths from him. I smirk when I feel his hand tighten in my hair as I kiss at the base of his neck, right above his collarbone. So, being the tease I am, I try to earn a desperate moan.
I lick, and bite, and kiss this spot, nipping swiftly before licking, finally earning a surprised moan. I giggle quietly, and continue on his neck and shoulders, leaving no space untouched as my hands work on his torso, playing and teasing with his shirt before attempting to lift it up.
I get a whimper from him when I get it up to his shoulders when his hands move, and hold my arms to stop. He's never looked cuter than right now, all desperate and submissive, breathing heavily, face red and flustered. I growl at him not allowing me to keep going.
"Why are you making me stop," I question with a snarl. He smiles a little in his heavy breathing, but answers,
"Anti, I want to go further. I really do. But it's still Jamie's birthday, and I'm sure they're back by now. Plus, I want to do this when we have time to. . .like at night, with a closed door. I don't want to rush it."
I sigh, understanding just exactly where he's coming from. I give his neck one last peck as I release his shirt, which unfortunately falls and covers his beautiful torso. I smirk and move to his ear, whispering,
"Tell me later, what you want me to do. I am all yours," before licking his ear lobe and strutting away with a playful smirk on my face after seeing his wide eyes and deeply reddend face.
We finally make it downstairs, me telling him that I wanna try to not make it too obvious that it just happened, only receiving a nod.
I sit down where I did, staying silent, and him doing the same. No one was suspicious of why we would've taken so long. Apparently they had all just sat down as well. So with that, they all start playing another round of the game.
What seems like, and turns out to be true, five hours later, we're tired, and it's late. I'm exhausted by these damn human emotions, so I run off to bed. I sleep quite well, too, might I add. I am usually tossing and turning all night, unable to truly sleep and stay asleep, but tonight I didn't. I fell asleep and stayed asleep for the whole night.
I wake up and check the time, seeing it's already 12pm. I usually stay in bed till 2pm on days like these. Saturdays. The boys usually go places or go out and do things on Saturdays, so I stay in bed on my phone. I sigh deeply and decide to get out of bed and eat, because I'm damn hungry.
I throw myself out of bed and glitch down to the kitchen, however, I stop in my tracks when I see Chase and Jackie holding a green cake, arguing about where to put it and who should do so. They don't even realize I'm here.
"No, Jackie! It should be on the table for when he wakes up!" Chase yells.
"No, it should stay on the counter! That table is already filled, and besides, keep yelling like that and you'll wake him up!" Jackie argues back. Chase growls, and opens his mouth and yells.
"Says the one who's yelling louder!"
"Wake who up?" I ask nonchalantly, finding amusement in the conflict. They both whip their heads around to look at me, both looking scared, frantic, and shocked.
"Shit!" Jackie whisper yells, ripping the cake out of Chase's hands and rushing to the table in the other room, leaving me and Chase behind. I'm still confused as hell.
"Wake who up, Chase?" I ask again, the confusion clear in my tone.
" weren't supposed to be down for another few hours..." Chase comments, avoiding my question. I shrug.
"I woke up and was hungry. Now stop avoiding the question," I demand, seeing his expression showing his hesitation.
"Uhm...well...I'm not exactly avoiding the question, Anti. I'm just saying, usually you don't even wake up till 1 or 2 o'clock." I nod in confirmation.
"Yep, but that doesn't answer the still avoided question," I point out.
"Uh..." he mutters. I start to get annoyed.
"Anti!" Marvin exclaims, coming in from where Jackie ran off to. Henrik, Jackie, Jameson, Sean, and Dark walk in behind him. My eyes grow wide when I see the two extras.
"What are you guys doing here?" I question, shocked. I haven't seen Dark for quite a while, and Sean was here yesterday, but he was supposed to leave early this morning.
"We're here to celebrate your birthday!" Dark says like it's supposed to be obvious. I blink a few times.
"Wha-....really?" I ask, looking to Chase with confused eyes. He just smiles and nods.
"What are we waiting for, let's party for the second time this week!" Jackie screams, everyone laughing with him. I smile, overjoyed that Chase kept his word, and really did tell the others, celebrating my birthday on the weekend.
