Dark × Anti 🌧️🍓🧸 College Party

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~You Know The Drill. . .TRIGGER WARNING!!!~

There is a part of self harm scars trigger, so be aware, though it doesn't get very bad. Anti has a past of sexual abuse from past relationships, has a history and present reputation to himself of self harm and depression, so note that in your head while reading this. Anyway, Enjoy!

Also, I'd say, this has got to be my favorite one-shot so far! Love you all! (Reading back, that's a huge lie...I despise this..)

Third Person

Anti is currently getting dragged out of his dorm and to his friend's car. He had repeated many times that he didn't want to go, but Blank really didn't give him an option.
"You're going, and that's final Antisepticeye. You are a boring ass demon in need of some socializing. Dare I say even so bad that you should probably get laid soon. . ."Blank had said, mumbling the last part, while dragging Anti off his bed. Anti stopped dead and glared at his friend, looking at him appalled.
"And who says I need that ya gobshite jackass!?" Anti practically screams back.
"Me! You are living a boring, worthless life. There's plenty of handsome, and sexy, demons out there for you!" Blank finally lets out. Anti suddenly feels the need to be defensive. It wasn't exactly a secret that he was gay, but he was never all out about it. People knew about it but never really said anything. Not that it ever was really needed..Anti never got out or met anyone.
"Hey! I do not live-"
"Yeah, yeah. Your life is oh so great alone. Just shut your ass and stop fighting it. You're coming with, and that's that." Blank lays down, finally getting Anti in decent clothes and pulling him out of his dorm successfully.
So now, currently, Anti is in the passenger seat. His arms crossed, facing the right, looking out the window, pouting that he didn't get his way. Blank chuckles at this.
"You big baby! Lighten up and let loose. You'll find someone there that you get along with, I'm sure."
Anti says nothing, and instead gets lost in his own, made up world. No one really knows what's in it...and sometimes Anti doesn't even know, himself.
They finally arrive, and Blank has to pull Anti again to get out of the car and in the mansion of a house. Apparently the famous Darkiplier of their university was throwing the party. He was popular, loved by all the women around, though it was openly known that he was gay. He was best friends with Blank, Die, Wilford, even friends with his human doppelganger Mark, and his friend Sean.
Sean was Anti's human doppelganger..and Anti absolutely despised him.
"Dark! Hey dude! Thanks for throwing the party man. I needed to have some fun!" Blank says, greeting his suited friend. It was nothing new to Anti that Dark was a handsome, devil sent masterpiece, but he'd never openly admit it. Not even to Blank. Especially not to Blank. . .
Anti carefully eyed the Darkiplier that was standing in front of him. He was really good at making it not obvious. As a quiet, introverted demon, he had developed skills like that.
He admired how the suit fit Dark so well. It hugged his body just right, making Anti's heart race.
It's quite menacing to the humans, and to a lot of submissive demons, which should include Anti, but he just found it plain hot. Anti was also smart, and knew Dark could read minds, so he made sure to control his thoughts. He could feel admiration and feel butterflies, and feel himself think what he did about Dark, but he was able to hide the thoughts from developing into words in his head. That was the key.
"Anti," Blank snaps Anti out of his thoughts, slapping him on the back, "meet Darkiplier, my other best friend." He finishes with a friendly smile. Anti doesn't even attempt to smile. He just looks Dark in the eyes, but Dark doesn't think much of it.
"Hi Anti, I've heard a lot about you," Dark says friendly but firmly, putting his hand out for Anti to shake. Anti doesn't, though. He just looks at the hand, then back up to meet Dark's eyes.
"I'm sure you have Slenderman. I'm gonna go get a drink. That is the only upside to this fooking party." Anti says, mumbling the last part of the sentence while walking off to find the liquor.
