The Past

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---??? Pov---

"Mamma! Mamma! Look!" A two year old child called, running up to his mother.

"Not right now, Izu.. Are you sure he's okay?" Inko asked Mitsuki.

"...I'm sure everything will be fine, just breathe and-" Inko stopped talking, as if she was interrupted by something.

"Mamma?" Izuku called, confused.

"Izu... I-.. Mitsuki, what do I..." Inko quietly asked, hoping to not worry her child.

"O-..Ok.. If, he's okay with it.." Inko said and hung up.

"Mamma? Was that Kacchan's Mamma?" Izuku asked, innocently.

"Yes, now. Come on, let's go on a little car ride!" Inko said, trying to cheer herself up.

"CAR RIDE!! YAY!!!" Izuku yelled, hoping today, would be the day he would see All Might.

----time skip----

"The Hospital..?" Izuku mumbled.

"Yes, we're going to see Katsuki!" Inko said, trying to butter his biscuit.

"Owa! Why is Kacchan here? Is he hurt badly? I won't let him leave!!" Izuku said, tears fighting their way down his face.

Inko shushed him, and wiped his tears away.

"No, no, no. He's fine, he just wants to see you is all." Inko said, with a small smile to reassure her son.

"okay.." Izuku said, worried his friend is in a life or death situation.

Inko held onto Izuku's hand, and walked up to the 3rd floor. Then, they walked up to Mitsuki, and she let the two in.

Katsuki laid in the bed, the curtain hiding him from the two. Izuku walked through the curtain, and saw his friend. He stared in shock.

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked, quietly.

Katsuki looked down, ashamed, fear slowly building up.

"Y-yea.. s-stupid" He said, looking up at his friend.

"You're like Antman.. you're so small" Izkuku said, admiring the other.

Bakugou blushed, and looked back down again. The quick movement caused him pain, and sent shivers down his spine.

"...What happened?" Izuku asked, noticing how his friend is bandaged.

"S-... well..-"

--Bakugou's explanation start--

"GET AWAY!" Bakugou yelled, running from a group of drunk teenagers.

"HAHA!! NICE TRY, kid." One said, activating his quirk on Bakugou. Shrinking him down to 3 inches, the boy threw Bakugou to another kid.

"Catch!" He yelled, to his gang.

They kept it up for an hour or two, Bakugou couldn't tell, he was getting sick. He was hurting and the last thing he remembered was being dangled above one of their mouths, and falling. Then, he woke up here.

--Bakugou's explanation end--

Particularly short, but oh well. I said don't get your hopes up, and I'm not all that tired. But I MIGHT update more, MIGHT! It depends on how I feel. And this is new, FlashBack is old news to me, a chapter taking place in the past, better. I'mma do another one, when I think everyone's ready, but for now:

She laid in her bed, typing for hours, just for people to read in minutes. Mangle wanted more, she wanted to be able to sit down, and write. In a few minutes, she would hope to be done, but not, she struggled. So much school work, so, so much.

"They act like we don't have a life outside of school!" Her friends voice rung through her head.

"I play soccer, and I need good grades, so I can tryout for the school soccer's team." The voice said again.

This voice was normal, the other voices weren't. Mangle didn't know who they belonged to, but they helped? Who..?

Mangle would be trapped in her dreams at times, and these.. strange voices.. they would help her..

Mangle wanted to know why, she prayed to whatever God was out there to answer her question, but.. he didn't exist. What evidence did we have? None. She wanted to be free...

Free.. it was word she heard of, but never felt.. Her parents sure did make sure of that.

She'd glance at her calendar every day, since the start of October. November.. the second of November.. she could have cake, and feel wanted.. then it would be over the next day.

Then, rinse and repeat. It was the same for the past three years.

But, you need to finish, enough about me.. go, I'll be fine..


G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now