Antisepticeye - 🩸 - Part One (Mentions of Gore)

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This wasn't originally going to be a part 1-part 2 situation, but sometimes writing pulls out different plans than I started with. So, to keep from having a chapter that's too long, I'm splitting it into two. Hope you enjoy Part 1, and keep watch for Part 2!

~Minor Trigger Warning~

Mentions of child harming, and threats, as well as kidnapping, but nothing gory happens. (I'd still suggest reading, but it's not dire. Part 2 just might be mildly confusing if you don't know a little bit of the back story)


I stalk in the shadows, controlling my static. I feel inclined to giggle, but I keep myself quiet and predatory.
I watch as the girl skips next to her mother happily, her mother on the phone not even paying attention. I chew my bottom lip intent on keeping myself quiet. At night, I have an advantage of shadows, but I also have the disadvantage of silence. My static makes it nearly impossible to stay completely unheard.
Every once in a while, though, I get lucky with a parent or friend, like tonight. Not paying attention, and not sensing a single thing wrong. Some people just don't have great instincts.
I jump around swiftly from street to street, keeping up easily. The woman is on her phone, and soon enough, the daughter hears me. She stops skipping and looks around, looking frightened. I giggle a little openly, making sure it's more of a surrounded echo.
I'm genuinely shocked at how little the mom is paying attention, especially after I giggled. How could she not hear that? Either way, it makes it easier for me.
The girl tries to grab the mom's hand, but when the mom denies and nudges her back, the girl stops and cries silently. Perfect.

I jump up to her swiftly, wrapping my arm around the girls miniature frame, covering her mouth with my hand, my other arm helping bring momentum into my jump to the top of the roof of the closest building. The girl squirms and tries to scream, doing everything her poor little body can attempt, but nothing works. She's simply too small.
I giggle eerily, keeping my grip tight and my stance low. I shush her quietly, letting myself smirk with a sparkle. I can feel my edge growing by the minute, but I keep it down. I can't spoil this quite yet, I haven't heard the poor lonely girl scream for her mommy yet.
With that thought, I laugh, loud enough to catch the mother's attention. When she turns around and realizes her precious child is gone, she drops her phone and frantically looks around. She calls out the girls name over and over, until finally I lift my hand just enough so the little angel child can yell "mommy!" ever so innocently.

"Mommy, help me!" She screams, her tiny body trembling in my grip. It truly isn't the girl I'm after, before you think I'm an overly chaotic freak-of-a-psycho. I'm after her father, however I need the mother to call him and get his assistance. I've been tracking this family for quite some time after her dad tried to call me in, and fight me. He obviously didn't win against me, but simply messing with me was his error in judgement.

"Hold on baby! Where are you?! Momma's coming for you!" The mother hollers back, still looking all around in the wrong spots. I laugh loudly, making her stop.
"Oh but dear," I start, glitching with sparks flying off my errored entity. "I doubt you'll ever find us," I taunt, staying away from the side of the building so she can't see us. I hear her feet start to move again, since we're really the only ones out here at this time of night.
The woman groans in annoyance and hate. "When my husband gets here, bitch, you'll have wished you never messed with my daughter." She declares, picking up her phone. I spaz in amusement.
"Hehehehe. . .let's just wait and found out, dear," I challenge, keeping the girl's mouth covered once again.
After a few minutes, hearing the woman mumble words every once in a while, I catch on that the man is not answering, so I decide to tease and scare the mom a bit.
"Oh, love~" I sing. She growls, reminding me of what a mother bear would be like. "Easy there, mother hen. No need to get all protective there! Ya weren't earlier!" I laugh, making her go silent. "Still there, lass?" I question when she doesn't make a noise. Then I hear her huff. It's very quiet, but it's there. "Yes," she mumbles. "Ah. Good, good!" I cheer.
"Now then, if that man doesn't arrive soon, I'll simply take this tiny girl off your hands, and you'll have to find her body later," I explain, pulling out a small pocket knife from my back pocket.
"Don't even think about touching my daughter," the mother seethes. "Get that shite out here and I won't touch a freckle on this girl's face!" I course, starting to get impatient. The girl won't stop squirming, and she keeps trying to my bite my hand.
"However, dear mother. Tell yer fooking demon child to stop trying bite my hand, or she'll get thrown off this roof regardless!" I snarl. The girl wiggles more from my words. Well, at least she's smart enough to know what that means. Or it's that I'm now holding the knife up to her threateningly.
"Honey, stop trying to bite his hand! I want you safe sweetheart!" The woman calls up. I roll my eyes when I start to feel something wet fall onto the top of my hand. "Stop crying, wee lass, if ya don't want yer neck snapped," I demand quietly.
Thankful she's stopped, my attention goes back to the mother and absence of the father. I can feel my control slipping, and I truly don't want to kill this child unless I have to. This man has encountered me more than once.

