Chapter 46 - After the Incident

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Gemini POV

"You're overexerting yourself," I told Aries, giving her a glass of water.

She took a sip, panting slightly. "No, I'm not. I can handle it."

I rolled my eyes. The past few weeks had been hectic, mostly for her. I knew that Aries trained to get her mind off of things -- but this was going too far. She didn't get enough sleep at night and she was constantly tiring herself during the day.

"It's too late for this anyways," I muttered, slumping down onto her bed. "When were you going to sleep?"

"I was about to change into my pajamas when you walked in," Aries pointed out.

I sighed. "You spent three hours in the training room today. Three hours. This is going too far -- I had to check on you."

Aries took another sip. "What's going too far?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You've been getting nightmares. Screaming in your sleep. I can hear them too, you know."

Aries tensed up and looked down. 

Since there was a soundproof wall blocking the space between every three rooms, all the sound made in any one of the rooms was confined to those three rooms. Taurus had practically moved into Cancer's room -- he got nightmares, too, and Taurus apparently watched anime with him or something, so I was the only one who could hear Aries's screams whenever she got the dreams.

"We have to do something about it," I said seriously. "We're both losing sleep in this situation -- you scream like Bella Swan, Aries."

She hunched her shoulders, still looking down. I couldn't read her expression. After a few moments of silence, she spoke.

"You think I want to get those nightmares?" she asked quietly, anguish clear in her voice. "Do you think I want to see what happened, replayed over and over again, with all of you this time?" She squeezed her eyes shut. "Cancer described that doll. They had to make his room soundproof to block the screams from waking everyone up." She rubbed her face. "I-I just want him to be okay." 

Her voice cracked on the last word.

I took a deep breath, knowing who she meant. "He's gonna be fine. I mean, he might hate dolls from now on, but fine, Aries. I promise you."

We were quiet for a few moments.

Aries didn't respond and set the glass of water down, her fingers curling around it tightly. "I'm going to go to sleep. If you have trouble with my nightmares, make your room soundproof like Cancer."

I got up, understanding this as an invitation to leave. "Aries . . ."

She clutched the glass more tightly, looking away, and I sighed, going to the door. I opened it and sent a glance back at her -- Aries was one of the most stubborn people I'd ever met. She rarely let anyone help her, and now with her like this . . . it was like nobody could get to her. She didn't listen to anyone, did things on her own schedule, and brushed everyone off harshly when they tried to help.

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