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Can y'all read this and tell me what the title should be... I can't think of one at the moment, and I would appreciate the help.

A couple of days passed, and Kacchan.. has been... kinda not himself...

Though I don't blame him, his life is kinda in my hands, both literally and physically. His attitude toward me has dropped, which was the first thing I noticed, but today I hoped for the dreaded words not to be said.

"Everyone do what you want for the next two hours. Then, we have training" Mr. Aizawa said as he got comfortable in his sleeping bag.

Training.. what'll I do, Kacchan can't stay with me... He could get seriously hurt... OR KILLED!! AH! What'll I do I thought. Maybe Momo can help? Yea! I'll ask her.

I got up and walked over to Momo, Tsuyu, and Iida.

"Hey, Momo!" I greeted.

"Hey! Did you need something Izuku?" She asked as Iida and Tsuyu greeted me.

"Yea, can I borrow you for a second?" I asked as she nodded and excused herself.

"Is it something about you know who?" She asked.

"Yea, I can't have him with me... He could get hurt" I stated my worry.

"Mmmm.. Do you think he'll be fine in your dorm room? You could keep him there until training is over, you could also use a top locker so if he wanted to get away he couldn't. I could even make something if you'd like." Momo said, a small smile on her face, as to show she is trying to help.

"I'm not sure if I feel comfortable leaving him in my dorm, he could easily hurt himself in that case. If you don't mind, that is.. making a box, that easily folds... Only if it's not too much to ask!" I panicked, it sounds like I'm forcing her to help.

"It really doesn't bother me. But, when this is fixed, I do expect you both to make it up to me. Like trying on the clothes I got for you both!" She said, I hung my head.

The clothes Momo got me and Kacchan were.. dresses that she wanted us to wear when we ever owed her something. (I will put a picture of the dresses up when the time comes) I didn't mind wearing a dress in front of her, because I knew she wouldn't use it as blackmail as the others would, I can't say the same for Kacchan though.

"Of course!" I agreed, and with that Momo said she'd stop by my dorm and hand it to me.

~Time Skip to when they were leaving Midoriya's dorm~

"Deku!" Momo shouted as I stepped out of my dorm.

"Hey, Momo!" I said as she held out a collapsed box.

"Here you go! When you open it'll lock. There's a red button on the bottom that collapses the box when you enter the code! I'll text you code so no one else can close the box other than you and me." Momo said, with a bright smile.

"Will do! Thank you again for helping us/me" I said, not sure if she was helping me or Kacchan.

"OI! DEKU YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE! AND IF YOU'RE LATE I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF" Kacchan yelled. Momo tried to hold in a laugh.

"Alright then, I'll take my leave," Momo said before running off and laughing.

I don't blame her though, Kacchan puts up an attitude when someone else is around. Mainly Momo, she is the only one who knows about this.

~After training~

"AWWWWEE!! Deku, could I borrow your cologne? I forgot mine in my dorm" Kaminari asked with a pleading face.

"Uhm... Sure?" I said, handing it to him.

"THANKS! I OWE YOU!" He shouted at me.

"Uh... Okay?" I said, I was sure he brought his but I guess not.

"OI!" Kacchan yelled, everyone froze and looked around.

"Did we just hear Bakubro?" Kirishima asked everyone, to make sure he wasn't the only one who heard that.

They all nodded.

Shoot! This isn't good! I thought as I quickly grabbed Kacchan and entered the code into the box, I decided to keep it in my locker. I held Kacchan close to my chest and exited. I'm sure that they think something's up now.

"MidoBro!" Kirishima yelled after me.

I ignored him, If I act upset about it I'm sure they'll forget about it. right?

"Kacchan! You can't just shout at me!" I scolded him.

"Tch, Not my fault!" He yelled at me.

"Then, what were your intentions?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

".." He looked away.

I walked into my dorm room, put Kacchan on my desk, and put my head down.

I'm so hungry.. and tired I thought as a sweet smell entered my nose.

What's that smell? I thought as I looked up. Kacchan had his back turned to me.

Oh~~~~~ What'll happen? You'll have to wait to find out!! I may add another part later today or maybe tomorrow, BUT I WON'T POST IT UNTIL SATURDAY!!


Posting another at 4.. I gotta stop getting addicted to my work of art...

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