Anti × Dark 🍋🌹 The Roof's Confession Part 2

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Anti's POV

Dark groans in pleasure as I bite his neck, letting my fangs dig into his neck, drawing blood. I lick up the little bit of blood that trickles from the bite, and hum when I look to Dark's face. When I look, all I see is desire and lust. A flash of love, but not much else than that.

Not that I don't mind..he's sexy when he's rough. It's not really much of a turn on for me, demon or not, but it turns him on, and I might not get horny from it, but it makes me proud as hell that that's mine.

He grabs the back of my head, getting a hold of my hair, pulling it in his fingers, making me moan into the kiss he pulls me into. His hands grip my hip harder than they were, and takes control, moving my hips on his lap, making us grind. I moan at the friction, and he pulls away to throw his head back, growling.

"Fuck.." Dark lets out. His hands start to slow their movements on my hips, but I continue. I lean forward and rest the top of my head on his chest, rolling my hips against his. I get a little bored of the teasing, and I guess he gets a little annoyed because he growls and grips my hips again, lifting me off him.

I frown at him until he starts to undo his belt, pulling his pants off. As he slides his pants and underwear down his legs, he orders me. "Strip. I'm not about to be the only one naked kitten." His voice is low and rough.

I do as told, keeping only my underwear on. Dark sees this. "I said everything kitten. Do you want to be punished?" He questions. I smirk, seeing him completely undone in front of me. I say nothing, making him growl and start to walk over to me, but I push my hands to his chest, shoving him down back on the bed. He goes to fight back, sitting back up, but I push his chest again, making him fall back.

The only word I say is "stay," before I kitten lick his tip, and lick up his length, only then taking his whole length in my mouth. I used to make it only about half way down before I had to use my hand on anything I couldn't fit, but I've done this so many times, I take him entirely.

He gasps and immediately throws a hand to the back of my head, moaning loudly with an open mouth. I smirk with him in my mouth, humming to add to the pleasure for him. I feel him twitch a little in my mouth. I slow down, and lick up his length, teasing him slightly, feeling his hand tighten and grip my hair, shoving my head down, making his dick touch the back of my throat. Instead of gagging, I moan.

"So close baby," He moans out breathlessly, head still thrown back. I smirk as I raise my head, taking him out of my mouth. He growls, opening his mouth to speak, but I push my index finger to his lips, silencing him. He studies my eyes, and I smirk playfully. I keep my finger there, but crawl up so I'm straddling him. I remove my finger and press my lips to his, grinding against him while we make out. He groans lowly, moaning softly when I grind down harder, his hands gripping my hips. I pull away our lips, going to his neck. I bite down, sinking my demon teeth into his neck, knowing it turns him on.

He lets out a fairly loud moan, and takes one of his hands to my face, guiding my head away from his neck, so I can look him in the eyes. I can tell mine are sparkling with mischief, and he smirks at this. "What are you trying, my love." He questions lowly. I giggle a little. "Just trying to pleasure my handsome demon," I reply, biting my lip after. He smirks and pulls me close, kissing my neck, making me moan, my dick twitching and aching very painfully from the lack of touch and attention. I ignore it the best I can for Dark though.

He hums and mumbles into my neck, "Let me treat my glitchy boy, now." He then bites down on my sensitive spot, not using his demon teeth, thus not piercing my skin. I moan loudly, mouth gaped open when he rubs his hand up my thigh, rubbing painfully near my dick. I roll my hips forward, still straddling him, my body no longer listening to my mind.

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