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So, this is a little bittersweet for me. . .but this is the end of my Ego Book. To be honest with you, it very well might be my last. First and last, I suppose.

I didn't think that this book would die out so quickly, but it did. I'm not saying I don't absolutely fangirl over these damn Egos, because I very much do. However, I think my Ego writing has come to an end for the most part.

If you've looked through my books, you'll notice that I have a book for Holiday's with the Egos (which I continuously forget about). Starting after the Fourth of July, I'll be writing some Holiday chapters for that book, but I think that's about the extent of it.

I know it's not viewed often, but I'm still rather proud of this book.

The Boys' fanfiction video was what got me on Wattpad, and the egos is what got me started with my followers and readers. So, I genuinely owe a lot of my writing progress to this fucking book, and it feels weird to be completing this book.

However, I'm doing so because my Boys One Shots book is at 10k reads (absolutely insane!), and also because I'm growing my writing to more than just fanfictions now. I'll be writing One Shots for the Boys, and now I have two books that I'm working on. Real books.

One is a fantasy werewolf story, and the second - and the one I'm more serious about working on - is a book called Aetherbound Souls on my other account. I'm preparing myself incase something happens and my writing skyrockets (which I'm not counting on, but I'm also growing up and moving on).

I hope you enjoyed this dear book of mine, and I'm sorry if you're wishing for more. Maybe I'll do a goodbye chapter or something later on. Right now, my schedule is far too busy, so it'll have to wait if I decide to do it.

Thank you so much for the votes, the reads, the comments, and the support! I love you dearly and hope you have a good rest of your day/night. Bye!

(Quick Shoutout to Graphic Hawk for a lot of inspiration to keep going on this book when I was having trouble, and for the amazing writing. You're the one that inspired a lot of aspects of my chapters - except for the smut, that was all me. Thank you! <3)

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