"Alright mother, dear. Ten seconds to tell me if the man is going to be here, or I take the child. And if ya lie, I'll maul this child, and yer husband, and let ya suffer." I threat, walking up to the side of the building, seeing the mother looking up.
I know ye're probably wondering why the mom hasn't just climbed up to get her daughter. Simple, because there's no way up.
"N-no, please! He'll be here. Just let me call him one more time!" The mother pleads, fumbling to get her phone out again. I sigh.
"Ten. . .nine. . .eight. . ." I count, feeling the panicked energy pulse from the mother, and the fear from the girl. I giggle, spazzing for a second, before gaining control again.
"Six. . .five. . ." I continue. I wait the last four seconds, hearing her try to persuade me that he'll answer if she calls one more time. I simply ignore her.
"One. . .times up, love! Hehehe. . ." I announce, teleporting me and the girl from the roof, letting off a bright, electric, green puff of smoke. I take us to the Iplier Manor, and make my way to the side, leading down to a concrete cellar with cells on all sides.
"Hey dipshit!" I yell out, pushing the girl into one of the smaller cells. I close and lock the door, looking toward the entrance, hearing hefty footsteps making their way down the stairs.
"Hey moron, stop yelling. It's night, and the others are sleep-" He stops, seeing the little girl curled up in the corner of the cell, furthest away from both of us. "Why the fu- heck, is there a little girl in my cellar?" He urges, watching his language. I just roll my eyes.
"Well, I didn't plan on taking her, but her father is being stupid, not picking up his phone, and the mother was adamantly annoying." I explain, blowing sparks out, walking around the floor aimlessly and bored.
"Or are you just adamantly impatient?" He questions rhetorically. I shrug, watching the girl carefully. "Whatever. Either way, I don't plan on harming the child," I admit, plopping myself down on a wall bench.
"Anti, the poor girl is scared sh-" he starts, then stops. "Scared," he finishes after glancing at the girl. "Oh for Christ's sake. You don't have to censor yerself," I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "This is probably scary enough, I don't want to be a bad influence for her mouth too." He states. I scoff. "Oh yeah. Threaten her, her mother, threaten to kill her father, scare the girl, but god forbid we curse and characterize ourselves as bad influences," I list off sarcastically. "Please Dark. That's the least important thing in this," I remark.
He simply rolls his eyes and walks up, intimidatingly might I add, to the cell the little girl is in. He watches her carefully, keeping his stance tall and strong.
"And ye're worried about me being scary," I mutter under my breath. "Shut up Antisepticeye," he warns. I huff and glitch around, bored out of my mind.
I eventually just walk up next to Dark, watching the little girl. She looks exhausted, but doesn't look even close to falling asleep. Her eyes are wide and alert, her body shaking and curled up in a ball, sitting in the corner just as when I'd first put her in there.
I watched her eyes jump back and forth between Dark and I, and kept catching a small whimper here and there. I giggled creepily when I caught her starting another round of sobbing when she realized that we weren't moving and she wasn't going back to her "mommy" anytime soon.
My giggle, and probably smile, frightened her more it seems, cause she held herself tighter and continued to cry. Despite my words and intentions of not harming or murdering her, I'm still deciding to scare the living daylights- damnit Dark. The living shit out of her. What can I say, it's hilarious.

"Stop crying lass, or you'll be buried six feet down right next to yer dear old pops! Hehehehe. . ." I taunt, seeing the confusion in her eyes, but her fear overpowered it. She's little enough, from the looks of it, that she doesn't understand "six feet down". Genuinely, I wouldn't know. I don't like kids, and I don't know anything about them, but looking at her size it seems to be my only solution to her confusion.
Surprisingly, she actually stopped herself from crying, so I burst out laughing, even when Dark smacked me upside the head.
"Anti, are you kidding me? This poor girl is gonna commit suicide from trauma, if you keep doing what you're doing," Dark comments, giving the girl a sympathetic look. I roll my eyes, but keep my entertained smile.
"Whatever moron. Ye're gettin' soft!" I comment, getting another smack on the head. "What the hell was that for?"
Another smack.
"Ow," I mumble. "Language, Anti." Dark warns. I snarl and glare at the girl, but she just watches me with terror. I roll my eyes at the stereotype of it all and start to make my way towards the stairs.
"Go get Marvin and Jackie, and have them come down here. They'll watch her," he orders. "Yes sir," I reply sarcastically, chuckling when I hear his ringing getting louder. Probably not a comfortable thing for the little girl, to hear the void's ringing for the first time. I shrug. Oh well, kidnapping isn't supposed to be fun, nor comfortable.
Off to go get my ego brothers, then.

