Camping Trip

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"So.. We're doing what now?" Mina asked Kirishima, as they walked down the hall.

"Yea! Camping! I'll ask the boys, and you can ask the girls!" Kirishima exclaimed, the smile on his face seemed to grow bigger.

"All right, all right.. I'll do it... IF I can ask Midobabe to go!" Mina said, a victorious smile showing on her face. She had something on her mind she wanted to clear up, and this would the perfect time to do so.

They approached the dorms, and separated ways, one going to the boy's side, the other the girl's.

"Hey G's!" Mina said as she walked into the living room, with all the girls hanging out.

"Hey Mina!" Uraraka said, giving her signature smile. The other's greetings followed.

"Kiribabe and I were wondering if any of you would like to go camping with us! Since we have that upcoming break, and all.." Mina said, sounding excited but showing worry.

"I would love to go.. but, my dad had a trip planned out" Uraraka said, feeling guilty.

"I guess I could go, will Kaminari be going?" Jiro asked, looking at the alien girl.

"He might be, I'll go see later" Mina answered, looking at the other girls for their responses.

"Ribbit- My mom wanted to go visit my grandparents with me" Tsu said, looking at the others.

"Same here" Hagakure said, looking in the direction of a window.

"I can't. I have a trip to France, and Aoyama invited himself.. if you can guess why" Momo said, she turned around and started walking. The other's following, like ducklings and their mother.

"Oh..." Was all Mina could say, she was taken aback. They're normally really excited to go hang out and do things of that nature. Mina turned around and left, making her way to Midoriya's room.

---With the boys---

"DUDES!" Kiri yelled as he walked in.

"We should be using inside voices as we are indoors. Kirishima." Iida said, waving his hand as if to start a race.

"Yea, Yea, what's up man?" Kami asked, looking at his bro.

"Everything's good, I just need a yes or no answer. Or a raise of hands. Who wants to, or can go camping with me and Mina a some of the girls? Mineta you're not going either way." Kiri said, none of the boys raised their hands. Kaminari did, he hoped Jiro would one of the girls girls going, and it would be fun.

Kirishima took notice of the lack of hands and responses he received. At least he was thoughtful enough to go and ask. He nodded his head and left.

*Knock knock knock*

"Midobabe?" Mina called through the door, she got no response.

She put her ear to the door and heard soft breathes, he's still asleep? Or did he not wake up. She continued to listen.

Tiny explosions went off as well as screaming.. or was it yelling..


Deku reached over to grab the angry tiny, and in turn got explosions and shouts. Then they heard a knock, which caused the noise to stop.

Deku placed the ash blonde in his green hair, as he stood up and walked to the door. He opened it, and Mina walked in.

"I wanted to ask you something, but that question has been answered. So, 2 things.
1. Where is he? And 2. Do you wanna go camping with me, Kiribabe, Kamibabe, Jirobabe?" Mina asked, her voice slightly shaking. Deku caught on, they were talking about her yesterday, something she did? He didn't know.

"Yea, but I'd have to visit my mom first.. You guys could come along if you want, and we could head to the camp grounds then! Just in time for s'mores and scary stories!" Deku added, trying to calm Mina's nerves. Her shoulders hung low, he always knew how calm someone down.

"I would love to, now. Where's my Babe?" Mina asked, a pout starting to show. Deku winced in pain, Bakugou started to pull on the others hair to show his discomfort with being handled by her.

"And, that's Kacchan saying he doesn't feel comfortable with being handled by anyone but me.." Deku sighed, as Mina started to laugh.

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now