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I am slowly learning Russian.. thank you IC3PEAK. Now on with the chapter!
Possible warnings:
4. The pain I put myself through
5. ME (Mama, I still have those 2 rolls of tape on me. 😁)


"Ok, class. Today will be a free day since SOMEONE broke the coffee machine.. again." Aizawa said, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

The class cheered and left one at a time, slowly, so Aizawa wouldn't catch on too quickly.


The class eventually voted out who would wake Mangle up to get Shinso. It just so happened to be Momo, as the two hadn't socialized, and Mangle couldn't seem to get mad at the other.

Momo walked down the hall, stopping when she reached the door and knocked. When she received no answer, she took it upon herself to open the door. She walked in and turned the lights on, stopping immediately.

Mangle's waist down was on the couch under the Present Mic blanket, and her upper half was falling off. Her face held a peaceful look as she groaned in annoyance.

"Mangle? It's time for you to go get Shinso." Momo said, not before taking a picture.

"5 more mi- mi-.." Mangle started, but couldn't finish. Her tired state taking its turn.

"Mangle." Momo sternly said.

Mangle tried to get up, but fell completely off the couch.

"I'm up.. I'm up.." Mangle sighed, as she got her feet.

"I'll be outsi- are you alright?" Momo asked, noticing the other struggling to keep her balance.

"I'm fine, a bit light-headed is all.. I got up too quickly" Mangle said, brushing the feeling off. "You can wait in here if you want, it doesn't matter to me. I'm aware things and customs are different than what I'm used to, but I'd rather you stay here. That way, if something happens you'll be closer. It's still your decision."

"Alright then, I'll stay," Momo said.


"You're parents sound amazing, Momo!" Mangle exclaimed as they walked through the halls.

"It's nothing special, what about your parents? I'm sure their wonderful, just as you are!" Momo said, a bright smile plastered on her face. Mangle's smile faded, into an unreadable expression.

"I'm not close to them." Mangle said as Momo stopped walking.

"Oh.. I'm sorry for asking.." Momo said, looking down slightly.

"Don't be, I'm getting Shinso right?" Mangle asked, Momo nodded.


"Do you understand, now?" Y/n asked, looking at Shinso.

"Yea." He said, walking into the station. He walked out after a few minutes.

"Not happening. He got out," Shinso said, looking at the group. They looked as white as a ghost. Looks like they had to wait longer.

----That Night----

Denki, Mirio, Tamaki, and Present Mic were practicing night scouting. Aizawa would've done it but, he couldn't run on no coffee and all vodka and wine.

Mirio and Tamaki were 3rd year students, but Present Mic wanted them out there. Stronger villains were out of hiding now, and his voice wouldn't be enough. Denki wanted to tag along, mainly for the experience.

"I heard Aizawa is being extra hard on you guys." Present Mic said, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Hmm, not really, since Midoriya and Todoroki are out. He's mainly letting us just do what we want, as long as it means we train." Denki said, realizing that Aizawa would just kick their asses when the two were back.. and when his coffee machine gets fixed.

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now