Deku's Dorm

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Todoroki was sitting on Deku's bed, Bakugou and Y/N were standing/sitting on Deku's nightstand. Deku was pacing and mumbling.

Todoroki's phone starting ringing, causing Deku to stop and the two tiny's to look in his direction. Todoroki looked at his phone, and hung up.

"Who was that?" Deku asked.

"Endeavor." Todoroki stated, as his phone started ringing again.

"ANSWER IT!" Bakugou yelled.

Todoroki sighed, ignoring the smaller male, reluctantly answering.

"What" Todoroki asked, sounding more like a statement.

"... No." Todoroki said, the others wondered what Todoroki's father wanted.

"It's not my problem. It's your card not mine" Todoroki said, looks of realization crossed the others faces.

"Bye" Todoroki said, stopping his father midsentence. He took his phone and hung up.

"Well, what's the plan?" Todoroki asked.

"Oh! Well... I don't know, I guess I could continue watching Bakugou, and you can watch over Y/N.." Deku said, starting his mumbling once again.

Y/N happened to not be paying much attention, her mind filled with one person, she would glance up at him every now and then, and would go back into her mind.

Why is he so cute.. and hot..

Her face turned red instantly as a picture of Todoroki shirtless popped into her head randomly.

Bakugou was starting to bored, (Like always) so he looked towards Y/N. Seeing her face turn red, got him curious. An idea popped into his mind, why not tease her about it.

Y/N was snapped out of her head, literally. Bakugou had walked up behind her and slapped the back of her head.

"Ow" She said, rubbing the back of her head where she was hit.

"What was that for?" She asked the male next to her.

"Tch. Half n' Half?" He asked, his normal attitude disappeared.

"Hmm.. yea, why?" She asked him.

"You make it obvious" He said, making sure the two taller males weren't listening.

"What makes you so curious about it now? I mean, you and Deku.." She said, gaining a hard stare.

I'm gonna end this chaper here, I've gotta go finish painting our guest room. Yesterday we were focusing on taking everything out, and today is the painting process.. so yyyyeeeeaaaaaa.... I'll finish this tonight... maybe

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now