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I know, I know.. but a heads up!

The next chapter WILL be about Bakugou, as stated prior, and it WILL take place in the past! Past! So you can fully understand it and so it won't be harder on me (that's what she said).

Y'know, typing in flashback someone's trauma from who knows whos pov. It's tough, it will probably be long or short.. depends on what I come up with.. and my friend sent me a snap... it is literally my friend filming herself walking in her new slippers. It just looks like dog slippers.. like slippers that look like a cartoon dog, type thing.

But, school is in the morning..

totally can't wait for 5th hour!! getting bullied for 'tattleing' and 'flipping' people off!!

SO! Basically what happened was:

A kid was expelled for drugs and jumping another student, and now he's back for 2 weeks.. something about getting suspended from online school.. but, he disrespects my Algabra teacher. She threatens him with:
"If you don't quit it now, I'm sending you to 402!" (402 is the  Disciplinary office)

so what happened was, Friday. He started playing music on his phone, outloud, and the teacher told him to turn it off, which he increased the volume. So the teacher asked if anyone else heard it, so I answered with..


Because, I was working on stuff for another class(since I'm very behind), and starts going of on how I'm such a snitch. And as the teacher is fussing him, and Vanessa, (we're going to call the boy Billie and the girl with him, Vanessa) starts telling the teacher how I just flipped them off. The teacher looks back at me, sees my confused face, turns back around, and fusses her for lying. I start going back to my work and ignoring it, mainly because I was on the verge of tears, that day, I was not stable. My head was pounding, I felt very sick, but I had to go to school, I wasn't running a fever, so my mom sent me off in the bus.

The teacher gets done with telling them off, and sits back at her desk, to finish grading papers. And Billie, Vanessa, and 8 other people(their goons) start talking shit about me. To the point where the teacher stands back up, looks at me, sees I'm about to cry, and threatens to send them all to 402. So they continue, and the bell rings. So, I get my stuff together and leave as fast as I could, with them saying,

"Yoy better run! My sister could beat you up! Be careful! She finna jump you!" (Billie)

I ignore him, catch up with my friend, greet him, and walk next to him. He doesn't ask me anything, since he assumed I was okay, which I played the role of.

So, I walk to a bench, put my stuff down. And my other friend(we'll call Sheth[not his real name]) walks up, and sits down. He knows right off the bat I'm not ok, since I was quiet, and asks,

"You ok?" Kinda concerned, and the sence of comfort, has me let it out.. I start crying. My other friends come up and start comforting me, saying how the day will get better, and how they'll see me in 7th hour. So I go through 6th hour with my Mama friend, and J. He tries to be funny, even though he didn't have a good day, and I start to feel better, realizing I have such great friends that really care about me! So I go to 7th hour, Sheth sits next to me and asks if I feel any better which I replied with yea, but my voice said otherwise 😅. So he tried to be funny, when the teacher stopped talking, and he did make me feel better, like, a lot better..

And when I get home, I'm informed that I HAVE TO go to a party Saturday(which was very boring), so I sat in the bathroom the whole time. But my Nanny was there, so I was trying to hide.. other wise I WOULD cry.

[Backstory: I see my Nanny as a mom, more then I see my Mom as a mom]

So I go with them, and by that time my head was pounding. So because I seemed so down, we got MickyD's (McDonald's), and they got me a basket of fries (I can eat an entire thing in one sitting.), I started to eat, and felt better.

So when we got to my Maw-maw's house, I went to lay down, since I took 4 aleve, and a desolvable pill that helped my headache. As I'm laying down, eyes crossing, I remembered about posting a chapter!, so I asked my Mama friend for ideas, and was giving a good one, which was stated before, and started writing.

Billie shouldn't be at school tomorrow, since last week was his 2nd week back.. so hopefully things go good.. and if not.

"Can I go to 402 and do my work there?"

I don't feel safe in that class anymore. I wanna get my schedule changed but.. that means new teacher.. and I really like all my teachers, but I don't wanna deal with the 'bad kids' that do drugs, and the girls that finger other girls, and get naughty with the boys, or the boys that do drugs, and get super naughty with the girls. I really don't feel safe anymore..

So, that's it for me, goodnight wherever you are and have better days than me..

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now