Pika~ chu!

39 2 0

This is with Denki and Shinso.. 😮‍💨

I'm tired... so, so, so, SO tired...

This has to get done though, on with it. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can sleep...


Shinso woke up and sat up on his bed. He glanced down when he heard a small 'oof', then his expression changed from tired, to realization, to slightly flustered.

After a while, Shinso moved his small companion and continued to make toast. During this time, Denki woke up.

Denki looked around, as the events from last night played in his mind. He was now small, and being taken care of by Shinso.

Shinso, even thinking about Shinso his face grew red.

He heard the doorknob twist, and the door open. He acted as though he were asleep, having a prank in mind already.

Shinso opened the door, a plate of toast in his hand. He glanced over at Denki, seeing him asleep. Shinso chuckled, as he placed to food down, pet Denki for a minute, grabbed his uniform, and left.

Denki sat up again, his face lightly tinted red. Shinso chuckled... at him... at first, he thought his ears were lying to him.

Shinso opened the door, as Denki quickly laid back down. Shinso carefully picked up Denki, and brought him to his chest.

"How much do you sleep? I'm getting jealous." Shinso chuckled, he wasn't lying. He wished he could sleep in and make it to class on time, but he couldn't.

Shinso reached for the toast, picked it up, and ate it. He was hungry, but he could wait until lunch.


Shinso started to walk to his bus stop, when he got there, he placed Denki in his breast pocket. Just then Kendo walked up.

"Shinso, right?"


"I think the bus is late..."


"Didn't get much sleep, I take?"


"... fffffffff"

"Stop that."


"I said so."

"Well, I'm bored."

"Go cry about it."


"Exa- Not to me!"

"You said to cry about it!"

"Yea, not to me."

"Uh-huh. I bet if HE did that, you wouldn't mind at all!"

"I would. Not as much as you."

"What'd I do you to...?"



"Oh, Hey Shinso, Kendo!"

"Hey, Mangle!"


"I saw the bus coming over here, and I missed mine."

"You did? Where is it?"

"It's taking a turn right now, give it a sec. I outran it anyway!"

"Ah, that explains it."

"Yep, there it is!"


"Shinso, brighten up!"

The three talked, mainly Kendo and Mangle. Shinso just stayed there, having nothing better to do. While they were on the bus, Shinso felt Denki move. Then heard a quiet yawn, then more moving.

When the bus stopped, the three got off and walked onto the school grounds. The girls ran ahead, to catch up with their friends. Shinso walked to his class, everyone was mainly out sick, so it was him and a few others.

Shinso walked to room 1-A and opened the door.

"Shinso? What are you doing here?"

"Staying. Better than going to my class anyways"

"So, you're skipping?"

"I didn't say that"

"Did Midnight pay you a last night?"

"Yea, why?"

"I'm gonna hurt her so bad."

"She may be into that... she says that a lot."

"... I know, she's a handful"

"Everyone knows that, da- Aizawa."

"Yea... find a seat somewhere."

"Got it."

Shinso then walked to Denki's assigned seat and sat down. He reached into his pocket and took Denki out.

Denki sat on his butt, dazed. He was pretending to sleep, he didn't want to actually sleep.

"Idiot," Shinso mumbled as he held the other to his chest. Iida walked in shortly after.

Denki grabbed Shinso's shirt in two fists and slept once again. He didn't realize how badly he needed it.


End of the chapter.. now I'm going to bed..

Nighty, night...

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now