He finds it and takes multiple shots, watching people dance and conversate, and some making out against a wall.
"You sure are quite the talker, Antisepticeye." Dark states, walking up beside Anti. Anti doesn't so much as glance at Dark.
"Whatever ye say old man," Anti retorts, taking another shot. Dark rolls his eyes and smirks. "A man who can take his liquor. Impressive." Dark comments rhetorically. "Also, sexy accent," Dark adds, smiling widely when Anti stops completely, a soft pink occurring across his cheeks.
"F-fook off," is all Anti can manage to mutter out, walking away, internally scolding himself for blushing and stuttering.
Anti, you idiot.
He doesn't know where he's going exactly, but somewhere. Anywhere besides near Dark.
He makes it up some stairs, passing by doppelganger egos and demons off Mark, Sean, Felix, Ethan, Tyler, Amy, and more. They're a widely known ego/doppelganger group around here. He reaches another flight of stairs, leading to a third level, but stopping at the bottom of the stairs, letting a long, deep, exasperated breath. He shrieks when he feels a hand on his waist. He doesn't have enough time to turn around when a second hand is placed, holding so he can't even turn to look at the person.
He doesn't need to. . .
"You have quite the attitude, handsome. I'd like to see more of that, but maybe a change of scenery?"
Anti shakes a little under the touch, knowing it's Darkiplier. The statement that comes from his mouth surprises him more, making him more nervous. Anti swallows, but doesn't say anything, lost in thought, unable to control it at this point.
Anti, he's messing with you. He's using you for yer body. That's all he wants, and that's all they ever want. He won't want you when it's done and over with. It's just yer body. . .damnit Blank. I'm murdering you tomorrow..hangover or not.
"Who ever said it was just for your body?" Dark remarks, letting it be known that he was reading his mind the whole time.
"Because it always is.." Anti mumbles under his breath, his eyes closed. Dark frowns a little to himself, but finally moves his hands to turn Anti around to face him. He uses his finger to lift Anti's chin so they meet with eye contact. He breaks eye contact to admire Anti's face features, smiling to himself, happy he finally has his chance.
Dark has known and studied Anti for a while, slowly falling for everything about the Irish demon. Everything else that wasn't his body. His character, his laugh, his humor, his hobbies, his thoughts, and yes, his bodily features as well he supposes. Everything from when Anti first started going to the university, as a freshman, he caught Dark's eye. . . .he just didn't know.
Dark meets eye contact with Anti again. Without a word, he leans down ever so slightly, meeting Anti's soft lips with love. A spark is felt between them, and no not one of Anti's glitches. A soulmate, lover spark. Anti relaxes into the kiss, feeling it. He raises his hand to Dark's neck, his other hand resting on Dark's shoulder. Devil, his shoulders. His neck and shoulders were broad, and his chest was firm. Anti absolutely loved this. Devil knows he did. He wanted his hands to roam all over Dark, cross and caress every line, every vein, every curve, every scar that Dark had on his entire body.
Dark pushed into the kiss, letting out more desire in that moment. He didn't want to force Anti, but Devil did he want him. Anti opened his mouth, allowing Dark to deepen the kiss even more, giving permission to use his body as he pleased.
Dark smirked into the kiss, his hands holding Anti's waist yet again, with one hand deciding to wander up his hoodie, not noticing the small dried scabs of future scars, while he moved his mouth down to his neck. He placed gentle, loving pecks on Anti's neck, brushing his mouth while he wandered, but when he pressed his lips to a certain spot on Anti's neck right below the corner of his jaw by his ear, Anti whimpered and shuffled a little. This drove Dark past gentleness.
