Darkiplier x Iplier Egos - What a Family 👀

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Darkiplier runs his hands through his hair, tousling his hair in the process. He'll fix it in a little bit, but not right now.
He sighs, glaring at the papers on his desk. He stands up and decides to calm himself down, feeling his aura start to snap out. So, he saunters down and out the back house door to his gardens. With a little bit of help from Marvin and his magic, Darkiplier has a tall hedged garden, with plenty of roses and tulips. Lots of daisies as well, which very quite a bit in color.
Marvin grew the hedges to be tall enough that Dark could hide out in the gardens with privacy, which felt quite refreshing right about now. However, Dark grew all the flowers himself, watering and caring for them daily. Today, he just decided to walk out a little early.
Most everyone in the house knows that one inch of destroyed garden, and they'd be banned to the void for eternity. Nobody tested it, except for Wilford.
He's the only besides Dark, Actor, and Anti that can survive the void sanely. Wilford, of course, is psycho. He's tested Dark's authority many times, and since Dark can't banish Wilford to the void, he simply banishes Wilford from his guns. This makes him all the more crazy, but it fixes the problem until Wilford resets his brain, making him test Dark once again.
While walking, he hears static, and sighs deep in his throat, letting out a growl. "Anti, stop hiding like a child, and don't fucking ruin my garden." Dark demands. He hears static giggling, then a spazzed flash forms in front of him, revealing his annoying friend.
"Why so dark today, Darkimoo?" Anti teases, glinting his pearly demon fang with a side smile. Quirky, as Dark admits, although very annoying and frustratingly amazing at pushing buttons.
"Not right now, Anti." Dark warns. Anti simply rolls his eyes and glitches behind Dark. Dark continues to walk, trying his best to ignore Anti, with Anti trailing him a few feet back, staying silent. Anti knows better than to push too much, on account of what happened two years ago. That doesn't mean he doesn't button mash from time to time though.

"Go home, Anti." Dark orders. "They're fighting again, so I think I'm just going to chill here." he replies, walking steadily behind Dark. "Again?" Dark questions. Anti nods, and hums "mhm."
"Alright, go ahead then," Dark allows, giving Anti the go ahead to enter his house, now with permission. Anti nods thankfully and glitches into the house, popping into Host's room.
With a quiet atmosphere, now, Dark sits on a bench and lets himself breathe the calm air. He feels the void closely, but lets it surface back out when he hears glass shatter. He looks over to his left and sees the main second floor living room window shattered and sharp. He growls deeply, originally intending that to be a groan.
He teleports into the room to see Google chasing Bing, while Bing rides a skateboard. Captain is holding Eric up, with Eric holding onto his hands for dear life while Yancy jumps and taunts Eric. Wilford and Illinois are going at it, Illinois simply trying to grab Wilford's guns. Holes appear all over the walls and floor, and as Dark is about to look for Anti to blame, Anti come's running out from the hallway, with Host fast walking and trailing behind.
Dark has enough, letting loose.

"Everyone stop and listen up!" Dark thunders, his aura snapping and the ringing blaring in everyone's ears. It gets so bad that Anti has to cover his ears. With everyone stopped and looking at him, he speaks.
"I don't know what the fuck started this, but it ends now. Google, go to the basement and stay down there. Bing, go outside if you want to skate. Yancy, go with Google and make sure he stays down there. Pull out his USB if you need to. Stay there and leave Eric the fuck alone. Captain, thank you, but please put Eric down. Don't drop him this time. Wilford, you're banned from your guns for a week. Don't fight me on this, any of you. I'm not in the mood. Now go!" Dark instructs, watching to make sure everyone does as told. Then he looks to Host.
"Host, please tell me if someone does anything other than told." he orders, and walks off to his room.

Anti knocks on Dark's door after about an hour, walking in. "I didn't tell you that you could come in," Dark snarls. Anti nods.
"I know. Wilford stabbed Captain, by the way. Dr. Iplier is looking at him right now, and Henrik is on his way to help take care of it. I called Jameson to help with Wilford," Anti explains, walking up the wall and onto the ceiling, hanging upside down.
"Thank you for telling me. What happened to Host, then?" Dark asks. "Asleep." Anti responds. He walks over to the corner, and lets his back lay against the wall, closing his eyes. Dark watches him carefully.
"Do you want to sleep in my laptop?" Dark asks Anti. He opens his eyes, and looks to Dark with pleading eyes. He shakes his head, not wanting to really talk right now. "Void?" Dark questions further. This time Anti nods, and floats down from the ceiling, walking up to Dark and touches his hand.
The only way to be sent to the void is by touching Dark, skin on skin. Dark feels Anti slip away, feeling his aura. He sighs when he feels the grief, but roars out when he hears loud banging, and yelling.

"Wilford! Put Yancy down, and Illinois, control Yandere! I don't need anymore damage to the house!"

What a family Dark has.

972 words. Short, I know, but better than nothing. Hope you liked it!

(Not proofread or edited!)

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