Marvin × Jackie(Jackaboy) 🍋 Finally (Edited)

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(not my art)

Jackie's POV

Reaching out to stop the bag from movement, I grab hold of the punching bag. A quick, steady breath, I reel my arm back ready to punch.
My eye flicks to the door to see Marvin standing, leaning against the door frame. My heart picks up but calms in an instant.
Easy Jackie. Just about outted yourself. I shake my head subtly before walking over to Marvin, addressing him.
"Hey. Enjoy destroying you knuckles?" He replies with a grin. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah totally. It's not like I was created to take on that kind of thing." I remark, sarcasm dripping in my tone. He chuckles.
"I was just gonna come down and say that Anti and Chase are fighting out back again." He explains. I roll my eyes again, this time over exaggeratingly.
"Again?" He nods.
"Started off with a battle of guns against knives, for the fiftieth time this week." He continues. I stay silent, waiting for more. He clicks his tongue. "Henrik is screaming at them for shooting a hole through his brand-new fence, getting a knife stuck in the fence, and accidentally breaking a neighbor's window with a knife." He finally finishes. I hiss through my teeth at the situation.
"Well shit, Anti and Chase are in for it this time." I laugh out. He smiles, at my comment, and I admire his smile. With his mask on, I can't help but focus on his lips. How I wish I could kiss you right now. . .
"So where's JJ?" I ask, distracting myself from Marvin, himself. He shrugs.
"Somewhere in town. He didn't say where, just said he'd be back." He responds. "Mind helping me with dinner while everyone's doing their own thing?"
"Sure," heading upstairs.

