Marvin x Jackie (UF)

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I groan again as I watch the book stay planted on the desk. No matter how hard I try, or how many attempts I attempt, that damned thing just doesn't want to float.
I think I'm broken.
I take a deep breath and try again, raising my hand and focusing very hard. I close my eyes and mutter the required, waiting a second to hopefully let the magic work, and open my eyes. I shriek in surprise when I see my doppelgänger in front of the desk. He looks at me with a sly smirk, and the book is in his hand.
I groan, and walk up to the snatch the book, only for him to reach his arm behind him, keeping it out of my reach.
"Give me the book."
"No, I think I'll keep it. Maybe read it," he teases, not letting me loose eye contact. I huff like a child. He chuckles. "Calm down there kitty, you won't die without the book."
"I might if you don't let me practice my magic with it." I argue. He furrows his brow at me.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," I start as I attempt to reach behind him, "that I need the book so I can practice levitation." I fail by the way.
"Marvin, you know levitation. Why would you need to practice?" He questions, still not giving me the book. I know I seem a little obsessive, but seriously that's one of my most used books when it comes to your basic magic. Levitation, teleportation, thoughts of will (if I want to clean without taking the energy to do so, thoughts of will magic lets me clean a room with the flick of my finger), elemental tempering, etc.
I can't tell him that I unreasonably lost my magic when I woke up this morning. I haven't, and won't, tell anyone. I'm practically nothing without my magic. Don't fight me on it. I'm Marvin the Magnificent, Magic doer and Cat aura phenomenon.
So instead I settle with a comeback. "The same reason you continue to work out even though you were created to be naturally stronger than Anti, or just about anyone else except Dark and Actor." This seems to shock him, and amuse him all the same.
"Alright fine, that's a fair point," he admits with a smile. Then he asks something I really wish he wouldn't. "Can you show me a cool trick?"
I internally smash my head against a brick wall until unconsciousness. I now wonder if just telling him the truth would've been easier than trying to cover up my lie.
"Uh, I-I can't right now."
"Why not?" he interrogates innocently. This guy, I swear.
"Because, I just can't." Technically it's not a lie, it's just not the whole truth. . .
"Marvin, that's not an answer. What's so wrong with showing me an innocent trick?" he questions further. I can feel the wheels turning in my head. I seriously have nothing. I may be a magician but I am the worst liar ever, I swear on my mag- no. We're not going there.
"Nothing's wrong! I jus-"
"He doesn't have his magic abilities."
We both snap out heads over to the door, where Dark stands. Dark. . .

