Chapter 43 - Jabberwock

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*time skip*

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Pisces POV

Things had been extremely tense lately. Aries and Capricorn weren't talking, Cancer and Scorpio were always talking, and Leo and Libra seemed to be switching between being friends and arguing constantly.

I sighed and threw a dart at Eli's face.

To my surprise, the dartboard had actually been a pretty good stress reliever, and whenever there were too many holes, I just asked Aquarius for a new one. She didn't mind, as long as I didn't tell anyone that her favorite song was I Swear from one of the Despicable Me movies after I walked in on her blasting it all full volume while singing along with a hairbrush. (a/n the song's up above -- listen to it!)

I moved my gaze over to my bedroom window. It was dark outside -- really dark. My lamp light reflected off the window, glowing outside to where I could see the trees. Something moved.

I blinked and looked again. No -- the only movement was from the rustling of the trees.

Then suddenly, a dark, shadowy figure darted across my balcony.

"Fuck!" I swore, scooting back on my bed. I widened my eyes and clapped a hand over my mouth, then glared at the shadowy figure that was bent down at the corner of my window, outside. "You made me curse."

It turned away and dived into the shadows that my balcony railing cast down. I got up, curious, and opened the sliding door. It hissed and hid itself further.

"What are you?" I asked quietly, watching as its lavender eyes showed through the darkness like tiny beams of light. I bent down as it hissed louder, accompanied with the sound of gutteral clicking. 

I tilted my head. "Come on out, you."

I held out my hand, palm up, and a strange creature stepped out of the shadows tentatively. It had a pair of intelligent lavender eyes and black fur covering its legs and body. A dragon's tail swirled out behind it and it had the head of a black panther.

Overall, it was very weird.

"Jabberwock," it squeaked.

I looked at it more closely and gasped. "You're a Jabberwock? I thought those didn't exist . . . and I thought they looked like living nightmares."

One time Aquarius had scared me by telling me campfire stories about the Jabberwock, a strange hybrid of all the worst animals that would devour you in your sleep. Apparently it was derived from a poem in Through the Looking Glass.

This . . . definitely wasn't a strange hybrid of all the worst animals that would devour you in your sleep.

For one thing, it looked like a black panther with a lizard tail.

"Jabberwock," it squeaked again.

I beckoned it to me with a hand and it nudged forward, its nose sniffing my palm. I smiled at it and it was just about to crawl into my arms when the balcony door to downstairs blew open and Aries stormed out. The Jabberwock got scared out of my arms and went back to hide in the shadows. I beckoned at it again and glared at Aries as she smirked and called back inside, "Don't underestimate me!"

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