The Host × Henrik 🍓 Spin the Bottle

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Third Person

The Septics had flown out from Brighton to LA to visit the Iplier Egos. Mark and Seán we're doing a summer Collab, a few, actually, so they decided that they would let the Egos have a reunion.

Of course, some were enthused, like Chase and JJ, but the rest weren't exactly.

Anti didn't want to go because the Egos were too "loud and chaotic" and Dark was "boring". (Which is a complete's all staged).

Marvin didn't because he's a home body and liked to do magic at his own place.

Henrik is always grouchy about anything other than home and work.

Jackie was quick to say that he couldn't leave because he had patrolling and saving to do, but Seán made him come with anyways.

Anyway, back to the present.

It was late, so Mark, Seán, Dark, some of the other Egos like Marvin, Jackie, Dr. Iplier, Yancy, Illinois, Bim, and many others had gone to bed.

The ones that were still up and bustling, like Anti, Chase, Henrik, JJ, Wilford, Yandere, Host, Eric, Ed, and Captain were up and for some reason decided on playing spin the bottle.

How they came to agree on that game, no one knows. Nor do they really want to ask.

Currently, they've already been playing, and so far Wilford and JJ had gotten "chosen" by the bottle, Anti had to kiss Yandere, Chase and Henrik had to (they aren't brothers, they're just ego doppelgangers), and Ed and Chase as well.

"Your turn." Chase announces after giving Ed a very swift peck on the lips. He wasn't exactly happy to do it.

Anti spins the bottle again, and it spins for quite a bit until it lands on Chase.

"Why am I the one to be kissing everyone tonight?" Chase asks rhetorically, letting out a huff.

"Beats me bitch." Anti says before, leaning forward, meeting Chase's lips quickly, then leaning back again.

They were all chill enough that it wasn't exactly weird, just a fun, stupid game to be idiots with.

"Kay, who's next?"

"Me," Henrik says with a light sigh. He spins it, and it lands on Host.

"Well that's a first." Yandere comments.

"The Host would like to comment that he's not a kisser, so please don't judge."

Henrik rolls his eyes, but moves to lean forward. "The Host would also like to comment that he knows that you just rolled your eyes." Host mumbles closely to Henrik, inches from his face, before connecting their lips.

Usually, it's a quick peck, then it's done. This kiss, though, seemed to last forever.

Henrik's heartbeat picked up, and a light pink danced across his cheeks. Host felt butterflies but pulled back, much to both of their distaste.

"It wasn't weird before, but it is now." Chase retorts. Captain and Wilford scoff with humor at the same time, Wilford spinning the bottle without a word.

It lands on Anti.

"This is the one I absolutely fucking refuse. I'm out, I'm tired. Night." Anti rants quickly before rushing up to his and Dark's room.

Mark and Seán's humor..though it's not exactly humor....hehe

Wilford shrugs and sits back. "Whatever."

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