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A few days have passed since I stored Kacchan. I let him out that morning! But we were just having a lazy day as nothing was planned.

Kirishima was at the gym.

Kaminari was out with Shinso.

Mina, Momo, and Uraraka were watching movies and the rest of the class were working with the heroes they interned with.

"Deku!" Kacchan shouted as he jumped from the nightstand to the bed.

"What?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Can't we just do SOMETHING!?" He yelled as he crossed his arms. Staring daggers at me.

"What would we do, Kacchan? No one even knows you're still alive." I said, looking back at my phone. Todoroki was asking if I wanted anything since he was in England.

"I don't know! Something other than being in here all day every day!" He exclaimed as he looked at my phone, smirking in the process.

"What did you have in mind, Kacchan?" I asked as I turned my phone off and looked at him.

"What's Y/n doing?" He asked, his smirk turning into a sinister smile.

..Let's just say, no one knows what the pomeranian boy was thinking.

"Deku!! HI!! Do you need something?" The female asked.

"Ah! I-... I wanted to know what you were up to today?" I asked, as I looked up from my lap to Kacchan, who stood on my desk.

"Mm.. I'm just heading back to the dorms? I was out on a walk.. Did something happen? Are the dorms alright!? Is my room untouched!?" She started to panic.

"No, no, no, no!! Nothing bad happened.." I said as I looked at what Kacchan was writing.

"Okay, then.. what happened?" She asked, seemingly calmer than a few moments ago.

"N-Nothing happened.. Kacchan and I were wondering if you wanted to go shopping with us and possibly the other girls" I said, hoping she didn't realize I reading off of the paper.

".. uh? Izuku, is there something you want to talk about? When do I get back? Or.. are you seeing ghosts?" She asked, her voice laced with worry.

"When you get back, just come to my dorm. I'll explain then, but Kacchan's not dead" I said as I sat down at my desk. Kacchan crossed his arms and stared at me.

"Ok, I'm walking in the elevator now. See you in a minute or two" She said and hung up.

"I hope this amuses you," I said to Kacchan, as he just smiled.

"It does," He said, walking backwards to a stack of books, then hiding behind it.

"I can't believe you're having me do this!" I said as I got up and changed.

*knock knock kno-*

"Hey! Come in!" I said as I greeted Y/n inside. Where is he? He couldn't have just disappeared. I thought as something, or well, someone landed in my mop of hair.

"So~ What about Bakugou?" She asked as she looked at me. I reached to grab Kacchan.

"This is his idea. So he'll explain himself. He wouldn't tell me anything until you got here!" I said, holding Kacchan out in front of me.

"Can we do something other than being here? Like shopping or somethin" Kacchan asked as Y/n just stared at him blankly.

"... S-Sure.. I'm happy Momo informed me of this." She said as she walked out, pausing before closing the door.

"I'm going to change, and Deku. Be happy that Momo told me, I covered up for you because believe me. Kaminari is onto you." She said as she left.

"Even if Dunce Face found out. Who would believe him?" Kacchan asked as he laid down on my hand.

~~~~~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~

"Thanks for hanging out with us," I said as I parked the car.

"Anytime! If you didn't ask me to go shopping with you both, I would've asked the girls, then you!" She said with a smile.

"Could you help us? With getting out of wearing a maid dress... Momo wants Kacchan and me to wear one, to make up for asking her for help.." I asked as I opened the trunk.

"I'll see what I can do! But no promises." She said as she grabbed her stuff. I grabbed mine and closed the trunk.

"I'm surprised Bakugou has been quiet," I said and we got to the door.

"Yeah, I mean, He DID fall ASLEEP on your shoulder! He looks so peaceful!! T^T" She said as we got in the elevator. I put some of my stuff down and put Kacchan in my pocket.

"YOOOOOOOOOO MIDOBRO!!! Y/N-CHAN" Kirishima yelled as he hugged the both of us. {<Yes! He does call Y/n, Y/n-chan. This is because he respects her and her opinions>}

"Hey, Kirishima," I said as he let go, Y/n just smiled and went to her room to pick her stuff up.

Kirishima grabbed my things and walked with me to my room. Weird I thought as I opened my door.

"Can I be serious with you Midoriya?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Yea is something wrong," I asked as We sat down at the small table.

"Kami-bro says that you're hiding something from us... Not that I believe him or anything!! I.. just wanted to be sure, is all" He said as he looked down at the table.

"I-.. He is right, I haven't been honest with you guys... That dinner you and Mina cooked.." I started but got a sharp pain in my side from Kacchan warning me not to say anything about him.

"What about it?" Kiri asked, concern entering his voice.

"That dinner was amazing!! And I think we should do it again!" I said smiling, Kirishima sighed in relief.

"Why didn't you just say so! I'll go get Mina and We'll start cooking!!" He said happily and ran off.

"I'm happy that worked" I sighed.

"Yea, It's easy to trick him and all," Kacchan said as he climbed my jacket. He made himself comfortable, perched on my shoulder.

1009 words!! That's a lot, I hope you all like this, and the other that I'll post in a few hours. I still need to write it and HOLLY MOTHER OF YOUR NOM IT'S 2:39!!! I NEED TO BE UP AT 6!! Well, I'm going to bed. Posting the next possibly around... I don't know, when I post it, I guess... Definitely before Monday! I still have to schedule my behind-the-wheel.. not ready for it, but I'll give it my all! AH! NOW IT'S 2:42!!!! GOODNIGHT? MORNING? I DON'T KNOW!!

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