We get upstairs, and get everything going. We were having lasagna (bitch lasagna..sorry but that's what I thought of for food). We had decided to put on some background radio to get rid of ambience as we cooked in comfortable peace.
I turned around with the bowl of shredded cheese, and rammed into Marvin who was turning around at the same time.
Our faces were inches apart, and without thinking, without being able to control myself, I leaned down an inch so my lips met his. He felt tense, and staggered back a bit, but kissed back after a second.
Holy fuck he's kissing back. Holy fuck!
I smile into the kiss, reaching my arm behind me to put the bowl of cheese back on the counter. Still kissing, I lick his bottom lip for entrance, to which he denies. I huff through my nose a little in annoyance and grab his waist, reaching my hand back to grab his ass. With a quick squeeze of my hand, he gasps into the kiss, giving me an opportunity to slip my tongue in. Leaving no inch of his mouth undiscovered.
We pull apart to catch our breath, staring into each other's eyes, both panting. I smirk, and pull him back in. He kisses back, but places his hand on my chest, pushing back, breaking our kiss. I growl.
"Take this upstairs, batman~" he says, knowing the reaction he'd get out of the nickname. I grab his thighs with either hand roughly, picking him up. He wraps his legs around my waist.
"You're gonna be destroyed. This is taking too long for my liking." I say, feeling deeply ready to fuck him senseless.
He licks his lips, and as soon as we get into the room, me slamming the door shut with my foot, he uses his magic to lock the door. I place him on the bed, him laying back so he's laying down while I hover over him on the edge of the bed.
He slides his mask off, showing off his beautiful face structure and brilliant scars running across his face and over his left eye. I lift my hand gently for a moment, to rub my hand softly over the scar, admiring it, before my gaze lowers to his lips, then up to his eyes. Lust fills me again.
I give him a quick few seconds of a mouth kiss before my mouth trails down his jaw, to his neck. Meanwhile, my hands trail all around his torso, up his shirt, his back, down to his hips. Taking a second, I pull away from him to take my shirt and pants off, leaving me in boxers.
I was going to do his when something took over me for a hot second and kissed his neck briefly, biting and nibbling at his neck, earning a soft moan from him, before parting yet again to unclothe him, leaving him in boxers as well.
I put my mouth back to his neck, but swiftly start to move to his chest, licking around his nipple to tease him. He moans, a little louder than the first few times. This makes my cock twitch in pleasure from his sounds. His fingers are playing and getting lost in my hair while pleasure rolls through his veins in waves.
My fingers hook on his briefs' waistband, before moving to his inner thigh. He moves his legs a little on the edge of the bed to open them a little more, giving me more access. I smirk, and stopping kissing, turning my attention to getting his boxers off, letting his member spring out freely. He hisses from the cold air, but replaces the hissing with moans from my warm hand wrapped around it.
"Oh yeah. . .mmh Jackie. ." he moans out, entangling his fingers in my hair even more.  I swiftly remove my hand and remove my last piece of clothing, leaving us both nude. I look at him, my eyes unable to look at just one amazing feature of his.
"God. ." I breathe out, my hand planted firmly on his waist. Completely entranced in him. "You're eyes are so elegant. Your scars align your face features. Christ, your mouth hangs open so perfectly. I just want to fuck you so hard you have no choice but release those beautiful sounds." He bites his lip, still breathing hard.
"Do you want prep?" I ask, hoping I can just get him already. He shakes his head.
"No. Just fuck me. Fuck me like no tomorrow. I want everyone in this house to hear my screams for you. ." he pleads out. I nod and push in slowly.
I'm not small, and I'm not exactly massive, but I'm still above average in length, my girth making up for it.
I make halfway before I stop, seeing him slam his eyes closed in pain. He growls lowly, clenching his fists into the sheets of the bed. One hand is holding his waist, the other reaching up to caress his face. He leans into it as he opes his mouth breathing hard.
"Fuck. .you're bigger than I thought. ." he gets out. I smirk, but still slowly push the rest of the way in, tracing my hands around his body, kissing his stomach. His back arches slightly when I make it all the way in.
No matter how badly I want to pound him, he got no prep, and I'm still not small. I hold for a second, but start to thrust slowly, making him wince more, and groan.
I stop again, not wanting to hurt him, however making it painful for me not to continue, my hard member twitching, so happy to be in him, ready to pound into him.
He groans again, biting his lip, but let's out a heavy and shakes his head. "Keep going. Please. . .fuck me. .I need you," he moans out the last part.
Something clicks in me and I start roughly, suddenly ignoring his groans of pain. I grunt.
"Fuck you're so tight. ." I moan out quietly. "Mmh" is all he can moan before opening his mouth and grunting out, but this time in pleasure.
"Oh fuck right there!" He raises his voice a little, pulling his head up off the bed, throwing it back down as he arches his back. I continue to thrust at the angle I am, going a little faster. A familiar knot forming. Well that was quick. . . .
"Oh fuck yeah." I let out. My hand grips his  waist firmly, my other hand supports my body so I can lean over him, hitting a different angle. His hands wrap around my back, the pleasure of my rough thrusting making him claw at my back, which only turns me on more.
I start to thrust even faster if possible. He's a moaning mess below me, not being afraid of screaming out. The knot starts to feel tighter as I start to get close.
"I'm so close. . .so close baby. ." I grunt out, my thrusts becoming more rough by the second.
"Fuck~. . .me too. Please cum in me, please. ." he begs. I nod, and keep thrusting. "Oh fuck Jackie!! Right there! God don't stop!" He screams as I hit his spot. This pushes me over the edge.
I stop for a second to release in him, panting as I do so, with a low, animal like grunt. A sound I didn't even know I could make.
He moans as I ride out my high, thrusting hard so he can finish. I quickly grab his cock in my hand and pump with my thrusts, making him finish all over my hand with a loud moan, and one more clawing at my back, making me hiss as he digs in far enough to draw blood.
"Ugh fuck. ." he grunts as he flops his head back down on the bed, breathing heavy. I pull out and slowly lay down next to him, holding him to me, as if I will loose him, should I let go.
I look at him, and he looks at me. I kiss his lips very softly, holding his cheek with my hand, before pulling away and smiling, biting my lip to contain my happiness.
"I suppose we should go finish dinner. ." he states aloud. I chuckle and nod.
"I suppose we should. Let's clean up quick."
After cleaning up, we make our way downstairs, hand in hand, smiling. We walk into the kitchen to see Jameson at the table. He looks at us with a face. . .an expression. .I can't. . .explain. .
"JJ, you ok?" I ask. His face goes red and he shakes his head.
'My poor ears. .' he signs, making a pouty face and putting fingers up to his head, "pulling" the trigger, mock killing himself.
I throw my head back in laughter, seeing Marvin getting red. He turns back to me and punches my chest.
"It's not funny Jackie." He mumbles, going to walk into the kitchen. I shake my head and hold him, facing him towards me.
"No, dear. It's adorable." I say, leaning down to kiss his lips yet again, savoring his flavor. He sighs into the kiss, relaxing completely before parting, and walking into the kitchen.
I stand there dazed still, but am pulled into reality when a crumpled ball of a receipt hits the side of my head. I whip my head in the direction to see Jameson smiling.
'I'm happy for you two.' he signs with a bright smile. I nod with a grin.
"Thank Jamie." I reply, walking into the kitchen to help my love make us all dinner.

The end :)

The end of the one shot, not the book.
It's currently 1:44am, so imma go to bed. Hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to comment any requests, vote on the chapter, or just enjoy each chapter and read em. Have a good night/day! See you in the next chapter 🤙🏽

Fun Fact: This is being edited a long time later, but at 12:02am right now. . .I have a sleeping problem. But then again, I'm not the only one so whatever. Night y'all!

Fyi, I am no longer writing the following book, and I have pulled it from my published. .it is now a draft :D

Fyi, there's a new book I'm writing. A Marvin × Reader. Make sure to go check it out if you think you might enjoy it! Ok, now that's it. Bye bye ❤️

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