Anti × Chase 🍓 The Club and Forgotten Birthday Part 1 (Edited)

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(art/picture is not mine)

Anti's POV

I keep my face expression neutral as I push open the door, the music and screams drowning out my thoughts.
As soon as I'm in, I'm trapped in between people, most dancing sexually and making out, some are talking, some are singing and jumping, some are at the bar downing shot after shot, getting absolute shit faced.
That'll be me in about an hour.
I push through people, walking around, enjoying the music and crowd for a second before shuffling slowly but surely over to the bar.
I rest my arm on the counter, raising my hand up a bit to get the bartender's attention. Two people to either side of me.
"A whiskey please." I order, to which he nods and pours me a shot.
Bottoms up.
I down it, and put up two fingers to signal for two more. He nods and does as asked, continuing to take orders from others.
I down the shots, looking around the dance floor. There's a lot of men here, some with wedding rings, some without. Lots of women wandering around and dancing as well.
Maybe I'll get lucky tonight.
I feel a hand lightly on my shoulder, gently sliding down to my shoulder blade. I turn my head only to look over my shoulder, seeing a woman smirking at me.
Getting into the mood, I smirk back, turning around fully.
"Well hello, beautiful." I say, making her giggle, her smirk staying plastered.
"Wanna dance?" She asks seductively. I keep my smirk.
"Sure pretty lady. Lemme buy ya a shot real quick."
After downing those, she leads me over to the dance floor, immediately starting the dance. She's turned around, her back to my chest. She leans her head back against my chest as I rest my hands against her waist, holding her to me. With the music, we begin pumping and grinding.
Her hands rested on mine, she guides my right hand up to her chest, letting me take over. I lean my head down to kiss her neck, still dancing along.
I need another shot.
Her hands both move backwards to my shoulders and neck, turning her head so I have better access.
She giggles and turns around, placing both hands on my chest, reaching up to kiss me. I place my finger on her lips when I see the gesture.
"One more drink little lass, then we can boogie." I state sweetly. Holding her hand, I go back up to the bar, and order three shots. One for her, two for me. She's hot, but I need to be wasted for this.
Once done, I lead her to the parking lot, leaning her against my car before continuing to kiss her, shoving my tongue in her mouth to explore with pure lust.
No love, no romance. Pure rage and lust. That's it.
I work my hands around her, her keeping her hands on my chest. I work down to her neck, grinding my crotch against her, groaning in pleasure. It's been a few weeks. . .
I pull back, catching my breath. I notice now, her eyes are brown. Never really been a fan of brown..but getting laid is getting laid I suppose.
"Got a smoke, beautiful?" I ask her, a little out of breath. She nods with a sexy grin, leading me to, I'm assuming, her car.
We light a smoke quick, before getting back to work, now against her car. My hands work their way up her shirt, before she stops me.
"Car." She demands. I smirk and follow her in her car, about to shut the door.
"Anti?" I hear a voice call me. I freeze.
For the love of God.
I do my best to keep myself from glitching in front of the lady from anger. I growl and kiss her one last time.
"Get ready for me lass. I'll only be a second." I say as sweetly as possible.
"What the fook Brody. I was 'bout ta get a good one!" I throw at him with a raised voice.
"Think I care?" He throws back, spiteful anger in his voice. I growl in annoyance.
"What do ya need? I'd like ta get back to it, ya dumbass." He rolls his eyes.
"How about, ya shouldn't be here." He replies, stopping when he's standing right in front of me, a few centimeters above my eye level. I snarl.
"Ya have no room ta tell me what the hell I can do, ya worthless shithead." I retaliate.
Ok so maybe calling him worthless was a little harsh. . .but I can't help it. It's been weeks, I'm somewhat drunk, a little high, and I'm being told by my father figure of a fellow ego, that I shouldn't be here. Who's he to tell me?
He frowns at the sentence, but keeps neutral.
"Our friends are waiting back at the house dipshit. It's Jamie's birthday, remember?" He explains. I feel a pang of guilt. Shit. .I forgot that.
We are all not exactly friends friends, but we get along. Jameson being the one I'm closest to, followed by Chase, Jackie, Henrik and Marvin. In order.
I stare into Chase's eyes. His beautiful, blue eyes that are dim under the setting sun's light. His hat is on backwards, and he's in his typical t-shirt and jeans. I sigh and look back to the car.
There goes my great night.
I nod and walk back to the car, grabbing a sharpie from her car when I open the door.
"Hey sweetheart. I forgot about something I gotta go do, so here's my number. Hit me up when ya feel like dancin again." I tell her with a sexy smile, and smooth voice. I write down the number on her arm, and kiss her one more time roughly, really wishing I could get laid right here, right now.
I get in Chase's car, sitting in silence for most the car ride home. It's a good 25 minutes to the house. I hear him sigh next to me.
"Ya need ta stop doin that, Anti. Maybe try ta find someone." He says, turning to look at me. I scoff.
"Yeah, cause Antisepticeye is goin ta go find himself a wee lass ta dance with forever." I say sarcastically, my accent still being heavy, being how I'm slightly drunk.

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