Chase × Henrik 🧸 Really? (Edited)

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Slight backstory, or for context (I was gonna add it in the story, but I kinda just wanna explain ahead of time). Basically, in this one shot, the septic egos aren't brothers. No egos are. They're separate human beings, basically the thought of doppelganger's from the same human. Not like, birthed, (obviously 😂) but basically just created into entities from the same person, however not brothers. Think of them as doppelgangers in the sense we do in the world. How you would have like, what 7 or 9 or whatever doppelgangers of yourself, but unrelated in any way?? So yeah, anyway :) enjoy the fluff!

Chase glances over to Henrik at the table. He sips his coffee while doing a crossword with JJ.
Something none of his doppelganger friends know is that he's liked Henrik for a while. Yeah, he was married to Stacy. She left him for some douchebag of a guy, got full custody of the kids by lying, and he decided to move in with Henrik, JJ, Anti, and Jackie. Where's Marvin? He moved temporarily to Brighton in the UK to live with Seán. Something about curiosities about their creation or some shit.
Anyway. Being homosexual or bisexual is nothing new in the friend group, to be honest. Anti has Dark, JJ is seeing Wilford, hell, Jackie is even talking seriously with Yandere! Not a fan, but he supports.
He doesn't really know if Henrik is bisexual or not, cause since his divorce, he's made no sign of being or talking with anyone at all; of both genders. So Chase decided to keep this small bit to himself.

Chase's POV

Realizing I've been blacked out thinking this whole time, I come back to reality realizing that I was burning the bacon. I internally face palm and quickly turn off the stove, move the pan, maybe a little too, fast resulting in burning my wrist on the stove, and grab a plate to put the bacon on.
  "You ok zere (there) Chase?" Henrik questions, watching as I flutter around with the bacon. I look up at him after I get all the bacon on the plate, and give a small apologetic smile as I lean the plate down, not enough to drop the bacon, but enough to see it. It's not black burnt, but the edges are a little too dark, red, and crisp, and the inside is nothing but a deep dark red. Henrik furrows his brows in confusion but kind of chuckles humorlessly.
  JJ snaps to get my attention, signing 'Are you ok Chase? You never burn breakfast..' he pauses, 'especially not that bad' he finishes with a silent giggle. I mock an offended expression and throw a piece of bacon at JJ, who laughs but catches it, taking a bite. Luckily, it still tastes better than it looks. Happily, he looks back down at the crossword Henrik and him were doing. Henrik hints a smile at the interaction but gets up to get another cup of coffee and snatch a piece of bacon himself.

Third Person

While waiting for his coffee cup to fill again (I'm thinking of mine at home, how we have a anytime you want more you have to let it make it again) he decides to watch Chase move onto pancakes. Chase looks deep in thought again, however does good to still focus on the task at hand. Henrik notices Chase biting his lip, and smirks to himself. One of his cutest traits, Henrik thinks to himself. He's realized lately that he likes Chase. He doesn't want to say anything to him, thinking he's still in love with the bitch Stacy. He finally looks over to his, now filled, cup and walks over to grab bacon.
"Thank you," Henrik says before walking back over to the table. Chase smiles but says nothing.

"What's cooking!?" Anti screams from the top of the stairs. Chase rolls his eyes before yelling back.
"You ask this every morning dude! It's the same thing each time dipshit!" Chuckling at his answer. He can barely hear a faint "fuck you" from the top of stairs, only just barely over the sound of cooking pancakes, sizzling eggs, coffee machine with a very tired Jackie, Henrik talking to JJ, and Jackie occasionally giving hints; thus making Henrik a little tense, complaining and explaining he can do it himself.
Anti makes his way down the stairs in his favorite hoodie, walking by Jamie (JJ) and snatching his hat before running over to Chase snatching his backwards worn hat. Chase's hair is rather rough and unkept under the hat, as Henrik notices, making him feel his heart flutter for Chase again.
Anti puts them both on, laughing.
"How they look?" He smirks. JJ smiles but signs.
'Give my hat back, dork
.' JJ isn't one to curse or use rude names.
"Come and get me!"
Anti laughs again, not running until Jackie decides to join in, chasing Anti down. Chase giggles himself as he watches Anti's whole expression change at the sight of Jackie joining. Definitely getting the hats back, Chase thinks. Without looking over, he comments.
"Henrik, expect two people in your clinic study today. Have surgery tools ready." He jokes, making Henrik let out a small chuckle.
"Lord knows zey (they) are probably going to murder one anozher." JJ nods in agreement.
"Ah!" Anti screams from another room. "Not fair! You said no powers!" He continues, complaining.
"Wrong! I said no electricity powers asshat! Not my problem you don't have the powers I do!" Jackie replies, sounding proud.
"But that's completely unfair to the fight if you can use strength and I can't use anything!" Anti shoots back. Jackie strides in with both hats unharmed.
"Workout like I do, and maybe you'll magically grow some muscles!" Jackie finishes, putting Chase's hat back on the way it was, and gently placing JJ's hat atop his head.
With breakfast finally ready, they all dig in, Anti sitting next to Henrik and JJ, unadmittedly scared of Jackie. Chase glances over to see Anti with a very light black eye and a small cut on his eyebrow. He then glances over to Henrik, who is focused on finishing his food. He looks to be eating faster than usual.
"Have somewhere to be?" Chase pipes up, looking at Henrik directly. Everyone looks up, and then look at Henrik. He looks at everyone like he's hiding something, but smoothly replies.
"Nein, just hungry iz all." He looks back down and continues.

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