Anti - 🩸👀 Torturous Revenge ~ Part Two (level 9 Gore)

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Things get pretty gory, so please read at your own risk. I don't mean plain old bloodshed and shit. I mean skin cutting and blood puddles. Now, it's not to the point I could've made it, but that would also be pretty unrealistic.

Please be aware that this is very sadistic and demonic, and there is not much remorse in this whatsoever. So if you'd like to continue, I am not held responsible for your future decisions or reactions.

On with the story.

He steps almost directly below the tree, so I take my chance. I jump down and tackle him, refraining from glitching until the girl is not here. I don't know why, but something in me simply doesn't want her to know me to be that bad guy. At least not with her dad. . .
I'd talked to Dark, and asked if he could watch from the shadows, though I don't know what he could do. The mother wasn't there, from what I know, and I wanted to take the dad. So what the point of bringing the girl was, I seriously don't know.
But either way, I tackle him and fight with him. He tries to roll us over, but I fight it. I attempt to headlock him, which surprisingly works, but I falter when I hear her voice.
"Stop, please!" The little girl pleas. When my strength wavers, the father takes that opportunity to unravel himself and pin me down to the forest floor. I feel a stick dig into my side. Lovely.
Then I hear a shriek, and when I look up, I see Dark grabbing her and sulking into the shadows once more, disappearing. I push against the guy's hands with little strength needed, and shove him against a tree. He yells out on impact.
"You fucker!" he hisses. I snarl, baring my teeth. Instead of wasting my breath on him, I pull out my knife, slashing at him. He only barely gets harmed, moving before I can do too much damage. I don't catch where I get him at, but I know I do by the yelp he voices.
I giggle in amusement.
"A little bitch, I see. Let's just go ahead and get you crying some more, huh!?" I taunt, following him and glitching in front of him. Shite it feels good to glitch.
"Just go ahead and try ya Irish twat!" He insults back. I laugh out, sinisterly.
"Oh, I shall."

I grab hold of him and teleport us to an abandoned hide out cellar, not far from where we were. I mentally call for Dark.

Dark, I need some assistance with being torturous

I can't right now. I'm trying to take care of the girl

Well leave her with another Ego. This fucker deserves a good scare

And you can't do that because?

Because you're better at intimidation scare moron

Fair enough. Give me a moment

I really didn't need him. I just like having him there in case I need assistance with a fighter.
I smirk, letting my rage guide me for a while. My vision goes red, and I scream out, probably being the reason the guy's ears start to drip blood. My static and spazzing can become dangerous at certain levels, if not careful. Just like Dark's ringing can make a normal human go deaf if he's letting his full rage out.
My strength over powers his as I pick him up by his neck, not giving enough time to choke him as I throw him to the ground. He bursts out in pain, rolling over. I grab him by his hair and smash his head against my knee, making him yelp. Very little blood drips, so at least he won't bleed out yet.
I grab his forearm, snapping it the opposite it lays naturally, breaking his arm cleanly. He screams out just in time for Dark to appear in the corner shadow of the room.
"Mind being my assistant, Dark?" I address his presence, making him step out into the dim light. He nods at me, walking swiftly over to the small cabinet. He pulled out three different tools. A ravel of rope with chains on each end (made together by myself), a large kitchen knife, and a bat. Seems typical, but believe me when I say they carry out the most amusing results.
He walks over to me, whose holding the man down with my foot, and I grab the knife delicately. I sneer down at the man, whose hands are latched onto my leg, trying to remove my foot. I smirk, but lean down, removing my foot. Instead, it's replaced with my hand. With the knife.
I shove the knife down into his torso, more to the side to avoid any major organ damage, I want this to last as long as possible.
He belts out, and I hear Dark laugh beside me. I keep the knife in the man's body, pulling him up by his shirt, which threatens to rip by his dead weight. When I get him up, I pin him against the wall, with the ceiling attachment, with my hand. I pull the rope through the loop, using Dark's help. I get the rope around his upper arms and around his torso. I giggle as I pull the little extra bit of rope down, making the man yell in pain.
"Ok big boy. Ready to play?" I challenge, snatching the bat out of Dark's hand and swinging it as hard as I physically can against the man's torso. The man bellows, and I laugh in contentment.
"Staying awake to see your dear child?" I interrogate with a twisted sparkle in my grin. "Go s-suck a dick, h-homo," The guy stutters out, his face contorted in a wince. I loose my smirk and grit my teeth.
"Fine. Let's play extra dirty. Just. For. You." I growl. "Dark!" I order, my body glitching completely out and back. Dark knows his task, teleporting a device called a pear of anguish. Why it's called that I genuinely don't know, but it works like a charm.
I take it from Dark, walking up to the man. I twist my head uncontrollably in my evil ways, already hearing his screams of horror.
Once I'm in front of him, he glares at me. I throw my hand up in his face and rip it down, tearing into his skin with my sharp claws. He grunts out, but seemingly refuses to scream.
"Hehehehehe. . .I'll make you scream plenty more." I warn with a gleeful smile. He watches with rage, but glances down at my other hand, to see what I'm holding. He looks confused but also fearful. I giggle some more, and lift my other hand to set up my next entertainment. I use my one free hand that still has his blood on it, into his mouth, forcing his mouth open. He tries to be bite me, but I roll my eyes.
"Biting me won't do much, you pillock," I spit, suddenly turning my frown into an eerie grin. His eyes go wide.
"Now open wide and hold still~" I sing, shoving the device in his mouth, turning the key, relishing his screams of anguish. I laugh out, hearing small cracks come from his jaw as the device widens more and more, putting more pressure on his skull.
This device is supposed to go until his skull cracks, but I stop before it does. Once I'm satisfied with a louder crunch, I loosen it, and smirk, pulling it out of his mouth.
"How's that? Painful?" I taunt, hearing his sounds of suffering. I rejoice in his pain, and strive for puddles of blood at my feet. I feel the desire shake me to my core, spazzing my entire body in delight. I look to Dark, and he takes the pear of anguish, walking to the cupboard and bringing back something called a tongue tearer. I smirk to myself, and step lightly over to the man. He groans in pain, and I watch as his eyes slowly close, mouth agape.
I grab his jaw, and smile brightly while he screams from his broken bones.
"Can't have you falling asleep there, lad," I muse. His eyes squeeze shut, but snap back open. I grin, patting the top of his head.
"Good puppy."
I shove the clip into his mouth, and hear him cry out, unable to make words. My mind goes blank as I clip them to his tongue, and squeeze it so it's clamped onto his tongue. My mind then comes back to me as I pull it out slowly, hearing his blood curdling shriek of pain, blood starting to pour out of his mouth like a red waterfall. I laugh out and relish it.
When completely out, his head is hanging forward, his eyes squeezed shut, and blood is gushing, making puddles on the floor. I look down and feel satisfied with the result of this last scene. He lifts his head slightly when he hears my hum of contentment, and I smirk.
"Just one more thing, sunshine." I comment, glitching a scalpel into my hand, dropping the clippers onto the floor, seeing the blood splash a little, his tongue flopping down as well. I look back up to him, and pull his legs forward so that his torso is exposed. Dark walks up without words and holds one of the man's legs for me.
"Thank you dear friend."
I continue, pulling out the knife and replacing it with the scalpel, cutting into his stomach area starting at his belly button. He racks out in pain, flailing, but Dark holds him quite still for me. I continue, grinning in awe at his ability to still be conscious, cutting a big circle in his torso. His skin falls down and folds over, exposing his intestines and fat on the inside. Blood is flooding the floor by the time I'm done cutting, and I look up to marvel in his expression as he passes out, probably dying within seconds of unconsciousness due to blood loss.
I hum a random tune as I stand back, Dark letting go of him. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't acknowledge it. This is what I was created to do, and I'll do this until I'm erased from existence. I have a soft spot for children, I guess, but I don't hold back when it comes to adults.
"Quite the work. More than two bad run ins, I assume?" Dark interrogates. I simply nod. "You should probably rid the body, and help me find that child's mother," he comments, teleporting away. I smirk with my chin held high, giggling in pride. Fucker got what was coming to him.

