Anti x Dark 🧸-🌧️? Isn't You ~ Part 3 ~

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Isn't You - Anti x Dark ~ Chapter Three ~

"So, do you live in town, dear?" She asks me. I nod softly. "Yes, we live in a house on the outskirts of town," I reply. She hums, but doesn't respond, so I decide to start talking to her.
"You know my name, but I don't know your name, ma'am." I recall. She doesn't stop, or waver, and continues eating. I simply watch her softly and eat the food that's on my own plate. Eventually, almost double the time it took me, she finishes her dinner, and sets her fork down on her plate. She simply sits there, looking at me, studying me, before she 'confesses'.
"Rosemary, but I go by Mary. You will call me Ms. Leriah." She walks off, taking my dishes with her. I smile and nod, allowing her to do her thing.
I go back to thinking about today, and Dark, while Mary does whatever she has to do. Today went to shit, starting with Dark right after we had lunch, then with Jackie. It just sucks, and these emotions are making me feel like they're gonna be the end of me.
I sigh, and rest my head on the table, my forehead pressing against the edge. For a second my lip snarls in the corner, my body having a mind of it's own and allowing me to bare my demon teeth. I'm quick to hide it though. Even though she looks like she'd simply say be gone and I'd sizzle away at her words, I don't want to do that to such a kind woman.
Night comes, and it get's dark. I suppose I should go home, or talk to the two brother's that probably are ready to walk out on me completely.
"Sweetie, I have a bed set up for you, and extra clothes from my son in the room. The bathroom is right across the hall, and feel free to get a drink tonight if you wish," Mary- I mean Ms. Leriah, explains as she walks around the four room cottage. I walked around a bit after dinner, looking at some pictures and some small antiques.
She has a big room when you first walk in, which is the kitchen and living room combined. You then walk into her room. It's small, quiet, and very simple compared to the rest. To the right of that is the bathroom, and almost right across from the bathroom is the guest room.
"Mar- Ms. Leriah. I must be going, I shouldn't be on your hands anymore. But thank you." I apologize kindly. She waves her hand briskly, waving my talk away.
"Nonsense child. I made the bed and room up already, you've had dinner, and you need rest. This little ol' cottage of mine is far too far away from the city for you to walk all the way back." She scolds, "'Specially not in the dark," she adds.
"Well I- " She cuts me off, though.
"Where do you live, child?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"The city, I told you that, ma'am."
"Yes, but what side." She interrogates further.
"The East side, ma'am."
"That, my dear, is too far for you to go right now." I simply nod. She starts to walk off into her own room again, then yells, "Besides, do you wish to waste my energy of making that bed for you, child?" I sigh, and snort.
"No Ms. Leriah," I answer back, with a loud voice so she can hear me.
"That's what I thought."

So, I walk to the room, and change into the clothes she had on the bed. I look down at the clothes that are about a size too big. They feel perfect for bed, to be honest. I crawl into bed and let myself be under the two blankets that lay on the bed. I struggle to fall asleep for hours, until eventually, I drift off. I drift off in my struggled state, and wake up with a hand over my mouth, and someone shushing me as soon as they feel me panic.
"Anti, calm down. Don't scream." I hear someone whisper. As my brain helps me wake up, I realize that it's Marvin. Marvin the Magnificent. I haven't seen or talked to him in almost a year and a half now. Yikes.
I try to speak something. Anything. But his hand over my mouth makes it rather hard. "Stop making noise." He speaks again. I sigh. I stop fully, and he lifts his hand.
"Marvin, what are you doing here, and how did you know where I am?" I question in a whisper.
"I'm a magician, Anti, duh." He replies. I can hear him roll his eyes. I don't know how you hear that, but I'm very positive I did.
"I'm here," he begins, "because I'm bringing you home." Marvin whispers carefully. I immediately feel like bursting out from lightning and attacking him.
"That is not my home," I deny bitterly. Marvin sighs, most likely knowing why I react the way I do. Marvin is smart, and if he's used his spells the way I think he has, he knows what's happened and what Dark has been doing.
"Come on, Anti." He says, ripping the blankets off me and pulling me off the bed. I groan softly.
"Marvin, I at least have to say goodbye to Ms. Leriah." I reason. He sighs, but nods.
"Fine. You'll say bye, then you're coming back whether you like it or not. You have some explaining to do."
I gulp, and prepare myself for today.
I see Ms. Leriah walk out of her room, and glances at me, then at Marvin next to me, then walks to the kitchen, where she puts water on to boil.
"Who is this, Anthony? Is this your boyfriend?" She demands. Marvin whips his head over to me, with an almost perplexed look, but I simply watch him.
"No, this is not him. This is my brother," I address. "Marvin," I finish.
"I see. He wears a mask like that because?" She questions further. I chuckle.
"That is a personal manner, ma'am. He's here to pick me up," I explain. She doesn't say anything, but she watches us carefully. She doesn't continue to work while talking this time, she just watches us. This kind of worries me, but soon enough she nods.
"I wanted to say thank you, Ms. Leriah. I appreciate your help, and the roof over my head for last night. The dinner was delicious, and I really appreciate the advice." I beam, speaking truthfully. "If it's alright with you, I'm thinking about coming back and visiting at some point in the next few weeks."
She smiles more wide and genuine than I've seen from her. It warms my cold heart up just a little. Only a little. She's sweet and could mimic that grandmother figure in my life, even if I don't have a mom or dad figure, which I'm fine with. Less rules.
She nods, her smile unwavering.
"Very well, dear. I'll be waiting. Safe travels, and here," She suggests, going to her pantry and grabbing some small snacks, and reaching into a storage cupboard to grab a small basket. It feels cliché to watch, but it's cute. Not sure Marvin thought the same, being his mouth's hanging position. This makes me laugh, but I turn back to Ms. Leriah. She shoves the basket into my hands, and I almost drop it, but I smile and thank her anyway.
"I'll visit soon. Bye!" I say, closing the door.
"Wow," I hear Marvin mumble.
"I've never seen that side of you before," he admits. I snort.
"Yep, and that is the only time you ever will."
We eventually walk far enough that we can teleport without her seeing us, so we do so. Once I can see again, I see that we're in the living room....of the Septic Manor.
This is gonna be fun...

1334 words

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