Anti x Dark 👀🌧️ Isn't You ~ Part Two ~

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Part two, should I do a part three?

I make it to the top of the tree early, so now, I just wait for him to arrive. I sit for a good 5 or more minutes, when I hear footsteps. I tense up, and gather up all my emotion that I've been trying to control tonight, but don't let myself glitch.

I see him emerge from the trail, walking a little while, at a fair pace, but keeping his foot quiet. I can tell he's listening, which means he listened to me. I smile, but subtly hold my breath. He takes a few more small steps before he stops, a great, safe distance from the ledge, and stand completely still. It shocks me just how still he gets. With enough practicing, holding my breath for this long isn't hard anymore, so I decide to act now.

I leap from the tree, but he hears either my glitching, or the wind from my jump, because he turns around and blocks my attack.

Instead of falling to the ground though, I maneuver so I land on my feet, a fighting stance coming naturally, being how I've fought so much in my existence. He eyes me carefully, still keeping alert. I smirk creepily, although I know it does nothing to him.

I take a stiff step forward, allowing myself to finally loose control of myself.

I bolt forward and scream in anger and pain as one eye turns a deep, eery green, and one eye pure devil black. Dark's..

I attack him, to which he barely escapes. He is now breathing heavily, probably at the confusion, but doesn't fight, which frustrates me. I'm trying to let off steam, and fight someone who can actually fight back against me, and he just won't.

"Anti, stop! What the hell are you doing!?" He bellows out. I snarl, showing my now extra sharp canine demon teeth. "God damnit Jackie! Fight me for fucks sake!" is all I respond with before running after him, then teleporting when he goes to block.

One thing I know about him, from fighting him for so long, is that he hates when you go to attack, or do attack, then disappear on him. So that's what I continue doing.

"Antisepticeye, stop. You fucking know what you're doing, and you need to stop." He warns. I simply snarl like a tiger. Except, more on the demon side of the sound. I continue on until he eventually decides to actually fight back, and jabs me right in the side of the stomach. I grunt, caught off guard, but I'm also thankful he decided to fight back. I could feel myself start to bottle the emotions again, which would not end well later on.

I stumble back, and hold my stomach, looking down. But uncontrollably, I start giggling demonically and look up, holding eye contact with him.

"Finally," I comment, watching his face contort to confusion, then a face of realization. He sighs, but doesn't take his eyes off me, meanwhile, I just stand there like a creep, staring at him with a smile.

"Anti, what'd he do." He asks- more like demands. My smile wavers, and for some reason, even though I'm perfectly set and balanced, I wobble on my feet. I frown, and start to feel those stupid vulnerable feelings again, which makes me furious. So, I decide to channel that and ignore his question, going after him again.

He continues to dodge and block, sometimes knocking me back, sometimes I knock him back, and we both grunt and groan and yell.

I grunt when he gets me, but yell anytime I get him. He wouldn't be knocked back if he really tried. He's too strong.

"Anti, bro!" Chase yells from behind us, to which I whip my head around. I seethe, baring my fangs. "Brody," I growl, feeling Jackie push against me, breaking my attention from Chase. I groan, trying to push back, but it's basically hopeless. He gives one final shove and it throws me to the ground, and I glitch when I feel a rock on my back. It hurt, and it surprised me.

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