Chase x Anti - 👀🧸 Another Simple Day (This is absolutely nothing special)

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"Oh Chase~" Anti taunts, stalking down the hall. Anti stops and listens closely, not hearing anything. Then suddenly, Chase jumps out of the closet right next to Anti, and jumps on his back. Anti jumps back, himself, glitching so hard he accidently teleports them into some random house that neither of them recognize.
Mark walks through the door, stopping dead in his tracks when he sees the guys. They all look at each other, completely clueless.
"Anti? Chase?" he wonders out loud. Chase gives a nervous smile, sliding off Anti's back. Anti looks to Chase for answers, to which Chase shrugs. "I have no idea," Chase comments, looking back at Mark.
"What are you guys doing?" Mark questions them. They both shrug.
"Sorry Mark, I just teleported us somewhere. We'll get out of your way," Anti explains, touching Chase's shoulder, teleporting them back to the hallway. Mark just stands there, extremely confused.

"Chase, what the actual fuck, dude?" Anti growls. "Sorry, I just wanted to scare you, not bring us to Mark's. Glad it was Mark though, and not someone random." Chase remarks. Anti nods in agreement, then furrows his brows.
"Wait, why couldn't I hear you breathing? You were right next to me," Anti says. Marvin walks out of his room, closing his door behind him and walking towards them. All Chase does is point, making Marvin stop in curiosity.
"Why is Chase pointing at me?" He asks innocently. Neither of the boys say anything, however Anti turns to glare at Marvin. He gulps, and starts running when he sees Anti move. Anti starts to chase him, and Chase just laughs.
"No no no! Hold up Anti, I promise I didn't do anything!" Marvin screams, running all through the house. "Motherfucker! You gave him the advantage, and he scared the shit out of me!" Anti roars back, voice full of static.
"It was meant to be harmless!" Marvin blurts back. Heavy footsteps and screaming is heard from all around the house, and collectively, all the guys roll their eyes and groan. This is not an uncommon thing...

Later that night, eating dinner, Marvin has a wrist brace on his left wrist, a black eye, and bruises on his arms. He doesn't look at Anti at all during dinner, but Anti is feeling quite the opposite. He's glaring at Marvin any time he's not picking up his fork.
Chase can't help but giggle, and otherwise being completely silent, everyone looks at him. He covers his mouth, mumbling "Sorry."
Anti shakes his head, Jameson continues playing chess with Henrik, and Jackie simply watches the game. Chase watches Anti, though. They've been dating for about a year now. It's nothing new, however they aren't exactly PDA about it.
It's not uncommon for commotion because Chase is always pranking Anti, and Anti is always targeting Chase in something. The countless times the house has been destroyed because of their chaos is enough to give anyone a headache.

After dinner, Chase is in the living room practicing trick-shots when Anti comes running down the stairs. He watches as he sprints straight past him, sliding when he rounds a corner just past the entrance of the kitchen. Within that second, he hears Jackie yell.
"Antisepticeye, I swear to god you will be destroyed!" Only a second later is Jackie running in front of Chase. He fumbles to understand, but rather just leaves it and lets his static boyfriend deal with the punishment for whatever he did. But just for extra measure. . .
"Don't kill the moron!" Chase yells to Jackie. He leaves it at that, then laughs when he hears a faint, "No promises." Chase snorts, then screams, himself, when Dark swings the front door open, strong enough to throw the door back into the wall.
"Jesus Dark! Knock like a normal guest," Chase remarks with a huff. Dark simply stands tall and looks down to Chase. "Impossible, Mr. Brody. I am not normal," Dark jokes with a smirk. "Got that right," Chase mumbles, earning a whack on his hand with Dark's cane.
"Ow!" Chase yelps. "Stop being a baby, Brody. Where's Anti?" Dark addresses, looking around. Chase scowls but answers none the less. "Just a minute ago he was-"
"Jackie I swear, it was innocently done!" Anti screams, running in front of the Chase and the suited man. Dark snorts. "Anti, nothing with you is innocently done," he jokes. "I should know," he adds. This time it's Chase's turn to smack Dark.
"Ow, what was that for?" Dark complains. "His current boyfriend is sitting, right here," Chase says, annoyed at the thought. Dark throws his hands up defensively. "Oh sorry," he comments, walking away to the direction that Anti had ran, being chased by Jackie.
Chase just sighs and shakes his head. "Today has been quite the chaotic day," he comments softly to himself. "Indeed," Henrik comments, making Chase shriek again. Chase stares at him as Henrik walks in and sits down on the couch next to Chase.
"Is zhere a reason as to vhy you are staring at me, Chase Brody?" The German questions, taking a sip of the coffee that's in his hand. Why is he drinking coffee at 8 o'clock at night? Chase wonders to himself, but shakes his head, dismissing his thought.
"Yes, there is. You scared the living shite out of me, bro!" Chase exclaims. "Calm yourself, Brody. You'll give yourself a heart attack," Henrik comments, looking at Chase. Chase just rolls his eyes and flops back into the couch.

