Dark x Anti 🍋🔥-🧸? College Party ~ PART TWO ~

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Anti's POV

He kisses me with pure lust filled rage. He wasn't kidding when he said he looses it, but I'm not complaining. I don't have a kink for degrading or pain, but it's not going to say I don't enjoy it a little bit.
"Dark, please, enough with the kissing. Take me, please!" I say impatiently, half expecting him to correct me harshly, and tell me to call him daddy or master like the others have, but he doesn't. He complies, although with a deep growl of dominance; this sends a shiver up my spine, making my head throb in anticipation and desire.
He gets me over to the bed, peeling my sweatshirt off and over my head, and literally ripping my shirt off, pulling my pants off roughly, groaning in impatience the whole time. I'm unable to control my smile at him, and I let out a breathy giggle, making him stop on his own pants, looking up at me.
Immediately I press my lips together in a firm line to try to conceal my smile, which doesn't work, but he disregards it and goes back to fumbling with his belt and pant buttons. I growl, not as low as he does, but I do nonetheless, at how long this is taking. I get up from the bed and rush over, smacking his hands and finishing myself. He chuckles.
"I take it someone is needy," He remarks. I nod, but meet his eyes. I realize now that without control, his eyes turn pure black, no white, no dark brown eye color, no red. Just pure black. I bite my lip, admiring his body and appearance. No clothes. Nothing blocking my view from this toned demon in front of me. I moan softly just looking at him, making him raise a brow.
I shrug and go submissive again, giving him puppy eyes to overtake me again.
"Careful with those eyes kitten. They'll be the death of you," he mutters with a twisted smirk. I shiver again. I make it back over to the bed and sit on the edge, waiting for Dark's orders. It seems weird that he isn't ordering me around, or calling me a slut or being kinky, being how he said he lost control. How bad is it then?
I decide to voice this thought out loud with him while he walks-no, struts- over. "So, you said you lost control. . .you aren't ordering me around, or calling me names and degrading me, or using anything kinky. What "control" was there?" I express, making his smile turn seemingly deadly, and not in a hot way.
"Someone who can truly loose control doesn't need degrading words or kinky shit. Just be patient." He snarls. This makes my breath hitch.
He meets me at the bed, and only then does he order me.
"Crawl into the middle of the bed."
I do as told, and sit facing towards him. He crawls up to meet me, kneels on his knees, then harshly shoves my chest so I slam back against the bed. It's not a soft bed either, may I add. This is one of those prescription hard beds. One that would have to be custom ordered.
I groan at the impact, but feel myself grow hard at his handling with me. I've been through shit, but this turns me on. Quite a lot.
Dark leans over me, pins my hands above my head with one hand, and settles himself with straddling my torso. My face starts to heat at this angle of him, but that doesn't distract me for long.
Being how the doppelgangers are mostly demons, immortal, or have some type of power, Dark and I happen to be demons. Dark contracts his sharp demon claws, following an invisible line down my face and over my bottom lip. Once he gets to my neck, he starts to dig in with his claws. I wince at the cutting, but moan when I feel his warm breath on my neck, then his warm, wet tongue lick up my neck where he cut, essentially healing the cut.
I moan again when he starts nibbling my neck. I screech though when I feel his claws dig into my side, all the way down. But instead of licking where he cut, he just watches my expression and smirks devilishly.
The blood ran fairly close to one of my old scars, but I chose to ignore it.
I can't say that I wasn't scared, but I also can't say that I wasn't somehow turned on by this. I attempted to move one on my hands to hold onto him, but he was too strong. His grip held. He let go, but before I could move, "Stay here and keep your arms there. You move, I won't hesitate to punish you kitten," He demands in a warning. I nod and watch him crawl down further from my body, stopping at my hips. He kisses all around except the one spot I want him the most, and ends up licking my inner thigh, making me squirm. His hands hold my waist dangerously though, urging me to stay where I am.