The whole day was a blast, and my face ended up hurting from smiling so much. I almost cried when I opened presents. How they got presents so fast and so early in the morning is beyond me, but I was grateful nonetheless.
Chase pulled me aside right after presents, when we were all shuffling into the kitchen for dinner, and he gave me a long lasting, loving kiss, before pulling me into the dining room. I decided to be a dork and smack his ass before we fully made it into the room.
Dinner was a blast of laughter and joyous talking, everyone mainly focusing on keeping me in the conversation, which made me happier than ever. Afterwards, we went outside to have a bonfire out back. I usually got pushed out of this one, because they always said they didn't trust me around fire. We had good 'ol logs to sit on, and we had s'mores to accompany the fire. We all roasted marshmallows and ate s'mores.
It was about 11pm when everyone was getting tired, including me. Most had turned in, and Dark was staying the night before heading home in the morning, so he slept on the couch.
At around 12, I was about ready to pass out myself from the tiring day, so I ate one last s'more with a seemingly untired Chase. How he wasn't tired, I don't know, because I was exhausted.
He ate one more, and got some marshmallow on the corner of his mouth. I laughed out, and he looked at me, confused. I shook my head at his cuteness and leaned over, kissing him, then licking the corner of his mouth to get the marshmallow. He blushed and looked down. I giggled at how shy he was when I did.
"You're cute," I state shamelessly, making him throw his hands to his face, covering his face. I laugh again.
"You're fine! Come on, let's go get to bed," I suggest. He nods, and gets up. I take his hand in mine and walk inside, getting into shorts, staying shirtless. Let's be honest, it's summer, and it's hot. Shirtless with only shorts at night feels great.
Chase walks into my room, closing the door when he's in.
"Hey," he greets, sounding a little off.
I walk up to him and hug him tightly, which he melts into.
"Thank you so so much for today. It meant more than any of you will ever realize." I say, a warm feeling in my heart. He hums into the hug, before pulling away and looking into my eyes.
"You're welcome, Anti," he replies. I smile and bite my lip.
I really do mean it when I say more than they'll ever realize, because even I can barely even realize just how much it truly means to my heart that they did that.
He smiles cutely and puts his hand on my cheek, only for a second, then snakes it to the back of my head, pulling my head in for a kiss. I gladly comply, my heart racing with happiness. My heart is laced with joy for him, so I'm surprised I've truly lasted this long without his touch.
Already, his kisses are addictive to me. I wrap my arms around his upper waist, as I'm not much taller than the ego. (I know in most stories Anti is actually a few inches shorter than all of them, but for this one, just let this work lol)
He deepens the kiss, running his other hand up my chest, freely exploring without a shirt. He, unfortunately, is fully clothed with a shirt and pants. Sweatpants. He does a moan/groan sound, that's not quite either, and that turns me on. So much. I groan deeply, feeling him grip my hair tightly, basically grabbing a damn handful of my thick hair. I can feel him smirk into the kiss.
Before I can dominate his mouth though, he pulls away and moves his mouth to my neck, almost right under my jaw, which makes a wave of pleasure roll over me, covering me in tingles from his warm, soft lips.
My hands wander up his shirt, finally being able to pull it over his head. Good god is this guy beautiful. He moans into his kiss on my neck when my hand grazes his nipple. I smirk and chuckle at his sensitiveness, bringing my hand down to his lower abdomen, ready to pleasure him, however I'm left slightly shocked when my hand is slapped away. He pulls away completely, his hands resting on either side of my face.
"Tonight is about pleasuring you, and you alone. No touching me." Chase demands on a firm, commanding tone that seems awfully sexy in this specific moment. I fake pout, letting my lip pout out.
"And if you're my pleasure?" I question fiercely, growling. He moans from my aggression as I reach my hand to grab a handful of his hair, pulling his head back.
"Then of course," he breathes out, me nodding. I let go of his hair and gasping when he lowers a hand to my crotch immediately, quickly placing his lips on the left side of my chest.

God I love him right now.

2348 words

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