Anti × Dark 💔🌧️ - 🧸 Isn't You ~ Part 1?

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"It isn't up for debate. We aren't going," Dark grumbled. I stand there looking at his back, watching his back, faintly seeing where his lungs are inflating and deflating. I groan in annoyance.

"That's not fair! I've been stuck here for like...ever! I miss my family, damnit!" I snap. I feel my body spaz, my glitching picking up. The ringing get's louder in my ear, but I easily cancel it out from practice with it. I can't believe him. I miss my family, and I've missed multiple holidays and birthdays just because he said no.

"So? I miss mine too!" He throws back with a growl. "Oh do you!?" I fume back. Sometimes I wonder..

"Yes, Anti, I do!" He protests defiantly. I scoff. "Then let's go fucking see them, Dark!" I exclaim. All of a sudden he spins out around and takes the one gigantic step it takes him to be up in my face, and thunders, "No Anti!!"

I stumble a few steps back, watching him carefully, on edge. My glitching halts completely. At this point, I need to be careful to make sure my boyfriend doesn't throw me through a wall or poison me..

His eyes are now fully black, and I simply shake my head. I can feel my black heart fill with sorrow. I sigh, and feel hard sobs claw their way up my throat. I can feel the ringing build up more and more. It begins to feel unbearable.

"This isn't the Darkiplier I fell in love with 4 years ago," I sniffle. I can see his face fall innocently, realizing my words. His eyes go back to darker brown, and he starts to shake his head. He tries to step forward, but I shake my head. Without another word, I turn around, grab the car keys from the counter, and walk out. All I hear before slamming the door is Dark calling for me.

I sigh, and will myself not to cry as I start the car swiftly, driving off before I can catch another glimpse of the house that we've built, or Dark. If he even cared to follow me and try. He hasn't done much of that lately.

My glitches spike and I seize for a second. I can feel myself smile, ready to giggle, but regain control on myself. I can't loose control. Not again..

I drive for awhile, unsure of where to go. I think about maybe going to one of my brother's house, but I second guess. What if they're mad at me for not contacting them, or missing so many birthdays and holidays? I guess I just over think...maybe I could-

No. I am NOT him. I am better, and not cruel anymore. I used to be a murderer. A demon. A monster. I quit that awhile ago, because as I started to become as mortal as a demon can be, I started to feel guilty, and regretted it.

Dark still does occasionally, but not as often. I don't know if I want to keep thinking about Dark right now, but I feel like I can't help it. Devil I'm itching to torture someone right now.

I continue on, still with no place in mind, and my eyes start to burn...again. My frustration is building with all these tears that beg to be let out, I can feel myself breaking. I need to call someone before I destroy this whole city with my glitching that accompanies my emotions.


I inhale sharply at the sound of his voice.


"Anti? Why are you calling, after all this time?" He asks from the other side of the phone. I struggle to explain, but I loose it before I figure it out.

"Meet me at Spoks Ridge in an hour. Be alert." I demand, then hang up.

Well, this is gonna go well...

644 words

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