I'm aching at this point, from the lack of attention to my dick, but try my best to ignore it. Meanwhile, my hands are struggling to stay where they are. I want to clutch the bedsheets, or grab a handful of his hair, but I can't.
Technically I could, but then there'd be punishment, and as much as I'd love to be punished by him, I don't think I want that to happen the first time we do something like this together.
I whine, and don't realize it until he stops and looks up at me, his eyes flickering from pure black to his normal dark brown. His eyes go back to normal, and his face turns worrisome. I watch him curiously.
"Why'd you whine, kitten?" Dark asks. I giggle softly, trying to keep him from being too worried, which I don't think works.
"N-nothing, I'm ok." I tell him, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't. I look at him confused. "What?" I question.
"You whined, Anti. I don't know for sure, but I don't think that was a sign of you being turned on," he explains. I shrug. "Anti," he growls warningly. I roll my eyes.
"Ok, ok. I thought of yer punishment motive," I admit, watching him carefully. He sighs and drops his head. "Anti I told you that me loosing control was-"
"No," I interrupt. "As great as it sounds, I panicked only because I felt like if I did move the wrong way I would get punished, and I just don't want that to be my first time with you," I continue. When he doesn't say anything, I decide to add, "I only acted like that because I wanted to move my hands to grip something. That's all."
He sighs and watches me carefully. "You promise, besides that, that you're ok?" He asks. I nod. "I promise," I vow. He nods.
"I'll give you my hand to grip, ok? Then at least I know that I'll be fine with that, control or not," he explains. I nod, biting my lip, remembering what we were doing not even two minutes ago. But he still doesn't continue.
"Are you a clingy person?" He questions randomly. I furrow my eyebrows. "What?" I express, confused. He chuckles.
"Do you touch and hold a lot during stuff like this?" He elaborates. I shrug again. "I suppose so. I've never really gotten the chance to try it, to be honest." I confess. He nods, giving me a small peck. If I didn't know better, I'd say I caught a hint of sorrow in his eyes.
Then, though, much to my delight, he continues.
He crawls back down to lick my inner thigh, making me gasp suddenly and moan out. He hums against my skin, and I can't help but reach my hand down to his head. I fear that he's already lost control and is gonna get mad at me, but he simply moans into the kiss he's giving on my v-line.
My heavy breaths are caught when I fell the tip of his tongue touch my tip, and then go back to licking at my hips. I groan, and grab a fistful of his fluffy hair, making him groan and furrow his brows.
I have the sudden urge to pull back when I see his skin tone change. He was a grayish tan, but now he's almost just completely gray-tinted.
I assume now that his control has been thrown out the window, but it's confirmed when he grips my wrist and pins it to the bed beside my hip bone. I moan at his strength, and giggle, biting my lip when I feel him tense up from my actions.
My fingers curl in and out in a restless like manner, and though he's lost control, I can tell he loosens himself, letting me hold his wrist for support.
I close my eyes and let my head rest against the bed, feeling his hand roam my body while his mouth teases me by working it's way closer and closer to the desired spot. His grip suddenly becomes tighter when I gasp out in shock, feeling his warm mouth around my dick. I groan, feeling pleasure course through me like I've never felt.
My back arches up, and my head falls limp as my torso lifts itself. I moan, long strings of vowels leaving my lips in euphoria. It dawns on me now that this is my reaction, simply because I have a history of douche bags as ex's.
Dark expertly licks up the bottom of my dick, sucking lightly before he lowers himself again, all the way. I groan and can't help but let my mouth hang open.
"Oh Dark~ god, please," I moan out, my grip on his wrist tightening. He maneuvers his hand so that it's holding mine lovingly, yet somehow the rest of him is aggressive. Internally, I'm confused, but I don't dwell too long. The hand that's griping my waist is now digging into my skin, drawing blood. I moan from the pain, and feel myself get closer to climax.
I keep attempting to tell Dark, but I keep choking on my moans, because he seemingly gets better at this task. Eventually though, my hand that was above my head drags itself down to Dark's head, trying to pull him off. I don't know what he'll do if I reach climax, especially if I don't tell him, but I'm not sure I want to find out. It didn't go down so well the last time I did that with someone. . .
