(UF)Anti x Dark - Isn't You ~Part 5~

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Isn't You - Anti x Dark ~ Chapter Five ~



There's a knock on the door. We all turn to look, but we see no car in the driveway.

"It's Dark," I announce knowingly. "We aren't letting him see you, or know you're here. Go upstairs and wait for us the come up and get you," Jackie instructs. I simply nod, because I don't feel like fighting Dark right now.

I walk up, and lock myself up in my old room, before we all moved into different places. We use the Manor for family events..so I suppose this is an event.

I hear quiet voices mumbling, and glitch sneakily into a nearby TV that they still haven't moved from my room. I locate where the living room TV is, and go there. I can't see anyone, but I can hear the voices more definitively.


"Is Anti here?" Dark asks, feeling his heart race.

"No," Chase plays smoothly, coming off as happy. "What do you need, Dark? What are you talking about 'is Anti here'? We haven't talked to him for almost a year," Marvin explains coolly. "Uh," Dark hesitates.

"We may or may not have had a fight, and I don't know where he went." Dark explains. Everyone pretends to be shocked, and turn scared. "Well, where HAVE you looked?" Jackie questions. Dark shakes his head. "I haven't. I don't even know where to begin." Dark say frantically. "Do you guys have any ideas?" He asks them. All of them shake their head, exchanging fake scared looks.

Henrik continues to be quiet, being his usual self, despite the circumstances.

"Let's help look for him," Marvin suggests. Chase stops them. "No, how about I go with Dark, and some of you stay here. Marvin, call Sean and ask him to help." He demands bossily. Jackie shares a different look with Marvin. Henrik internally screams no, knowing what Chase wants to do.

"How about, we call Sean, and he meets up with Dark. Chase I need your help, and Marvin can stay here with Jamie and Henrik can stay here too, in case he comes here injured," Jackie suggests coolly. They all nod, and go their ways, Jackie and Chase obviously faking it. When Dark heads off to "meet up with Sean", they all come back.

"Anti, you can come out of the TV now," Jackie states blankly. Anti does, and stands in front of them all. "Thank you, for helping." He says, thanking his brothers. They all nod.

"He's occupied, but we need to call Sean, explain, and make him fake search for you." Marvin speaks. Anti nods.



"Hey, Sean." I greet, sounding a little less than enthused. "Anti? You haven't called in a while. Everything ok?" He questions skeptically.

We all exchange looks, and I explain everything.

"Alrighty then. I'm on my way right now. Where are we meeting?" Sean asks. "They told him to meet you at the gas station on Bark Avenue. So please hurry, cause I don't think he's staying there for long," I fret, worried he might try to come back.

"Sounds good. Let me know if anything changes," he states before hanging up.

I let out a breath, and look at my brothers. "So what are we gonna do about all of this?" Jackie asks. "I know what I'm doing," Chase mumbles. I give him a glare. "Chase Brody. You are doing nothing to him unless I tell you that you can," I warn sternly. It doesn't faze him. He just rolls his eyes and huffs.

"I don't know, Jackie. I don't know if I want Anti to be around Dark again. I know he seemed scared, but I have a hard time with that. He's acted and manipulated before." Marvin confesses. I sigh. I just wish this was not the problem. This is so exhausting.

"I need Pop Tarts," I declare bluntly. Chase snorts. "Yep, that's Anti," he remarks. I can see Henrik smirk, in his Henrik way, to my comment.

"Top shelf as always," Marvin tells me. I nod and walk off, so ready to be done with all of this. I just want to give up, and cry, and punch Dark, but also hug him. This just sucks.

I miss the old Dark. The version I heard not even 5 minutes ago. The one that sounded worried about where I was and if I was ok.

I miss Sean, and oddly enough, I miss Amy. She was always so kind, and amazing. She never judged any of us. Never discriminated us for how we were created, evil or not. Maybe I'll go visit Blank? Or maybe Ethan himself.

I see Jameson walk in while I chew my cookie's and cream deliciousness. He gives me a soft look. I smile softly.

"I'm sorry, Jamie. I didn't mean to pull you guys into this, and I didn't think he'd come here. I just needed to get away."

'It's ok Anti. We understand. We're family, we're always here for you,' he signs evenly paced. I'm surprised I could understand what he was signing. It's been so long.

He smiles back, and walks up to me. We just stand there, and I finish the last bit of my first Pop Tart. I sigh, for the thousandth time, and simply state, "I'm going to go see Ethan."

Jameson looks at me, simply to look at me, then nods. I faintly see him sign, 'I'll go tell the others.'

Off I go to visit an old friend. I don't think I've seen him for almost two and a half years. That's simply because Ethan got really busy, and our schedules just never worked out to see each other. I've watched his videos regularly though, so he's not too busy at the moment.

I make it, and knock on the door. He opens the door, and immediately a bright smile is slapped onto his face. I swear, there was no process of forming, there. He was just...smiling.

Good ol' Eef.

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