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This will follow Aizawa and Mic!!

Sooooo~~~ I apologize for this being late and all~

But my oldest sister and I were watching the MHA anime, and she kept asking me 'When is my hottie coming?' And so on..

She likes Dabi a LOT like me with Bakugou..

Anyways, on with the chapter...


"Aizawa? Come on! You're going to be late if you sleep in longer than you are!" A voice called out, causing the male to wake up.

Aizawa was getting annoyed, he groaned tiredly. He lifted his hand and smacked it down on the voice.

"AIZAWA!" It called out, being muffled by his hand and bed sheets. "NOT COOL, DUDE!"

Aizawa snapped his eyes open and looked over. Now he recognized the voice, Mic. His physical features relaxed, and he could ignore his friend and miss classes. Was it worth it, Mic would find a way to get him up anyways, so why fight it?

"I'm up." He spoke, his voice deep and ruff. Mic felt his face heat up.

Mic felt more pressure being put on him, as the other started getting up.

"Come on, Yo-Yo! I'm still here!" He shouted as the hand was lifted off him.

"Yea, I know. You did wake me up too." Aizawa said, his hair floating up as his quirk activated.

"YEAHHH" Mic shouted after the others' hair fell. They both froze, Aizawa staring at the smaller one, as the smaller one started sweating.

"Did you just-" Aizawa started, not wanting to finish.

"Try to use my quirk... yea.." Mic said, the sweat dripping off his face. "It.. It didn't activate."

"Then.." Aizawa started with a smile on his face. "Can't call for help!"

He started laughing, Mic's feelings and pride were hurt by just one sentence.

"Then also means, if something happens to me. I can't call you to come and save me." He said, crossing his arms.

Aizawa stood up, dressed in his costume, and left the room. He came back after an hour.

"What was that about?" Mic asked, trying to see why the other had left.

"What? I was making breakfast. Unless you want to wait until lunch to eat." Aizawa said, his face as serious as ever.

"Yo-Yo, Dude. You gotta take a chill pill! Catch what I'm sayin' Bro-Bro" Mic said, sweat dripping from his face again.

"Lunch it is, then," Aizawa said, picking the smaller up.

"AIZAWA!! COME ON I NEED FOOD TOO!!" Mic shouted, wishing his quirk worked.

Aizawa placed Mic in his pocket, then made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed his breakfast and made his way to class. He was still on time, and not late.


Aizawa stayed in the class, grading tests he hadn't gotten to. When Bakugou walked in, complaining again.

"WHY DO I HAVE TO WATCH OVER THE DAMNED NERD?!?!" He yelled, Deku on his shoulder shaking a bit.

"He watched you didn't he? This will bring your grades up in the end, and give you both time to bond and makeup. Now, stop yelling. You're hurting his ears and my head, man I need a nap." Aizaw said, explaining his reasoning. "Midoriya, are you able to use your quirk? Bakugou were you able to use your quirk in that state?"

"No, I'm guessing it has something to do with the effects of the shrinking," Midoriya muttered, going into thought.

"No. Why are you asking that now?" Bakugou asked, getting curious.

"The police were asking, and Nezu isn't trusting outsiders on school property right now," Aizawa said, he was a good liar, sometimes too good.

"Mmm," Bakugou groaned, his hurt just thinking about quirkless people trying to help.

He turned sharply, causing Deku to nearly fall, and left, slamming the door along the way.

Aizawa sighed, he was too tired to deal with anything.

Mic sighed, he was hungry, and Aizawa was ignoring him. An idea popped into his head, Mic started to squirm around within the pocket was placed in.

Aizawa's face grew hot. He placed his hand over Mic to prevent anything more from occurring, cursing under his breath. He needs more pockets, not that close to his unspoken parts.

"Mic. Do. Not. Do. That." Aizawa said, his face red.

"Well, you're ignoring me! I'm hungry!" Mic shouted, explaining himself.

"Well. Now you have to suck it up. And. Don't do that again, ever again!" Aizawa said, raising his voice.

"Ok, ok, I won't. Jeez, take a chill pill." Mic sighed, his stomach was hurting because of how hungry he was.


And done... phew... The actual story is 707 words, not that much, but ha.. I'm lazy and got a lot of reading to do, mainly for school..😮‍💨 it's the weekend and all, but I shouldn't hold off...

I swear though.. I VOTE NO CHROMEBOOKS!!! I hate them.. honestly.. they break so easily.. and please stop fighting at school... it's getting out of hand.. really.. at least wait until after school, when no one can stop you, or something..

G/T Deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now