"Dark? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, completely forgetting what was happening, and I also think forgetting what he just outed.
"A business thing with Sean for Mark," he deadpans. I narrow my eyes in a "really?" expression.
"No," he says, voice wavering.
"Forget why he's here, Marvin what does he mean you don't have your abilities?" Jackie interjects. I swallow hard, and attempt to maybe just ignore it, though I kind of know that with Jackie, there is no subsiding a subject when he's set on it. Hence the problems with Anti in the past.
"Marvin," he snarls. I sigh.
"Okay, so I may or may not have woken up this morning with no magic. I don't know how I did, or even why, but I've been trying all day to get it back." I explain with exasperation. He looks at me bewildered.
"Oh, and you didn't just think to tell us!?" He suddenly shouts, making me shrink back a few inches. I see his nose flare, but I can tell he's trying to stay calm.
"Well sorry, I didn't know it would be such a big deal. I just have to figure out how I lost it," I reply. I hear Dark make a noise of agreement.
"You didn't even tell Sean?" Jackie questions further, not sounding nearly as mad from his outburst only a few seconds ago. I shake my head in response, he exhales sharply and pinches the bridge of his nose, making me want to giggle.
I press my lips together to contain myself.
"Marvin, what if this was bad? What if this means something is wrong?" he spews out, his eyes flicking from me to Dark, then back. I simply shrug. That's been me worry all day, but I feel ok so I kept trying to tell myself I was fine and it was just something I might not have realizes I knew but did anyway.
"What's going on? Why is Jackie yel-" Sean's voice is heard from the hallway, and as soon as Sean catches Dark just inside my doorframe, he freezes in place. "This is definitely something I don't think I'd ever see. Dark what are you doing here? And why is Jackie shouting so loud?"
"Ha, I knew it!" I declare proudly, pointing my finger to Dark. He just side eyes me and glares. I roll my eyes but turn back to Sean. "Nothing, Jackie just overreacted. It's fine."
"Overreacted about what?" Sean questions, looking between all three of us like we're kids who are trying to lie about breaking something.
"You know Marvin, you are really bad at just walking into your problems." Dark comments, with no remorse might I add. I grumble, about to respond, when Jackie speaks.
"Yeah, he does. He also seems to have lost his magic." Sean flips out.
"What!? How!? Why didn't you tell us? Or me? What did you do!? Did you get into a fight with the wrong person!? I swear, you are all like children, or teenagers! I feel like-"
"Sean." Dark interrupts. "He is fine." Sean looks at him with an expression, I don't know what it is, and turns back to me.
"Well have you figured out what happened or how to get them back?"
"No," I respond with a shake of my head. "I just woke up and couldn't do what I usually can." He simply nods, looking down to the floor in typical Sean-in-deep-thought fashion. "You know, it's okay. I'm not going to d-"
"It's not okay Marvin. I created you to do Magic. There should be no unknowledgeable reason why you can't use magic." he explains, still looking at the ground.
"He's right Marvin. If you didn't do something, then there's something wrong," Dark agrees, making me look at him. When did he become a part of this conversation?
"Since now, when I'm the reason people know." I roll my eyes.
"Stop reading my mind Dark."
He shrugs uncaringly and looks to Sean. Meanwhile Jackie is on his own thought process. "We need to find out what or why your magic is doing this. Dark," Jackie addresses, looking to Dark. He responds with a hum and eye contact. "Would Host be able to tell us what happened? Since he's all 'I know everything'?"
Dark looks very offended when he replies. "No. Well, yes, but Host won't just tell us. He's a 'I know everything and won't tell to create life drama' sort of guy, Jackie." I snort, completely agreeing with his response to the way Jackie said it. Still, Jackie looks defeated.
"Well where else can we start?" he voices, looking to us other three. We all shrug in unison. He groans in annoyance. "None of you are any help."
"I didn't claim to be," Dark remarks, walking out the door as Anti is walking down the hallway and to his room. I snicker silently, earning a swift back glare from Dark before he disappears after Anti. Sean looks in their direction and sighs.
"We aren't actually teenagers, Sean. We're separate beings that you created," I tell him, earning a side comment from Jackie.
"With no relation to one another besides being creepy as hell doppelgängers."
Sean rolls his eyes, and just walks away. I sigh, and feel like somehow I'm the cause and reason of all this, which unwillingly welcomes a wave of guilt to flood my mind and nerves. I lost my magic, the magic I was created to have, and I don't know how or why, or possibly who did it.
Was it me? Was it someone else? Was it just chance?
I sigh and close my eyes, letting my head flop. I really didn't think about it this hard when I realized it or even while I was practicing. I simply wanted to keep trying and practicing until it hopefully came back. I didn't want to think about what wars this could bring us.
"Hey, hey," Jackie mutters, walking over and wrapping his arms around my body. I welcome his warmth, taking a deep breath in to relish his scent. I can't pinpoint it, but it's a Jackie scent, and it's as badass as a hero. I wonder if it's his natural scent, or if it's a cologne of some sort.
"I don't know Jackie. I don't understand, and I wish I did." I admit, getting rushed by curiosities and questions in my own head. What if I never get my magic back? Who will I be then? Marvin the mediocre.
I groan at that last thought, wanting nothing more than that to be not true. Maybe I want Jackie more, but that's beside the point.
"Let's go downstairs. We can eat and watch something to distract you a bit," Jackie suggests. I nod, not sure what else there is to do. So, I follow him down the stairs, and I decide- dangerously- to reach for his hand in support on the way down. One thing is lost, might as well attempt something else.
Crappy reason right now, but bear with me here.
Despite my worries, he doesn't pull away, or refuse, or question. He just takes it and walks slower for me. I'm about the same height, but I choose to walk slower. I'm not actually sure why, I just do.

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