That was unexpected...

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Hey guys! There is gonna be some "drunk typing" in here to emphasis the slurring so don't be confused if there is errors in the dialogue!


"Are we going to Zoey's house tonight?" Nate asked.

"Isn't her name Zoe?" I asked, second guessing my own thoughts.

"Does it matter? Since when do you care about her?" Matt smirked.

"I don't but I was just wondering what her name was, jesus." I rolled my eyes throwing a pillow at him.

"Is everyone going to her house? All the guys? And Mik...." Jacob asked.

"Yeah... I even think wilkinson is going." Nate smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah? I don't care?" I gave him a nasty glare.

"Yeah she still is hung up on Shawny boy." Jacob said which earned a laugh from all the boys.

"I am not. Whatever used to exist between us, doesn't exist now." I said spitting sass.

"OOOOH shit! Somebody get Mendes on the phone!" Matt yelled jumping off the couch grabbing his phone.

They weren't gonna call him.


I was wrong.

I heard Matt dial numbers in his silver iphone 6 and heard ringing.

I jumped on him and tackled him onto the couch. I laid on top of him and not gonna lie...i didn't mind.

I grabbed the phone and as I went to hang up I heard a deep voice.


Shawn. Fuck.

I threw the phone at Jacob, I didn't wanna talk to him.

"Sup Shawn!"

A few moments of silence went through the phone.

"Great! Everyone misses you."

Not me.

"I can't wait TIL you're back in 2 more weeks." Jacob smiled.

I rolled my eyes, I do that alot.

"Oh? She's doing great."

She? Me? Zoe?

"Is he talking about me?!" I whisper yelled pointing at the phone clutched in Jacob's large hand.

He bit his lip and held in a smile.

I tried not to blush and looked away.

"Oh you wanna talk to her?" Jacob said evilly grinning at me.

My eyes widened. I shook my head no and put my hands in an 'x' signaling I didn't wanna talk to him.

Johnson started laughing at me and was clapping his hands but in a sarcastic manner. I walked up to him and flipped him off the couch in which he groaned.

Jacob stood up and looked down at me placing the phone in my hands.

I shakily brought it up to my ear.

"Hi..." I said, my voice coming out small.

"Hey. How are you?" Shawn asked me and i felt my self smile involuntarily. Matt snickered along with Johnson an I flipped them off.

"I am doing okay. How is touring?" I asked him, actually interested in his answer.

"Its so much fun. I can't believe it." I was beyond happy for him.

Bully. (Shawn Mendes) Completed Where stories live. Discover now