Is Danti Real!? 🧸 (Edited)

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Anti x Septic egos

"So is Danti actually real?!" Chase screams, way too loud for Anti's liking.
"Dude shut up!" Anti retaliates.
"Sorry," Chase whispers. "But is it?" He continues. Anti rolls his eyes, only hesitating for a second, not realizing the color that has slowly surfaced on his face.
"Y- ". Before Anti can answer, Marvin barges in.
"Let's do this, guys!" he says excitedly. Marvin looks at Chase and Anti, but when he glances at Anti, he sees a little color of strawberry red dancing along his face.
"Anti? What were you guys talking about to make you turn into a tomato?" He chuckles, forgetting about what he came in to tell them in the first place, as Anti shifts uncomfortably. Anti doesn't say anything. He just keeps staring at Marvin and uses his eyes to say 'we don't talk about it'.
"Excuse me!" Chase exclaims, "He was about to tell me if Danti is real!" Anti glares at Chase. If looks could kill. Chase sticks out his tongue, ignoring Anti's death glare. "Well?" Chase asks impatiently.
"I mean I don't like him like that," Anti falsely admits.
"Bullshite! You were about to say yes!" Chase exclaims boldly, voice full of confidence.
"I mean, we get along, don't get me wrong, but I don't like him!" Anti refuses again.
"Oh? So you don't think he's cute?"
Anti is silent for a moment. "Well, yeah," Anti answers "but I don't like him that way!" The boys both look at each other, but at the same time start laughing their heads off. "What are you guys laughing at?" Anti asks, feeling vulnerable and embarrassed, still trying his best to hide it.
"We're laughing at your obvious lie," Chase says with a smile, thinking he knows for sure. Anti is unable to contain his small bubble of laughter any longer, so he chuckles among with them, unfortunately for Anti against his will, making it even more obvious he's not being honest.
"Stop laughing!" he cries with a short lived smile, attempting to hide it more. "I don't even like him like that!" Chase chortles.
"Whatever, dude," he says, "I don't know why you continue to try and hide it. Either way, at this point, just know I like this one more than I like the other one anyways." Marvin nods in a agreement, but Anti shoots them both a look.
"And you have a say in that because?" He throws. Chase gives him a confused look. "You guys neglected me falsely, and didn't even pay attention enough, going on without a care or second thought of if I was ok or if it was healthy." Anti explains, trying to be calm about it.
Technically, they'd all forgiven each other, and while yes, Anti too, it was still a hard time to think about. His brothers neglected his entire being, his ex-boyfriend was abusive, and even Dark had stopped seeing Anti for awhile, claiming he needed some time away from Anti. Chase looks down.
"I know dude, I'm sorry. I can't say it anymore genuinely. I thought you forgave us for that?"
He looked sad in the eyes but held hope. Anti nods slowly.
"I did, and I do, it's's a hard time to think about. That topic is still a little sensitive." He says before getting up and walking into the kitchen from the living room, leaving the other two to sit on the couch while he grabs his favorite flavor of pop tart and goes over to the counter. Anti just stands there, unsure if he should tell them the truth that Dark was the love of his life.
Should I tell them?
He decides against it, and just takes a bite of his pastry.
After Anti decided to break up with his ex, he ran into JJ in town, and after a long process of untrusting, being skiddish, but also having love and forgiveness on the other party's end, they slowly gained trust with each other.
Soon enough, the brothers trusted one by one, and Anti now lives with them. About a month after he moved in, Henrik had gone to see Dr. Iplier about some business, and had let it slip that Anti lived with them. Dark heard, and got a hold of Anti. Five months into their friendship, they're back to their status in friendship, and maybe a little more. . .

But that's their secret for now.

663 words

There ya go y'all
First chapter :) hope you enjoyed!

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