I hear a knock at my door. I groan in annoyance, but get up to answer it anyway. When I open it, I'm greeted with Jameson, Jackie, and the little girl. I scowl at Jackie.
"What," I demand. He rolls his eyes at my demeanor. "She's staying with you," he says. I look at him like he's crazy. "Are you fooking kidding me?" I spit out. Jackie rolls his eyes and Jameson just looks like he wants to be done with his existence.
"No she's not," I counter firmly. Jackie shrugs with a smirk that he's doing a terrible job of hiding. "Sorry glitchy, Dark's orders." He claims, trying his best not to beam. One look at Jameson's bored face, though, and Jackie looses his control on his expression. He stands there, beaming. When I look over to Jameson, he simply shrugs.
I groan in annoyance. "Why me?" I question genuinely. "I don't know, probably because you were the one that brought her here, I guess." Jackie explains, letting his smile relax. I huff, and look at the little girl as she looks around, herself, taking in everything in my room.
Jameson catches her curiosity and takes her hand in his, walking her into my room. She follows him willingly, tensing when she walks past me. I look at Jackie and he just shrugs, walking away. I turn around to Jameson, who's let go of her hand, starting to walk towards the door.
"W-wait, where are you going Jamie?" I rush to ask, glancing at the girl. 'With Jackie. Him and Marvin are going into town to get some stuff, and I need some stuff as well,' He signs. I stand speechless. They aren't seriously going to leave me alone with a child, right?
"Well, no. . .but you can't leave me alone with her! What if I loose control? Or she just tries to run away because I'm "scary"?" I complain, using hand quotations for "scary". He shrugs, signing 'Figure it out,' before walking out and closing the door. I stare at the door. He seriously just left me with her.
I turn around, and see her looking at the door, then back up at me. I growl, but she just stands there and watches me. Anytime my hand twitches, or my body glitches, she studies me. I grow annoyed quite quickly, rushing at her and picking her up. She flinches and squeals when she feels my hands carry her.
"Calm down little demon, I'm not gonna hurt you," I tell her, walking over to a bean bag I have in the corner of my room. I kinda just drop her into the chair, which shouldn't hurt since it's just a bean bag chair, and walk to the other side of the room to where my bed and bathroom are.
I throw myself on my bed, glitching knives into my hand and beside me. Without looking at the girl, I start tossing knives, playing around with different styles, and throwing them into the wood square that's on the ceiling above my head.
Dark had Marvin put that on the ceiling so I didn't damage it. Marvin's magic makes it restore each day so it's clean and smooth every morning, and keeps it stuck on the ceiling, no matter what force is used on it.
Every once in a while I glance at the girl, making sure she's still there. Every single time, she's just sitting in the bean bag like a creep, staring at me. I make the mistake of glancing at her before I catch a hunting knife that I toss up, and unluckily, it doesn't stick into the wood. It falls back down and punctures through into my arm. I spaz out and hiss.
"Son of a bitch," I vocalize, instantly regretting those words. Dark appears in my room within the second, smacking me with his cane, right in the stomach. I'm laying flat on my bed, so really that open hit was on me.
"Ow!" I yelp in static. "What did I say about language, Anti," Dark scolds. I growl demonically. "F off," I snap at him, pulling the knife out of my arm. As I do so, I hear a giggle. When the knife is out, both Dark and I glance over to the little girl.
"Funny, is it?" He asks the girl. She looks at him wearily, but nods softly. He chuckles himself, looking back at me. "Maybe we should keep her," he remarks, smirking at my reaction to his words.
He begins to walk out, "Dinner in an hour. Bring her with you, and no there is no choice in this," he informs, closing the door behind him. I grumble. I look over at my arm, watching it bleed, still. I sigh and wrap bandaging around it. I'll just have Marvin heal me at dinner.

Later that night, Dark comes in and shakes me, waking me up. "Anti," he addresses. I hum sleepily. "Jackie was patrolling, and saw the girl's father searching for her in the woods."
I look at him and sit up, then glance at the girl, who's asleep. I sigh. Why at night? I shake my head and start to get out of bed, motioning him over to her. He rolls his eyes but walks over to wake her up anyway.
I get dressed and mentally prepare myself, and take her hand in mine. She's tense, and I do sort of have to pull her, but it's better than having to carry her and shite. I walk us outside, and turn around to look at her. It's only her and I, since Dark staying in the shadows.
"Ok lass, be quiet, and don't yell out. We're going to go see yer parents, but if you yell for them and make any noise to catch their attention, I'll kill you right along with them," I warn her. She gulps but nods. "Good. Don't make a noise unless I tell you, and you'll go home with yer precious mommy," I remark. I pause when I hear her faint little voice.
"What about daddy?" She asks innocently. I hitch my breath. How do I tell a little girl that her dad is going to be murdered, and further, why am I having such a problem with admitting it to her? Fook, Dark really is rubbing off on me. I sigh, and start walking again, her hand still in mine.
"Yes, daddy will go home too," I lie, keeping my mind in check. You're not here to be soft, Antisepticeye. You're a demon. Murderer. You're torturous and unremorseful.
Giving myself a pep talk mentally, I keep us walking until I hear branches being snapped and leaves being crunched. I turn to look at the girl and put a finger up to my mouth. She imitates my motion and nods. I nod and look around for a tall tree.
Once I spot one, I open my arms to her, and while she looks hesitant, she walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck and shoulders. She holds on for dear life when I jump up to a tree branch quite a few feet off the ground. I keep going until I find a branch that's wide enough for her and I both to keep stable.
This particular tree has a small divot in the trunk where it connects with the branch, so I set her gently in that. She continues to watch me intently while I set her down and turn back, looking down. I try to ignore her looming eyes while I search for her father.
Eventually I spot him stepping around, trying to be silent. He's failing miserably.

Now, we may begin. . .

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