Bakugou... Why?

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The sun was shining. The birds were singing their songs. Deku was waiting to be let out of Bakugou's mouth. It was normal- 

Wait, 'Deku was waiting to be let out of Bakugou's mouth.'

Did I miss something? I don't think I did.. Give me a sec...

Yep, Deku is indeed in Bakugou's mouth. I would say there's vore, but it would be dangerous. Bakugou is a human, with both a normal stomach and a predator's stomach. He doesn't have control over where things end up. That was before, now he has control.

So, you're informed about what happened.

OH! I will be making my entrance, here again, I just won't tell you when. I may change things up, I may be staying, but you won't know.

Now, on with the fanfic!


"Mido-bro? Come on, we gotta go!" Kirishima said as he opened the entrance to the tent.

"Are you sti-" Kirishima cut himself off. Instead of Deku sitting there, it was Bakugou, so where was Deku?

"Mm?" Bakugou tried to ask, keeping his mouth closed. Kirishima caught on quickly.

"Oh.. well, would you help us out, Bakubro? With picking up Mido-bro's tent and all?" Kiri asked, gesturing to the tent.

Bakugou looked at him like he was crazy, then rolled his eyes. Kirishima looked taken aback, then spoke once again.

"I'll get Mina-babe if you don't, you know how she'll be," Kiri said, a smirk growing on his lips.

Bakugou held up his pointer finger, so he could see what Deku wanted to do. All that movement wouldn't be pleasant to sit through, and he did owe the now smaller male.

Bakugou pressed the boy to the roof of his mouth. Feeling the panic rise quickly made his stop. Instead, he shoved Deku against his cheek, so he could speak.

"1, no." He could feel Deku shift. "2. That much movement wouldn't be pleasant for a certain someone." Bakugou said, he hated to admit it, but he did care for Deku.

"Can't you ju-" Kiri started, but was cut off.

"I'm not a pred. I don't have a storage stomach like that Damned Nerd" Bakugou lied, he didn't want to scare Deku too much.

"Oh... you wanna go sit in the car? While I get this down and packed." Kiri asked, as Bakugou stood up and walked off.

Bakugou walked to the car, opened the back door, sat down, closed the door, and locked it. Then, he let Deku out, after giving him false hope.

Deku stepped out onto Bakugou hand. When he made it to his palm, he sat down.

"What?" Bakugou asked, his glare soft.

"..." Deku didn't know what to say, he didn't want to be this small any more than he had to be.

"How did this even happen?" Bakugou asked, gently rubbing his thumb against Deku's back. Mainly to calm his own nerves, then Deku's.

"I- I don't kn- know" Deku said, looking down. Bakugou lowered his hand more, so it was resting on his leg. Being that small, everything is a lot taller, and the drops are more deadly.

"What." Bakugou asked, looking at the smaller boy. Deku knew he meant, being friends as long as they have.

"Eat.." Deku said, answering the other's question.

"And what, do you want to eat?" Bakugou asked, gazing out the window. How he missed doing this.

"I... I don't know.." Deku said, sensing he made Bakugou mad. Which he very much didn't.

"Mamma's Donuts? Pop eye? California Flayed Fish? Anything?" Bakugou asked, listing fast food places. Deku thought for a second, but he didn't want any of that. He wanted Bakugou to make something, Bakugou's food is the best thing since.. since forever!

"Mmmmm, no... I want you to make something, if that's alright with you!" Deku said, the rubbing motion on his back calmed most of his nerves.

"Tch... then, buckle up.. it's a long ride back." Bakugou said as he unlocked the car. He placed Deku in his hair, as the others stepped in.

"Bakubro!! When did you get back?" Kami asked as he sat in the middle of Bakugou and Jiro. Bakugou rolled his eyes and ignored the question sent his way.

When Mina heard Bakugou's name, she opened his door and gave him the biggest hug she could give him. Meaning, she hugged him so tightly that he couldn't breathe. Though, he understood why she was hugging him this tightly. She hadn't seen him in who knows how long.

Bakugou patted her back, signaling the hug was done. She let go, hugged him again, then went to sit in the passenger's seat.

Goodbye for now, My little wires!

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now