Chapter 54 - The Grove

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Aries POV

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Aries POV

I gaped at the haven in front of me.

In a large clearing was a grove -- but not just any grove. It had little balls of light floating through the tall trees protecting it; they hung like lanterns, illuminating the entire grove.

Soft flowers poked out of the clean grass, and a bushes covered with colorful berries lined the trees. Flower buds hung onto the branches as they dipped low, some even skimming the ground. The moon glowed in the night sky through the open treetops .

"It looks like something out of a fantasy book," I breathed, and turned to Em. "Like the magical groves or something."

Em leaned against a tree, her gaze cast out over the grove with a slight smile. "I guess. These aren't magical, though."

She walked in and I followed her, letting the curtain of leaves drift back into place behind me. When she was in the center of the grove, she turned around and faced me.

"The tiny balls of light that are lighting up the place? Will o' the wisps. The berries? Multicolored cherries. The trees? Cherry blossoms."

I nodded, just taking it all in, then sat down and looked at the moon. The forest that had seemed so dark a moment ago now seemed bright, full of light.

"Why'd you show me this?" I asked after a moment of silence between us.

Em tilted her head, following my gaze. "Each Realm represents the zodiac signs that it was created for. This is yours."

I shifted my gaze to her. "How do you know that?"

Em breathed out slowly. "I first found this place a long, long time ago -- no one else knew about it. And then . . ." She went over to one of the trees, one who's bark was covered with draping leaves. She brushed it aside and demonstrated the sight to me.

I gasped at the Aries sign carved into the wood. "That's how you knew?"

She nodded. "I noticed this more and more around the Realm, whenever I found an undisturbed wild patch. Your mark is on this Realm, whether you like it or not."

Em returned to her spot and sat down, too, gazing at the night sky. I found it strange that someone as stern and mature as her could sit casually on the ground with her legs crossed, criss-cross-applesauce.

"So, did you bring me here to show me the Aries sign?" I asked, still curious.

Em put her chin on her hand, her violet eyes thoughtful. "Not exactly. I wanted to show you that this . . ." She gestured to everything. "Is all a part of you."

I caught my breath. "What do you mean?"

Em looked at me, her eyes clear. "I've explored Aronix all my life. Like I said, it represents you. I know we aren't close, but I'll take a chance and say that I probably know a lot about you, just because I know the Realm."

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