*Not A Chapter*

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Thank you so, so much for 1K reads, guys! I can't believe it reached that. . .but either way, I'm happy :D

Thank you for reading, and for supporting, and voting on my chapters! I know some are definitely better than others, and some could really be rewritten since my writing has changed a little bit since I first started.

I have, actually, been thinking about editing or rewriting certain chapter, or maybe rereading all of them and just skimming through. Not quite decided yet, but I suppose we'll see!

Thanks for staying with me and supporting me. I appreciate it! Until the next chapter, Buh Bye!

(Just as a last comment. . .keep in mind that I have multiple chapters sitting in my drafts. Some are finished, some are finished and need editing/proofreading, and some aren't quite finished.)

EDIT: I did the math, and with my published chapters, it came up as 996, but with the views of one of the chapters I unpublished, it added up to 1,033. So, that made more sense. That's also why you'll see one of my really cringy chapters sitting back in my table of contents :> I don't think I'll be leaving it up like last. . .for the second time haha

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