However, when I look down, his eyes look up to mine, challenging me. Am I being challenged to hold off as long as I can?
That question is answered when he moans purposefully, sending vibrations straight through my dick. I very quickly loose control and groan out as I release in his mouth. My whole body tingles in delight, and I can't help but arch my back, my hips raising only a little into Dark.
He continues through my release, sucking a little extra before pulling back, his eyes watching me like a predator as he swallows everything. Goosebumps make their way across my skin once again, but I watch as he pulls his hands away completely, raising up to lean over me. I gulp as he uses one arm to lift both my legs.
What he wanted was for me to finish so that he could over-stimulate me. . .now I get it. Which only makes this so much harder to witness with front row seating. Maybe this is considered the stage.
He throws one leg over one of his shoulders each, planting one hand next to me shoulder, staring me dead in the eye. Even when pure black, his eyes are intoxicating and addictive. His mouth hangs open gently, letting breathy moans escape as he uses his free hand to pump his own dick. He only does for a few seconds before lining up with my entrance.
I whimper, but control the volume. I don't need him stopping again, not now. This is whimper is indeed from fear, but I feel too indulged in this.
He keeps eye contact as he enters. My eyes squeeze shut, and my mouth hangs open, no sounds leaving. I feel suffocated as he pushes in. He doesn't go slow and patient, that's evident. Both my hands were resting at my sides, but not anymore. One hand flung to his arm that's planted next to me, and the other to the bedsheet above my head.
He groans, and doesn't hesitate to pull back out, then shove himself back in. I yell in mostly pain, from his size, but study him. His mouth is agape, staring me straight in my empty soul. His hair is disheveled from my hands earlier, and his shoulders are starting to glisten.
I continue to vocalize as he thrusts harshly, keeping a steady pace at first. I choke a few times, since I end up having a hard time swallowing. Lets be honest, it's hard to remember that's a thing when strings of moans spilling out of your mouth.
He continues, getting rougher, and my voice getting louder. "Ah fook!" I scream, feeling him slam against me.
He wasn't kidding when he said you don't need degrading words or kinky shit. . .the only sounds to be heard are skin slapping against skin, my moans, his sexy growls, and the very faint music that's coming from two stories below.
My eyes roll back into my head, and my hands grow tense, and I can feel myself getting harder again, just this time it happens faster than I'd care to admit. My hand clutches Dark's arm tighter, starting to become almost uncontrollable now.
He grunts when my nails contract and dig into his skin, and I can't help but feel a shiver down my spine again. Tingles are covering every inch of my body.
"Stop with those claws, kitten, or I'll rip them off myself," He demands in-between his own pleasured filled moans. I pull my hand away, but only for a second. Uncontrollably, I push my hand to his chest, attempting to push him away and off me. Frankly, I'm not sure why. I don't want this to stop, and I'm not ready to release yet, but it happens before I even realize I'm doing it.
He growls, baring his teeth, and uses his free hand to gather both my hands and pin them above me, yet again. I whine like a child, and try to pull my hands back, but he's too strong. Maybe that was why, was to get his reaction from it.
"Stop fighting it. The more you fight, the worse it'll be," he warns deeply. I don't know why, but I decide to get cocky.
"What'll be worse, my punishment?" I remark with a smirk, seeing his nose flare angrily. He shifts his weight to his hand that's pinning my hands above my head, quickly making me loose feeling in my arms, and uses the hand he was holding himself up with to clamp around my neck.
It's not enough to genuinely choke me, but it's enough to make me stutter my moans and words. He grins evilly. "How's that for punishment," he comments. I would attempt to answer, but I sort of can't. I know for a fact that that's not his worse punishment that he could do, but I give him props. He's probably trying to be careful, keeping in mind our short talk earlier; which I'm thankful for.
