Anti x Dark 🍋🌧️-💔?- Can I Pick? (Republished)

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  "But I- "

  "I'm gonna be honest, right now, Anti, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge for being a shithead." He blatantly admits. I chuckle.
  "Can I pick?" I ask sarcastically. "Let me guess, you'd pick the kis- "
  "Where's the closest bridge?" I interrupt smoothly, allowing myself to not smile.
  "You're such a fool!" He laughs, throwing a pen at me. I laugh with him.
  "Haha! You love it, old man!" He nods. "Yes, I do baby boy. Get over here." He responds. I smirk.
   "Ooo, yes sir."

  Dark smirks at my after commentary, and pulls me in by wrapping his arm around my thin torso, kissing me with those intoxicating lips. I hum contently into the kiss making him pull back to laugh.
  His eyes watch me carefully, like I've realized he's been doing lately. Every once in a while he glances at my lips, but ultimately sticks to my gaze. I watch his eyes with a relaxed expression, letting him look at me as he will.
  We fight a lot, and play around a lot, but devil do I love this demon.

  "I love you Anti," He admits suddenly, now glancing at and I think admiring my facial features.
  I dont really pay attention, since I'm too into my own head at the moment. This statement shocks me speechless. He's never said I love you before. Ever. Three years of dating, and he's never said I love you.
  "Y-you've never said you l-love me," I stutter, wondering if my demon, the one standing in front of me, actually just admitted that to me, out loud.
  He gains a soft but still Dark smile, shocking me further to realize that he actually did. He nods.
  "I know I havent, but I do. I cant not tell you anymore. I love you and everything about you. I love you." He explains.
  I blink swiftly a few times and step back, enough to show him my shock, but not enough yet to make him pull his hands away from my waist. His touch makes me want to melt, but I dont focus on that much.
  I feel unable to speak, and though I try, nothing comes out. My face must not look very assuring, because his smile fades the longer I dont say anything, I simply look at him with some type of negative face expression.
  His face shows worry.

  "Are you not happy I said it?" He questions. He takes the step forward that Id taken back a few seconds ago. I swiftly shake my head, still at a lack of words. I try to move my lips and tell him no, Im happy he did, but nothing truly comes out. So, currently, my half dead body is failing me.

  "Um, I think.." I couldn't think straight.
  To make this straight, we havent held hands yet, or hugged, or cuddled. Sounds crazy and like a lie, I know. But we really haven't. He's held my waist before, and pulled me in during kissing, but that's typical. Dark isn't much more than that, unfortunately. I am, but he doesnt know that.
  I wanted to throw my arms around him when he said he loved me for the first time ever, but I couldn't, because we dont hug. Out of three years.

  Don't get me wrong, we've had sex, but never romantically. Not how I long to. The times that I dont want anything but slow and romantic sex, I just tell him that I'm too sore, or tired. He at least understands that. He's not bad, or mean, though, as much as this makes him sound. He's funny, still loves me, and is a great love maker, but he's just not the soft type of demon like I am. I have two sides, while he really only has one. I mean, Darkiplier is the strongest and toughest demon I think that's ever lived; or...died..I guess.
  Because of this, I resorted to my brothers. Mostly just Chase. Only he knows the true extent of my love for Dark.
  I've obviously never cuddled Chase, cause I mean...he's my brother. But we've hugged, almost every time I show up at his house because of Dark. It's gotten bad enough a few times that I popped into his house (because I can teleport) crying, and he's held my hand. It doesnt happen often because I despise vulnerability, but he'll sit next to me and let me hold his hand.
  I haven't told him yet, but when he thinks that I'm just there holding his hand because Dark won't, I actually imagine it's Darks hand. I've never felt his hand in mine, but I imagine his touch gives me goosebumps.

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