Chase and Henrik visit for a bit, and Anti finally gets caught, thanks to the dear help from Dark. Lets just say Anti was not happy with Dark. Jackie, finally satisfied, let the two be. So with that, they walked downstairs together. Anti, being the child he is, teleported over to Chase, sitting right next to him. He laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, earning a chuckle.
"Did Jackie hurt baby boy, here?" Chase teases, using his baby voice that he used on his kids when they were still little. Anti simply mocks a pout and nods. Chase lifts his hand to pat Anti's shoulder. "Good, you deserve it," Chase states bluntly, making Anti gawk at Chase, letting his eyes burn a hole into Chase. He knows it doesn't effect him, but he does it anyway to satisfy himself.
"Anyway," Dark starts. Anti lifts himself to sit normally and looks at him, both Henrik and Chase giving their attention to Dark. "Firstly, Mark wanted to invite you guys for a party at the manor this weekend. Secondly, where is Jameson?" Dark questions.
"Jameson is right behind me, handsome," Marvin comments, laughing when Dark glares at him for the nickname. Indeed Jameson came walking up behind Marvin, looking to Dark.
'What's up?' Jameson signs. "Wilford is waiting outside," Dark informs Jameson. He simply nods and walks out. Dark then turns to Marvin.
"Next time, you're being banished to the void, Marv. I told you to stop calling me that," Dark declares. Marvin just shrugs. "And I told you not to hold your cold breath," Marvin replies, levitating in the air. Dark closes his eyes and exhales harshly. "This group."
"Dark, about zhe party. Vhat day iz it?" Henrik asks. "Sunday," Dark replies. Chase nods.
"I'm down for it, if you guys are," Chase comments, looking to his brethren. Everyone just nods in agreement. "Any special reason for the party?" Chase questions. Dark shakes his head.
"Not unless Mark is keeping a secret," Dark remarks.
The group continues to talk, and going back and forth, bringing up different ideas for the party. At some point, Jameson was carried in by Wilford, who ran around the house laughing, finding it entertaining. Meanwhile, Jameson just let him.

"I suppose I should get going, Septics. I'll have Sean keep in touch with you guys," Dark announces, standing up from the couch, walking towards the door. He pauses a second before vocalizing. "Wilford! Get your insane ass down here, we're leaving!" Moments later, Wilford is being pulled down the stairs by Jameson.
"Aw, but I don't want to leave this poor dapper here," Wilford pouts, caressing Jameson's cheek. Without signing, Jameson pulls his hand down, turns Wilford around, and shoves his ass out the open door. The Septics laugh, and Dark simply shakes his head.
"Sorry Jameson," he apologizes, on Wilford's behalf. Jameson shrugs, walking back up the stairs.
"Have a good night, Egos," Dark says. Anti makes him pause in his tracks when he speaks up, letting his mischievous self entertain.
"Aw Dark, don't you want to stay and have a threesome with me and Chase?" He asks with a smirk. Chase whips his head to look at Anti, and Dark looks about ready to kill. Henrik spits out the coffee he just sipped, and Marvin bursts out laughing. Anti chuckles.
"Anti, I'm repulsed that you would ask that," Dark remarks. "Yes, me too," Chase scolds. Anti giggles, but chokes on his own saliva when Dark adds, "Take Chase out of the scenario, maybe I'll say yes." Marvin doubles over more, and Henrik has a hard time staying up himself. Meanwhile, Dark simply grins and walks out, shutting the door behind him.
Chase is left appalled, and can't believe that just happened.
"What, the fuck."

1550 words

This chapter was absolutely nothing special, so I'm sorry. However, I hope you still enjoyed, maybe laughed, or maybe giggled. Or even just lighten your mood :)

Have a good day y'all

Buh bye!

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