Anti x Dark Isn't You ~ Part 4

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Isn't You - Anti x Dark ~ Chapter Four ~

I see almost everyone on the couch or floor, except for Sean. I'm standing in the middle of the living room, and all of them. How lovely. . .

"Ok, we're home. Tell us what happened Anti," Marvin demands. I groan.

"Polite much?" I react sarcastically. He rolls his eyes.

"This isn't a playdate Anti. There's obviously something wrong," he replies. The others nod. I hate the feeling of all of them staring at me. I feel my glitching pick up, and my finger taps against whatever body part it rests on, out of anxiety.

"Fine, fine. I'll tell you guys. But why do all of you have to be staring at me?" I vent, raising my voice.

"Because you're not a child and you're walking around the question," Chase deadpans. I sigh.


"So?" Henrik reminds impatiently. I eye him carefully, but start.

"Ok, um. . .Dark and I had a fight. He went all demonic, eyes went black, and he blew up," I explain. Chase immediately shoots up, looking ready to kill. Jackie grabs his arm.

"Did he throw you or hit you? I swear to god, if he did, his ass is going to the deepest part of hell." Chase defends.

I just stand there. He didn't this time, but he has hit me before. A time similar to this. The only difference is I was actually pushing him, for no actual reason other than my own bratty selfishness. His eyes went black, and I wasn't ready for him to leap at me and knock me back. The side of my face was bruised for two weeks, but I genuinely don't blame him. I know not to push his buttons for no reason, because that causes damage.

He does that with me too, but the difference is I have a better time holding my anger. . .for only so long. That's mostly why Jackie listens when I say be alert, like I did. He must've been confused, being how it's been so long since we've had any sort of contact.

I try to figure out if I should tell them, and ultimately, I decide to. They need to know. I just have to tell Marvin to put of a spell on Chase. I don't need Dark dying on me, even if I'm mad as hell at him.

"Marvin, keep Chase in this house," I warn.

"He did!" Chase screams, pulling his gun out and rushing toward the door. Luckily, Marvin acted immediately.

"Chase, calm down. It wasn't this time," I assure. He looks at me perplexed.

"Not this time!? When else did he do it? How many times!? Why didn't you tell us!!?" Chase rants, looking like he's going to explode the longer I don't answer.

"Chase, Chase, seriously. Relax. He's only done it once, and he did it out of anger because I pushed his buttons."

"Doesn't fucking matter. He shouldn't do that anyway, angry or not."

I sigh, and Jackie pats his back supportively. "Anti, what happened this time? I mean, it's been almost a year since we last heard from you. Why now?" Jackie questions me. I can feel tears again, that familiar burning in my throat, and I will myself to hold it.

"He always said no. I asked so many times to see you guys, that I missed you. When I asked him yesterday, he said no. I said I missed you guys, and he shot back at me, saying he misses his family. Out of anger I yelled, 'do you really?'. I think that made him more angry. I thought maybe I could just say that we could see his family, then see mine, but I don't think he liked that either." I explain thoroughly.

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