I begin to grow more turned on by the second, and the more I watch Dark, the harder he's going against me, thrusting harder and faster. I notice, though, that he loosens his grip on my throat. Then, I put it together.
"Say my name," he orders, breathing heavily. I scream and moan, struggling to collect words. Apparently that's not ok, though.
"I said say my fucking name," he growls loudly, thrusting harder, if possible, into me. I choke on myself and arch my back. He shifts his position a little ways to the side, hitting an entirely new angle. I moan out strings, and feel myself get close again. Then I remember his order.
"D- ah~ Dark~" I struggle out. I hope that's what he meant. . .
He growls and thrusts harder. No? Was it not? I watch his face and it looks hesitant, but he doesn't say anything. I groan out and struggle, trying again. Maybe he really is holding back on demanding me things. . .
"M-master~" I moan out like the good little kitten that I am. His moan shutters out, and suddenly he's halting his thrusts. I feel something warm fill me, and I moan at the feeling, using his moment of weakness to pull my hand back. I reach down to stroke myself, but his hand slaps mine.
"Ah-ah. Mine," he snarls, thrusting again, grabbing my dick in his hand, pumping his hand. I moan out and tense up as I release for the second time.
I then feel like I'm suffocating; like, actually suffocating. I probably shouldn't, in all honesty, but I'm not blacking out, so I'm fine. I let myself lay still, breathing heavily, while I feel him pull out fully and let his hand run along my skin. He crawls over me, his hand trailing up my torso, his thumb rubbing against my sides, feeling the dried blood from where his nail pierced earlier.
As I look down to him, making eye contact, I see his eyes flicker back to his dark brown. I hum contently, trying to lift my hand down to him from above my head, however I feel that my arm just drops. His eyes follow up to my hand, chuckling when he notices it flop back down to the bed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I did that," he admits apologetically. I shake my head, though.
"No, ye're perfectly fine," I whisper with a hint of a smile on my face. He makes it far up enough to be eye to eye with me, so he leans down and captures me in a soft kiss.
His hand rubs along my shoulder, then he pulls away. My mind, of course, automatically jumps to him leaving me alone, him getting what he wanted, then running off. I whimper in fear, for I'm pretty sure the fourth time today, my breath faltering. He sees this and returns swiftly. This poor guy. . .
"Anti, it's ok. I'm not leaving you. I'm just getting a wash cloth from my bathroom to wash us," he explains, placing his hand against my cheek supportively. I nod and let him walk away, grabbing the covers from the bed below me, and pulling them over me.
I wait for him to come back, and watch him while he works. Devil is he handsome as hell. I smile contently and admire him as he throws the wash cloth into the laundry basket, walking back over to me.
"I suppose we should probably head back down, huh?" He mentions, and I face palm. "Dark, I completely forgot about everyone. I hope to the devil that the music is fooking loud enough to overpower my screams," I complain, huffing in annoyance.
"You mean your sexy moans?" He questions seductively. I just smack him. "Dark, I'm serious," I reply. He laughs but shakes his head, taking my hand in his.
"Come on, let's get you dressed and back down there to Blank," he says, pulling me up off the bed, helping me get dressed. Now lets be honest, I can't do anything on my own right now. This fooker put me in pain. Not that I'm complaining. . .but then again, Blank is going to have a hay day with this.
Once I'm dressed, Dark sneaks a quick kiss, then leads me down, leaving my face a bright red and my lips swollen and red as well. This'll go down fantastically. . .

Shockingly, there's 3382 words. . .wow

Well, there ya are. . . . .I genuinely don't know how to feel about this chapter, myself. However, I really just want to get rid of some drafts, and there were a few that I deleted. This one, though, was for the most part started, so I just kept going and. . . .here you go I guess : >

I'll upload this one as soon as I go back and edit Part One of this, because I decided I didn't like different words for the two. Example:

"Anti speaking,"

"Dark speaking."

I just didn't like it, so I'm going back and changing part one, then I'll post this one I suppose. . .I really hope you aren't reading this, but if you are, I hope you enjoyed the chapter T>T

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