After I burned the body and cleaned the blood, I glitched back to the house. I guess it's more of a mansion, or the "ego manor", but I don't care about propers. It's a house.
I pop up in the living room, seeing the girl sitting with Jameson, of course, and I take a deep breath in. When she sees me, her face contorts to fear.
"Did you hurt daddy?" She asks timidly. I lie the best I can, but it ends up harder than I expect.
"No, I did not hurt him. I only sent him off for a while, is all." I manage, turning around and walking into the kitchen to get a snack. I may feel bad for the girl, but I'm happy with the torturing.
Later that night, I glitch into town to look for the mom, finding whatever clues I can. I end up finding her at a club, making out with some dude. I roll my eyes. Well, at least she won't care that her husband is dead. . .
I glitch back to the manor and go to Dark's office. I barge in, not even attempting to knock. He jumps at the sudden intrusion, but glares at me.
"Anti, seriously? Knocking is a thing." He states. I only shrug, cause I really don't care.
"Yeah whatever. Listen," I begin. He watches me intently to continue, halting whatever task he was working on before hand.
"I found the girl's mom, but I don't think it's somewhere you're going to want me to bring a girl," I admit.
"What do you mean?"
"She was at a club, making out with some random guy."
"Oh. . ." he voices. He furrows his brows, but pinches the brim of his nose. "Us demons can be pretty brutal, but cheating on your husband then leaving your child from a kidnapping to be raped, or tortured, or murdered? That's just plain evil." He remarks, watching me attempt to stop myself from laughing. Demons are evil, Dark. Demons are evil.
I just decide to keep my mouth shut.
"Keep her here for now, and go tell Jameson. We'll figure something out." He declares, going back to whatever boring Darkiplier voodoo he was doing before. I roll my eyes but nod, walking out.

"Are you serious?" Chase scoffs. I shrug. He shakes his head but looks to Jameson.
'Don't get me wrong, I like kids. But I'm not permanently raising this girl,' he signs, looking exasperated.
"I had two kids, so I will." Chase pipes up.
"Whatever you wish Brody. I'm not helping in the matter," I protest. He gives me a look.
"Why not? You're the one that got her here in this situation in the first place, Glitch!" He points out. Ok, so yes. I got us here. But I was full ready to throw her back to the mom. I just know that Dark would've killed me had I not told him.
"Because, I was ready to give her back to her mom! It was Dark that said keep her and figure it out!" I argue. Jackie stomps in.
"Then pay the price, bitch. She's you're responsibility now," he scolds. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, because Antisepticeye should be trusted with a 6 year old child," I mock sarcastically. Jameson stares at me, making me feel awkward. "What?" I voice.
'She's 4," he corrects. I point to him.
"Point proven!" I exclaim. He rolls his eyes, and so does Jackie. Chase just groans.
"Ok, shut it! I will take care of the damn child. Now go fook off and do whatever," he insists dismissively. I throw my hands up in mock surrender and walk out, happy I got out of that. Now I can go torture some more poor, innocent souls.

2347 words!

Wow. . .well, there's a part two I suppose. Another part to the other one will come out at some point, I just don't know when. I hope you enjoyed this for now, though! Have a good day you psychos haha

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