He licked that spot, biting down softly, proceeding to suck, leaving a red love mark on Anti. This gave Anti pleasure he'd never felt from previous boyfriends. They'd always stuck to his neck that rounded off to his shoulders, always pleasuring themselves, not giving a shit about Anti. But Dark, he roamed Anti. He loved him, and wanted him to feel loved. He didn't know about Anti's past with others, cause he wasn't a stalker, but he knew by that reaction that Anti has never felt this during an intimate time like this.
He tiptoed his way down to the start of Anti's chest, however being blocked by his hoodie. Dark growled, which sent shivers down Anti's back. Abruptly stopping the session, Dark grabbed Anti's hand and pulled him swiftly but gently to his room up that second flight of stairs, closing and locking the door behind him. Anti wanted to protest, not wanting Dark to see the many cuts, scars, and bruises scattered across his body, the ones he tried so desperately to hide, but Dark was too far gone to see the look in Anti's eyes. Anti also couldn't really speak, on account that he couldn't breathe, for many reasons.
Dark pinned Anti against a wall, kissing his neck again, keeping his hands on the wall behind Anti. Anti whimpered, but this time in fear, though he still continued to pant. Dark started to move his hands, trying to pull Anti's hoodie off, but this is when Anti started to squirm and protest. Dark took notice to this and halted his work on Anti, loosing any lust from his eyes that he had, looking gently but confusingly into Anti's eyes. That's when he noticed the fear in Anti's eyes, and the tear that was rolling down his face, Anti glitching a little heavier.
Anti closed his eyes and turned his head, ashamed of crying in front of anyone, let alone Darkiplier. Dark's heart dropped to his stomach though.
"Baby, what's wrong? What did I do? Did I go too far?" Dark questioned Anti, scared he really did scare Anti and go too far. The only answer he got was a short lived, and barely noticeable head shake from Anti, who was now crying more, mad at himself for making Dark think he was the one that did it.
"I shouldn't have led you on, Dark....I'm sorry..I'm so so sorry." Anti whimpered out, glitching heavily, convincing Dark that he just genuinely didn't want to be with him. Dark sighed in disappointment but hugged Anti in comfort, ignoring his own feelings.
"No, Anti. I'm sorry. I should have asked and made sure you even liked me or wanted to do anything with me first," Dark comforts Anti softly. Anti hugs Dark tighter, shaking in his grasp, his glitching only getting worse.
"That's the thing Dark. I do like you, and that's why I was trying to stop you." Anti confesses. This confuses Dark further.
"What? Why Anti? What are you so scared of then?" Dark questions Anti in a patient and loving tone.
"I'm scared of yer reaction when you see them.." Anti replies quietly.
"Wh- See what Anti? What are you talking about?" Dark questions further, pulling away and looking Anti in the eye, wanting to know what Anti is hiding. Anti only looks away to the side. "Anti," Dark addresses again, using his fingers to move Anti's chin so he can only look him in the eye. "What are you hiding? . ." Dark mutters quietly. Anti closes his eyes and sighs heavily in sadness.
"My scars, Dark. I'm scared of yer reaction when you see my scars." Anti finally admits, just barely speaking loud enough for Dark to hear it. Another tear falls from Anti's, still closed, eyes. Dark shakes his head softly, closing his eyes to take a breathe, opening them again to assess Anti.
"Kitten, look at me, please," Dark whispers. Anti opens his eyes hesitantly, his glitching calming a little, Anti slightly surprised to see nothing but love in Dark's eyes. "I want you to show me these scars. I can promise you on my life, that I won't hate, be disgusted, or laugh at your scars. I love you for everything about you. Everything." Dark says, making Anti nod, still hesitant. Dark removes his hands completely and takes a step back, allowing room for Anti to take off his hoodie.
Anti swallows and does as Dark wants. He sheds another tear and closes his eyes again when he's left with no shirt or hoodie on.

