Chase x Anti - First Kiss (UF)

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"Anti, you're an ass."
"Oh I know I am," he snickers. Marvin rolls his eyes, but suddenly bursts out laughing when Jackie knocks into Anti, swiftly lifting him up and carrying him over his shoulder. Anti yelps on impact and his shriek fades into curses that are most likely too rash to repeat.
"Calm down Anti, I'm not going to kill you," Jackie assures with a hushed laugh. Anti just grumbles.
"You're filthy hero hands are contaminating my skin," Anti remarks, squirming in Jackie's grip. Instead of taking offense, Jackie simply smiles slyly and grips Anti tighter, making him strain from the grip. "Let. .go," he muffles.
"You're such a baby," Chase chuckles, walking into the room. Anti just groans again, pushing Jackie's back the best he can, trying to wriggle out. Jackie finally rolls his eyes and drops Anti, who lets out a loud "oof". Jackie smirks, Chase chuckles, and Henrik rushes over to make sure Anti is in one full piece.
"Yo! Pizza's here!" Marvin shouts from the front door. Anti, forgetting about Jackie and his childish pouting, is the first one to spring up and snatch a box of pizza from Marvin's stack of six. He bolts immediately to his room.
"Anti! You asshole! That's for everyone!" Chase yells, making Anti grin.
"There's five other boxes! Share with yourselves!"
Anti's grin falls when he hears loud footsteps going up the stairs, getting louder with each step. "Anti!" He hears Chase yell. Anti yelps when his bedroom door bursts open, and his immediate instinct is to climb the closest wall, easily escaping Chase. He was happy these ceilings were so damn tall, since they were practically living in a mansion.
"Anti, get down." Chase demands, using his fatherly tone. "That pizza is not just for you."
"Fuck off, there's five other boxes. Besides, this ceiling is too tall. You can't reach me," he claims, hanging upside down. Chase shakes his head and sighs, suppressing the urge to chuckle at Anti's hair, which is fallen straight down from his upside down posture.
"Okay, suit yourself."
"Wonderful," Anti finishes, thinking he's won. Just to be safe though, he doesn't drop back down to the ground until Chase is out of his room. "Alone at last."
"Not so fast bitch," Marvin gleams, smile wide, hands out in front of him. Anti shrieks, attempting to move fast. He's suddenly floating, and drops the pizza when he floats sideways. He can walk on walls and ceilings, defying gravity. But he can't just uselessly levitate. Not on his own, at least.
"Hey," Anti whines pitifully. "That was my pizza."
"It was never actually yours, Anti," he suddenly hears Sean's voice, making him growl.
Sean peaks out from behind the door frame. "Anti, my dear creation!" He exclaims. "So good to see you too."
"Fuck you," is all Anti replies, crossing his arms. Sean simply chuckles and signals Marvin to let him go once Sean has the pizza box in hand.
"Come on Anti, let's go eat some pizza." Anti growls, but doesn't say anything in response as he follows the two down.

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