Chapter 3 - A Weird Night

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Cancer POV

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Cancer POV

I woke up gasping, in an unfamiliar bed. My heart was beating so damn fast, I was surprised that it was still in my chest.

"Shit . . What just happened?"

I'd just dreamt of acing a soccer game . . And then I woke up on a cloud? With all my other friends? And it turned out to be a dream? But then also real?

I tried to clear my head and noticed a porthole window beside my bed. Two wooden strips crisscrossed it in a plus, and it looked like the type on a ship . . . Or an airship.

A cold feeling growing in my stomach, I got up and looked out the window. What I saw made me gasp. Outside the thick glass was a sea of clouds! I looked up and saw stars, closer then I had ever seen them. The crescent moon glowed in the dark blue sky, and I was so surprised that I almost didn't notice when Taurus banged open my door.

"Help, I'm afraid of heights," he whimpered, leaning against the doorframe.

I turned. "Oh hey, you ok?"

"NO! I'm AFRAID!" he cried. "WE'RE ON AN UNKNOWN SHIP IN THE SKY GOING WHO KNOWS WHERE AND THERE ARE NO SNACKS IN THE KTCHEN!" He started to breathe hard. "Sorry, I'm just scared."

I went over to him and put my arm around the poor guy. He cuddled into my side. "There, there. You said there was a kitchen?"

Taurus nodded and pointed down the hallway. "When I woke up I decided to explore . . But . ."

 He made a strangled, choking sound, and I hugged him tighter. "Don't worry, it's okay," I soothed him. "Show me."

He took my hand and pulled me down the hallway, to a large room. It was a kitchen on one side, and a lounge on the other. Porthole windows like the one in the room I woke up in were embedded in the walls, and some of the other zodiacs were there.

Aries was pacing on the carpet, Virgo was standing and inspecting the walls, Capricorn was looking out of one of the windows with a grim expression, and Scorpio and Leo were sitting on the couches, brooding. Libra and Gemini were also there, snapping pictures of the room and comparing them worriedly.

"Oh, hey guys," I said. They all looked at us, and Libra smirked at Taurus, who started blushing and let go of my hand. I sent him a bemused look but asked the others, "Did you have the dream too?"

"We're on the same airship that Gemini saw, going through the sky to who knows where, without knowing our location, and you're worrying about the dream?" Aries snarled with barely controlled anger. Capricorn instantly left the window and took her arm. 

"Ari, calm down, we've all had a stressful day," he said soothingly. She turned away from him and sat on the couch with her head in her hands. Capricorn looked to us with a worried expression. "But our situation is kinda bad. As in, really, really, bad." I had a feeling that he meant The fact that we're on an airship that we thought didn't exist going through the sky to an unknown location is terrible, but the fact that Aries is angry makes it ten times worse. I agreed with him. Aries didn't really get angry often. Sure, she was intense, but not mad, and when she did get mad . . It wasn't a good experience.

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