Anti x Dark - 🤍🩸 Torture With Me, Would You?

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, this is for you! Hope you enjoy!

"Oh Darky~ " Anti sings, stalking from above. "Yes, Anti?" Dark replies, keeping focus on his papers on his desk. Anti giggles at his fiancé's voice.
"I want to go p- lay-y. Come with m- me," Anti beams, spazzing in excitement. He hears Dark sigh, and hears a faint ringing in the background. Dark looks up, watching Anti thoughtfully. He smiles, but composes himself before speaking.
"Can we go later tonight? I only have another hour or two of work," he explains. Anti does an overly dramatic eye roll and groan, but nods. "Fine," he spits stubbornly, like a five year old. Dark nods and waves him off, looking back down at his documents.

Two and a half hours later, Anti is sick of waiting. He feels like he's becoming less controllable by the second, and his anger is raging inside him like a ball of fire. He's shaking his knee and tapping his fingers faster than he can keep up with, constantly shifting.
A scream starts to build inside him, when finally, he hears that echoed, husky voice. "Let's go."
When they get to the over world, they walk around a small town, under the street lights. They walk nonchalantly, awaiting to spot their first victim. It's rather vacant, and Dark suggests leaving, but Anti refuses. Small towns are the easiest, safest places to do stuff like this, because there's little commotion and lots of easy access hideouts where no one can be heard.
As Anti leads them into an alleyway, a teenage boy stumbles out of a side door from a building, being the first alleyway, and human, they've seen.
When the boy spots them, only seeing their shadows, he giggles. "Mattie, man. Where you been? Thought I just left ya," he jumbles his words, quick and almost incoherent. Anti giggles very quietly, letting Dark do this part. This was his talent.
"I think you're a little too drunk man, maybe I should take you home." Dark suggests, mocking a teenage voice, keeping his echoing to a very, very minimum. The guy giggles. "Noo, I want to go back to your place. My place fucking sucks, dude." Dark nods.
"Ok, we'll head to my house." Dark agrees. He snaps his fingers, and the three of them teleport to an underground shack, about five miles outside of town. They've used this countless times before.
"Either I'm actually tweaking, or you moved from your old house. Also, did I pass out? How the hell are we here already?" The boy asks, looking more confused than ever. Dark giggles, continuing his voice.
"Yeah man. You passed out the whole way here, and you don't remember me telling you I moved? That was weeks ago!" Dark gives Anti an amused look, nodding over to a cabinet they have for just about every occasion. Anti smirks devilishly, walking over.
"Yo, who's that?" The boy questions, eyeing Anti. Dark giggles.
"Somebody you'll soon get to know~ "

The boy's face immediately sobers up. When he looks straight at Dark, realizing his tone went dark and cold, his eyes pure red, the boy turns pale and pasty. He looks over to Anti, and intentionally, Anti decides it'll be funny to scare him some more. He can't see him, but he can feel his terrified eyes on his back. So, still not looking at the boy, with his back facing him, he giggles. He allows his core to glitch, going green and crackling energy.
The boy's stance becomes defensive, and he attempts to back away. Dark smirks and starts to walk up to the boy.
"I wouldn't attempt to walk away from us or escape. You'll only make this that much more painful for yourself." Dark teases, lifting a finger to the younger one's neck, trailing his nail up to his jaw. He doesn't do it forcefully enough to break skin, but it leaves a bright red trail behind.
"Please stop," the boy pleads softly. Dark invites himself to answer, but Anti does before he gets the chance. "My dear boy, I'm afraid we just can't," Anti taunts. He feels the blade of a butcher knife that he picked, and walks over to the boy slowly, stalking him like a predator.
"You see, it is in our demon nature, to hurt you. To torture you. To make you fear us, and all things in this world. It's our nature to make you wish we were merciful and just killed you, quick and easy." Anti claims. He giggles, staring the boy straight in his eyes. He stops in front of him, taking a few steps forward.
"I mean, consider yourself lucky. You're one of our chosen! Besides, you won't make it alive after we're done with you anyway," Anti adds, acting quickly before the poor boy has time to process or respond.

The boy falls the to ground, letting out a massacre scream. Anti laughs demonically, Dark standing behind him, feeling amused. The boy keeps himself on the floor, not even bothering to try and look over at his arm.
The pain he feels is beside him, and how he's still conscious is a mystery to all of them. But, since he is, Anti decides to continue. He goes back to the cabinet, picking out some smaller torture knives, as Dark calls them. Anti calls them play toys. They are average pocket knives, but they do great in making victims shake in fear, with Anti's skills.
Anti looks at the boy on the ground, and frowns when he sees he's not making any sound. He's breathing, and he's blinking, but there's no crying, and no screaming. Anti glares, baring his demon canines.
"Fine. I'll have to go harder." he snarls. Dark chuckles, but leaves Anti to it. Torturing is more Anti's talent, Dark simply helps.
Anti picks up the boy by his hair, hanging him in the air, making the boy groan and holler. He lifts the knife up to the boys face, pushing down and gouging the knife down his face, leaving a giant gash running down his left eye. Blood pours from the wound like a waterfall for blood, the boy screaming and crying, wiggling to escape.
"How about some more fun, huh?" Anti comments, throwing him down. The boy yelps on impact, and barely moves. He continues to scream, but it's very weak. "How about we make this a little more...torturous. Hm?" Anti rejoices. He snaps at Dark, and Dark knows exactly what he's doing. It's a rather classic move in demon torture and human psychopathy murders.
He hands Anti the bigger than usual pliers, Anti feels a physical spark emit from him out of excitement. "Thank you, handsome." Anti beams. Dark gives him a swift kiss on the lips before letting Anti resume.
He turns around, spazzing a second, before reaching for the boy's hand, feeling satisfied stepping in a pool of the boy's blood. He feels little resistance, which makes him frown, but clips the pliers onto a finger nail nevertheless. He pulls slowly, peering down at the boy who is now belting a blood curdling scream, falling limp within seconds of the nail being fully removed from his finger, blood pouring out, never-ending.
Feeling little amusement from the last bit, Anti lets the boy lay there, walking up a wall and sitting upside down.
"What are you doing, glitchy?" Dark questions. "I'm wait- ting till he wakes up so I can tort- ure him some more," Anti blatantly states, licking the blood off his fingers and hand. Dark simply rolls his eyes, and walks over to the wall that Anti climbed up. He sighs, mumbling, "fine."

Hours pass, and the boy doesn't wake up even for a millisecond. With Anti sitting there, picking at the brick wall with his nail, Dark's voice brings his attention to the present.
"I don't think he's waking up," Dark remarks. Anti sighs, dropping down to the floor, and without words, Anti drags the boy out of the shelter all the way through the woods, hanging his body up by a tall tree near a dirt road, with a very twisted twinkle in his eye. Dark trailing him with the boy's decapitated arm, he hangs it on a branch next to the body, letting it sway, stepping away with a smile.

"I'd say my work is about done. Just one more thing," Anti comments. He takes his personal knife and sticks it in his neck just to be sure, then pulling it out, walking away. "Ok, now we can go," he tells Dark.
They begin to walk through the woods the opposite way they had dragged the boy from, holding hands.
"Can you torture me like that tonight?" Dark asks sarcastically. Anti giggles, biting his lip. "I can do whatever you want me to do," he answers, kissing Dark, then running off.

1463 words

Part 1, if you want more. There can be a part 2 if you found this interesting and entertaining enough! (Same story, different target kind of thing.)

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