(Slight Trigger warning of self harm scars, and things get a little elevated and spicy at the end, but no actual smut occurs)

Dark studies Anti's body carefully. He has so many scars on his chest, some newer looking scabs scattered along his stomach, as well as on his wrists and forearms. There's a few very fresh looking slits on his wrists just above his hands, making Dark want cry, covering his mouth to keep any sob from coming out. He's never truly wanted to cry, before today.
This is one thing he'd never noticed or known from Anti. Now that he thinks about it, he realizes that he's never seen Anti wear anything except long sleeved shirts and hoodies. Dark presses his lips together, keeping whatever noise in that's right on his tongue. He looks back up at Anti's face, seeing the grief and fear in his expression, his eyes closed tightly, and bottom lip pulled between his teeth. He's shaking as well.
Dark takes a deep breath and speaks up. "Anti, I'm going to touch you, so don't be scared." Anti nods, getting noticeably more tense. Dark sighs at this observation, but continues. He puts one hand on his waist, making sure he's extra gentle. His other hand holds Anti's face gently, rubbing his thumb on his cheek. Anti, eyes still closed, leans into the touch. He moves his head to face forward, opening his eyes to meet Dark's. He relaxes almost completely when he sees Dark's soft gaze, and gentle smile.
Dark, without a word, breaks eye contact, removes his hand from Anti's cheek, and kneels down, so he is eye level with Anti's belly. (I feel like I'm writing a scene between a married couple that are expecting....)
He glances, for a split second, up to Anti's eyes, searching for any fear or sign telling him to stop, but there is none, so he continues. He places a slow, gentle kiss directly to a scar on Anti's stomach. This softens Anti completely, his glitching so far gone it's almost nonexistent. All it is, is static.
Dark does this again over a few different scars, both hands resting, not holding, resting, on Anti's hips. He proceeds to do what he did with Anti's neck, but slower and softer, with less lust and more love. Anti sighs contently at this, but shivers a little. The shiver mixes with his shifting, to which Dark takes notice.
"Do you want me to stop?" Dark asks calmly. Anti smiles softly, but shakes his head.
"It tickles," is all he says, letting Dark continue, but he doesn't.
"Do you want me to be a little. .present. .about the kisses?" Dark questions half jokingly, half actually asking, with a smirk on his face. Anti giggles a little with some heavier static, his heart racing at the thought of Dark's touch, but this time, he's not worried what Dark would say. He just wants Dark, and his touch.
He bites his lip and nods, smirking to the joking side, but his eyes hold nothing but desire. Dark takes this as his sign to continue, so he does. This time though, instead of being softer about it, he does exactly what he did on Anti's neck, only on his stomach this time, leaving Anti to let out heavy breaths. Anti's heart really is racing, and Dark's is thumping steadily but harshly against his chest.
He pauses, feeling his familiar, uncontrollable urge rising in his senses. He looks at Anti who has now looked down to Dark, confused.
"Anti, I can't go further without loosing control. I don't want to scare you, or hurt you." Dark says, his fear showing in his tone and expression. Anti smiles and reaches his hands to hold either side of Dark's face, leading Dark to stand up. They keep eye contact.
"Darkiplier, then don't control yerself. Take me, all of me. I need you." Anti states firmly, meaning every word. Dark is left speechless.
"What's your safe word?" Dark questions. Anti smirks.
"Avocado." Dark chuckles, and stares Anti in the eye, admiring him before he allows himself to loose his control. Anti, getting impatient, missing Dark's touch, speaks up.
"Dark, love, please take me. You want me, and I need you. Love me, please. . ."
That's all it takes for Dark to pick Anti up by his thighs, holding Anti to him. He presses his lips to Anti's, full of passion, loosing all control for his love of now three years. Anti doesn't know that yet, though.
Their tongues interlock in passion, lust, and desire, no longer caring about anything around them in the present. It's them, and only them. The only words playing in Anti's mind?

'I love you, Darkiplier'

'I love you too, Anti'

3024 words - Including the trigger warning, POV labels, and any extra writing I added within the chapter. Specifically the text that looks exactly like this-

You know what, you get it. ANYWAY

I hope you enjoyed! I edited this, as you could see from the title, but not by much. I fixed the dialogue shit that I immaturely decided to do when originally writing this, and I fixed the paragraphs, as well as grammar.

I've been thinking I'm going to go back and edit most of, or all of my old chapters. . .I'm just not sure yet. Either way, whatever! Enjoy my shitty writing, and I'll see ya next chapter! Buh Bye :)

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