Jameson x Anti - Silent Confession (UF)

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He watches as his crush spazzes out, yelling at his brethren. Marvin throws a spell at him, but he dodges it. He snarls at Marvin, then yelps when Jackie knocks him to the ground from behind, pinning him down. There's no way he could move or escape from Jackie.
Jameson looks at everyone whose standing behind Marvin. Marvin is in stance, ready to shoot another spell, Chase standing a few feet away from them all with a gun locked into his hands, pointing straight at Anti, and Henrik is watching anxiously from the bottom of the stairs with a syringe.
Jameson swallows hard when he looks back to Jackie and Anti, seeing Anti's fear veer from Marvin's figure, over to Jameson. He swallows as well, giving an apologetic look to Jameson before closing his eyes, relaxing himself, giving up.
Before he can even think about his actions, he bolts in front of Anti, pushing Jackie away with as much as force as he can muster up. He turns swiftly to Marvin, making heavy eye contact before what is done cannot be taken back.
In a flash, Jameson is on the floor in front of Anti, face contorted in pain, and silent screams itching to leave his throat. He curls up into a ball, only faintly aware of the arms wrapped around him, and yells blaring through the room, piercing his senses.
Then everything is black. . .

He wakes up, blinking harshly at the bright light above him. He takes a second to adjust, hearing a silent humming, then a steady beeping. He tries to take a deep breath, but winces. He turns his head as best he can to look over, seeing a monitor to his left, and a figure sitting in a distant chair.
He's not in a normal hospital, as he realizes. He's in Henrik's. He shifts his body uncomfortably, earning the figure's attention from the chair. It bolts upright and hurries over, but is then accompanied by blocking figures on both side.
Then Jameson is met with piercing screaming. Mean, and angry. Desperate and hurt. Marvin and Jackie, and Anti. Jameson does everything he can to reach out to Anti, trying to crawl out of the bed, but he can't. It hurts too much. His breathing becomes over-whelming, and within a few seconds he feels like he's suffocating.
He hears another voice. . .Sean's. That's a voice he hasn't heard in years. He scrambles to get out of the bed again, worried he might be here to erase Anti, but instead, he feels hands on his shoulders. They aren't forceful at all, and instead they only rest. He feels thumbs rub him, soothing his skin from below the hospital gown he only now realizes he's in.
He feels himself settle, and looks over to see Sean smiling gently above him.
Jameson drops himself back down, letting out a hard huff at the impact, feeling himself drift. He tries to fight consciousness, but his strength falters quickly. All he can do is weakly hold Sean's gaze and point over to Anti, mouthing his name before falling back into that safe darkness that first surrounded him. The same one he felt himself be created from, and the same one that he felt himself open his eyes from when he first looked at Sean. He internally sighs in happiness as he slips further, deeper into that darkness and into a secondary abyss.

Then he wakes up again.

This time, instead of feeling only pain, he feels comfort as well, feeling that pain almost as secondary. He feels satisfied and almost as though whatever is comforting him is easing his physical pain. He opens his eyes slowly, and watches as the light fills the room.
Then he feels movement underneath his body, and now realizes it's someone else underneath him. He tries to move his hand to feel, but his nerves give him nothing. His muscles seem completely lost. The body wraps an arm around him, protecting him softly, steady breathing raising Jameson up and down rhythmically.
He doesn't move anything other than his eyes, looking over by the opposite wall, noticing Henrik at his desk, lifting papers up and placing them back down. He picks up a pen and writes something every once in a while. He notices his creator's figure standing on the side of the desk, pointing and picking up stuff as their bodies move.
Jameson notes that he sees no one else here except Chase in the doorframe. He knows it's Chase simply from the backwards hat, because other than that most everything else is silhouette.
Chase's shoulder is leaned against the doorframe, and his mouth moves only a few times, observing Henrik and Sean talking.
He wonders where Marvin and Jackie are, but doesn't focus on it much. He's rather mad at them for what they were going to do to Anti.
When Jameson had gotten hit, his body felt like it was on fire. It felt like something was tearing everything inside of him apart. His head felt like it was cracking, and his nerves felt like they were forced away, like they were slowly fading. Yet he felt everything.
He wonders why Marvin would want Anti to feel that, or perhaps if he did that to shorten Anti's glitching and teleportation. His breathing becomes heavy as his anxiety creeps into his head, making his body imitate what he'd felt, who knows how long ago. How long had he been out of it? A few hours? A few days? Maybe even more? . . .
He tries sitting up, feeling everything in the room spin. The arm that was once snaked around him has now unraveled, and whoever it was has now settled to rest on his shoulder. He turns his head slowly, seeing a bit of green glitching in the corner of his eye. It's Anti, he now realizes. His heart warms and immediately lays himself back down, letting Anti hold him.
Then he's bombarded with figures, all cramming around him and feeling Anti being pulled out from beneath him. He reaches for Anti's hand, but finds nothing. He closes his eyes from the stress of his vision, and his body starts to burn again. The voices grow loud and frantic, until his hand is held, and his body is covered.
Then he feels nothing except arms and a figure. He opens his eyes and sees that he's not even in that room anymore, and is now being held by Anti. Anti doesn't look at him though, and instead holds him close as he walks. He continues to move for a little bit before he stops and lowers Jameson down into something soft, immediately being covered by a blanket.
He looks to Anti, seeing the sparking. The worry he holds for the dapper Ego, all seen in his expression. Jameson wants to tell Anti how much he loves him, why he stood in front of him. But he couldn't, and ironically, it's because of Anti, that he can't talk. But for a while he hasn't quite cared.
Anti starts talking softly and Jameson can only make out bits of it before darkness surrounds him yet again, and he's taken away against his will.

(Dark brought him into a corner of the void that is quiet and powerless. Simply a resting spot. Anti is there with Him and Dark, and he rests there, where he confesses to Anti.)

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